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Recently had a good experience buying a new pair of shoes for basketball from eastbay.com (try and look past the d-grade rapper reviews). Only took 3 days to get them too which is fairly impressive. Some local stores take longer than that.

What stores do you use for shoes and gear?

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Hopshopgo is the solution to that, got my frees from eastbay for about $50 a pair cheaper than here, with a wider range of colors to choose from. Works best if you get multiple pairs though, I got 2 frees and my mate got a pair of asics.. Postage worked out to around $110 all up, which we split. Was about $10 postage from eastbay to the American address hopshop provide, $100 from them to aus.

As for sizing, I try em on in stores here then order online :)

dunno about buying shoes online, worried about fitment... how did you go with sizing Div?

I'm a US size 12, fitting said true to size and it was right.

I picked up the Under Armour Micro G Bloodline. Really happy with them so far, next game is on Monday so we'll see how they go.

i go to the local shops. Athletes foot and what not for shoes. I must admit though, my runners last 3-4 years because i dont really run in them....

everything else is rebel or a sport specific shop like Muscle Beach.

I rarely buy shit online, I like to support the local businesses, one of those people. The only stuff I buy online is music and stuff I cant get here but I look for Aussie sites.

Don't think I could try on clothes or shoes here and then source them online, I'd feel somewhat scummy about it. I know the prices are inflated on a lot of things but shit like that makes them have to inflate it further until they go out of business and soon we're all sending money overseas / buying shit online that doesn't fit because there are no stores to do your fitting...

Guess it's one of those, all for one and one for all, long term dollars over short term dollar things.

Don't think I could try on clothes or shoes here and then source them online, I'd feel somewhat scummy about it. I know the prices are inflated on a lot of things but shit like that makes them have to inflