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Around 25-35fps with my set up depending on what's going on. Setting on HIGH when playing online. Despite it being a bit low it actually runs smooth.

I over clock my card (its a HD5850 TOP CU), got about 10% out of it and it's nice & stable, doesn't get too hot etc.

Could squeeze more if I wanted but gains were diminishing the more I pushed so pegged it back :)

I'll log it tonight for an hour for you if you want? (just a CSV dump).

I also "stagger" heaps in co-op on "HIGH", so I think the CPU is bottlenecking a it as online it's fine even with 64 players

ULTRA simply won't run online :D

haha cheers for the reply but its okay, i just wanted to compare the FPS you are getting to my setup which is quite similar;

i7 2600k, 8gb ram, HD5770 (shitter card but i guess the better cpu & more ram make up for it lol).

still trying to sort out the CF issue and have just found out AMD released the new card driver v11.10 with new CF profiles for BF3, hopefully this fixes the stuttering/crashing issue on win 7 64 bit (incase anyone here wants to upgrade to the new driver)

find it a bit odd how in CF mode, bench tests were lower then running single card lol

Oh you have 2x 5770?

Ye I noticed after upgrading to 11.10 the "stuttering" I had was gone, which was mentioned in the release notes too :)

I clocked the card @ the same time so I wasn't 100% sure that was it, either way it runs good enough!

BF3 barely has any CPU usage at all, so even people with AMD cpus, vs Higher range Intel CPU's wont notice any difference.

anything above 1680x1050 the cpu differences are close to none, tests with 2 core vs 8 core cpus showed 7fps difference, when going to 1080 its something like 3fps. tested with 16gb machines and high end GFX cards.

so just make sure you have one hell of a GFX card :D

as your cpu will doodling its thumbs in the background

Ye but mine is 4, nearly 5 years old. I watch it on a display during the game - two cores sit on 100% almost constantly getting smashed.

BF3 definitely uses only 2 cores, however a post here sums it up perfectly:


as someone who had an E8500 at 3.8, I can tell you that looking at average framerate is not always going to tell the truth about actual game results. GTA 4 would just tank in spots for seemingly no reason even though I could average just fine in the benchmark. putting the res at 800x600 made no difference in those spots at the settings I was using so it was all cpu causing the slowdown there. a fast dual core can still get the job done in most games but it is not the same playable experience in many newer games.

And it's exactly what happens in co-op with my ole E8400 in BF3

For online BF3 it's 95% fine, doesn't occur very often at all so I can live with it for now until I work out what I'm doing to do.

Thanks for clarifying the core thing, I was about to buy a new CPU.

Just bought a GTX570 OC to play this game but it was still stuttering and crashing to desktop after 30mins etc.

Just bought 12GB RAM pack and SSD drive to reinstall windows 7 tonight and start fresh, see if that works. :/

Great game when it's working.

yeah, my bad, i forgot to mention that, only new gen dual cores like i3 etc were tested

actually talking about i3, it outdid the i7 2600k by 4fps :D still shows the i3 and i5's have better architecture.

BF3 barely has any CPU usage at all, so even people with AMD cpus, vs Higher range Intel CPU's wont notice any difference.

anything above 1680x1050 the cpu differences are close to none, tests with 2 core vs 8 core cpus showed 7fps difference, when going to 1080 its something like 3fps. tested with 16gb machines and high end GFX cards.

so just make sure you have one hell of a GFX card :D

as your cpu will doodling its thumbs in the background

I can't comment on BF3 since I've only ever run it on my i5 2500K, but in Bad Company 2, the difference between the i5 rig and my old Q6600 was VERY noticeable, even if frame rates were similiar. It was just a lot more responsive all round.

Running an i7, 6gb ram with a 6970 on high and seem to get around 60fps for the most of it. In saying that though I keep forgetting to benchmark FRAPS because the game is to intense and I forget to do it haha.

Last 2 days all I have been doing it getting in the attack heli's f**k loads of fun. Got about 4 unlocks left till completed and finally getting used to flying the damn thing :)

Edited by Cozi

hahaha a Q6600 ain't gonna be any faster as it wont clock as hard, need to upgrade proper style to get any benefits.

Also thinking about a full build actually and dropping about $1200 mobo/gpu/cpu/ram/cooler

Will get me something rather tasty I would imagine given I've got everything else :D

Just then gotta debate if i get a SSD or not

might as well wait for Ivy Bridge at this rate - and SSD's are totally worth it!

SO sick of being kicked from servers at random despite manually updating my PB, also found a new random graphical lockup. f**king frustrating that I can't even play a couple of hours of it without something f**king happening, it's really wrecking it for me

yeah apparently they released a client side update to PB which not all the servers have yet, hence the kicking.

In regards to the GFX, I think that maybe having MSI Afterburner running is causing my issue, but fark, I haven't had this many problems with a game since trying to make Call of Duty 1 work with my old ATi

I just bought a SSD 60gb for now, things load way faster

I just made a little video in campaign mode but can't upload it till tomorrow as I'm capped, I'm actually posting from my phone

2600k, 8gb of ram 60gb SSD and 2 normal HDD's

yeah apparently they released a client side update to PB which not all the servers have yet, hence the kicking.

In regards to the GFX, I think that maybe having MSI Afterburner running is causing my issue, but fark, I haven't had this many problems with a game since trying to make Call of Duty 1 work with my old ATi

Im running my Asus SmartDoc for my HD5850 and it's running ok, i mean if i want it clocked i gotta :D

my internet is back and uploading now :D

forgot to mention running a 6950 1gb i put a screenshot of detail settings

getting 60-80fps solid

Texture Quality Medium

Shadow Quality Medium

Effects Quality Medium

Mesh Quality Medium

Terrain Quality High

Terrain Decoration High

Antialiasing Decoration Off

Antialiasing Post Medium

Motion Blur on

AF Filter 1x

Ambient Occlusion HBAO

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