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Police Abusing There Authority


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I ride too....doesnt make me think any different of sport bike riders....not fooly sic? But you lane filter and by the sounds of it be a general pain in the ass to "cage" drivers.

I tend to laugh at riders who do all that then 5 mins up the road they have run into the side of a truck because they are so cocky they think 3" is a large enough gap to squeeze through.

How the f**k am I a pain in the arse to car drivers? Seriously? I spend my time on the road trying to stay as far away from them as possible. I sure as f**k don't get in their way.

I've never run into anything, let alone a truck, and have been riding for a long time, so clearly I'm doing something right.

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and you arent an interwebs hero?

f**k no. I'm not the one telling someone to watch their back. I show my face at meets. I attend events when possible. No heroship going on here.

I say it like it is and don't suffer f**kwits who think they were hard done by cause they got booked for being a tool.

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Every Motorcyclist lane splits, and cowboy you missed my point. You are not the god almighty to bitch slap your intrepation of an event or the law to faciltate your lane splitting, and weaving in and out of stationary cars to get to the lights. I bet you are one of these riders who don't get enough room to push through who breaks the cars mirror and bashes it thinking there in the right.

You have avoided lane splitting 4 times in this thread which shows you are pig headed douch bag who can only see his point of view as far a bees d**k from your nose. Grow up and pull your head in you are concerned for your own riding habits and want the world around to change to meet your riding style.

I dare you to ride through Springvale and see how long you last with drivers who have both hands on the wheel and really can't function a vehicle period.

Oh and by the way you can open a chesse burger with one hand, but you wouldn't know this as stuffing a burger in your mouth through your helmet will block your vision :P

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Fill me in on what's wrong with riding a bike?

Don't mistake me for a fly-by-night fooly sik rider who will sell his bike cause it scares him. I've been riding for more than 15 years, much of that time I've only had a bike for transport.

I've done more ks on a bike than most people will do in a car in a lifetime.

Ofcoarse your not gonna be a fully sick rider because YOUR an OLD MAN NOW!!!

P.S. Your spelling is even worse!

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Every Motorcyclist lane splits, and cowboy you missed my point. You are not the god almighty to bitch slap your intrepation of an event or the law to faciltate your lane splitting, and weaving in and out of stationary cars to get to the lights. I bet you are one of these riders who don't get enough room to push through who breaks the cars mirror and bashes it thinking there in the right.

You have avoided lane splitting 4 times in this thread which shows you are pig headed douch bag who can only see his point of view as far a bees d**k from your nose. Grow up and pull your head in you are concerned for your own riding habits and want the world around to change to meet your riding style.

I dare you to ride through Springvale and see how long you last with drivers who have both hands on the wheel and really can't function a vehicle period.

Oh and by the way you can open a chesse burger with one hand, but you wouldn't know this as stuffing a burger in your mouth through your helmet will block your vision :P

1) Nope, never broken a mirror either intentionally, or unintentionally.

2) What do you mean I've avoided lane splitting? I've been asked the question and responded a number of times: splitting No, filtering Yes. It's got nothing to do with my riding style. Bitch wasn't watching the road, bitch got booked. She deserved it. OP came here hoping for a backslap and validation that he thinks she was hardly done by. She wasn't. How is that pig headed? OP wouldn't have posted if he didn't want an opinion. He just didn't like the one I gave him so resorted to name calling. I won't be pulling me head anywhere just because you tell me too.

3) Ridden through Springvale many, many, many times, but not sure what that's got to do with old love coping a fine for not paying attention to the road.

4) I'll bet she was using both hands. And yes, stuffing a cheeseburger through a helmet would not work well. Although I've never tried.

Edited by Cowboy1600
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All im hearing is cowboy bitching about how everybody tries to kill him on the roads. Here's a thought maybe its because you drive like a dick and people want t give you a little scare. While eating a cheeseburger :).

No, no. Not bitching about anything. Just responding to the OPs inane sooking about his friend getting booked for being a tard. It's not that hard to comprehend, is it?

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Comprehension isn't the problem. The problem is you being grumpy and calling someone you've never met a fat b

I'm not grumpy, just telling it how it is.

Ok, calling her a fat bitch was poetic license on my behalf, but my point stands. Don't complain if you get booked for not paying attention to the road.

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Man NewB and Cowboy you must both be the biggest dip sticks I've seen on this forum so far... You taunt an threaten each other and then both try to act like the big man "YEAH I'LL BE WAITING". yeah bros no worries ayyy.

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COWBOY all i see here is you having a huge self righteous of yourself in these thread when calling someone you dont even know a bitch how would you feel if i call your wife a broad minded person and your child a dumbf**k!!! Truth in the matter is these was my dilemma that i alone posted and yes commenting abt it ok but calling names and talking abt yourself is showing that yojr a douche bag so basically you just prove it here that these is exactly my whole thread is about!!! Those f**kheads who call themselves a police who is on a power trip is abusing there authority and because they have the authority they can do whatever they can!!! Which does my head in so the way i look at these your a DICKHEAD


Did i say anything abt my friend unwrapping her cheeseburger?? No so obviously shes been eating it since she left maccaz!!!!

Try to read properly and stop assuming u dumbf**k!!!

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Man NewB and Cowboy you must both be the biggest dip sticks I've seen on this forum so far... You taunt an threaten each other and then both try to act like the big man "YEAH I'LL BE WAITING". yeah bros no worries ayyy.

Bullshit. I threatened no one.

OP comes here sooking. I tell him to harden up, she got what she deserved. What follows is a litany of loosely arranged letters from the OP to form words of abuse and some vague idea that...well, I'm not really sure TBH.

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Man NewB and Cowboy you must both be the biggest dip sticks I've seen on this forum so far... You taunt an threaten each other and then both try to act like the big man "YEAH I'LL BE WAITING". yeah bros no worries ayyy.

Dont tell them that...let them keep going until they have an aneurism

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1) Nope, never broken a mirror either intentionally, or intentionally.

2) What do you mean I've avoided lane splitting? I've been asked the question and responded a number of times: splitting No, filtering Yes. It's got nothing to do with my riding style. Bitch wasn't watching the road, bitch got booked. She deserved it. OP came here hoping for a backslap and validation that he thinks she was hardly done by. She wasn't. How is that pig headed? OP wouldn't have posted if he didn't want an opinion. He just didn't like the one I gave him so resorted to name calling. I won't be pulling me head anywhere just because you tell me too.

3) Ridden through Springvale many, many, many times, but not sure what that's got to do with old love copping a fine for not paying attention to the road.

4) I'll bet she was using both hands. And yes, stuffing a cheeseburger through a helmet would not work well. Although I've never tried.

1) so unintentionally is assumed

2) How do you know bitch wasn't the watching road? That is an assumption!

3) I am impressed you don't have a gold honda badge stuck to your A**

4) Speculating she was using both hands, and the basis of your point to flame someone on a hunch

My point for talking shit to you is it isn't very nice when you don't know all the facts, and bitting everytime is so just making him feel like the bigger man. Cowboy breath and let it go.

I agree it is stupid to drive and do anything else. both hands should remain on the wheel. But bring into question these activities that can distract a driver

1. Naked girl

2. Girlfriend going down on you while driving

3. talking on the phone via hands free

4. screaming kids in car

5. Sub woofa reverb moving all car glass for no vision

6. Having 1 F**Kin head light and using high beams and being blinded

and the list can go on......

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COWBOY all i see here is you having a huge self righteous of yourself in these thread when calling someone you dont even know a bitch how would you feel if i call your wife a broad minded person and your child a dumbf**k!!! Truth in the matter is these was my dilemma that i alone posted and yes commenting abt it ok but calling names and talking abt yourself is showing that yojr a douche bag so basically you just prove it here that these is exactly my whole thread is about!!! Those f**kheads who call themselves a police who is on a power trip is abusing there authority and because they have the authority they can do whatever they can!!! Which does my head in so the way i look at these your a DICKHEAD


Did i say anything abt my friend unwrapping her cheeseburger?? No so obviously shes been eating it since she left maccaz!!!!

Try to read properly and stop assuming u dumbf**k!!!

Bitch got booked, bitch deserved it. Perhaps I was unjust calling her fat. I take that back.

You're cut because you didn't get the sympathetic circle jerk you were expecting.

And again, I'm not defending the po-po here. Many of them are total dream boats. But I've also seen the number of complete no hopers plaguing the streets of which, I'm afraid, your friend sound like one of. Sorry, but it's unlikely she would have been booked for eatign while driving unless it was obvious she wasn't paying attention to what she was doing. Sit behind a car begin driven by someone distracted by something and you can pick it quite easily.

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Man NewB and Cowboy you must both be the biggest dip sticks I've seen on this forum so far... You taunt an threaten each other and then both try to act like the big man "YEAH I'LL BE WAITING". yeah bros no worries ayyy.

If you got nothing to say.......... Dont type it!!!

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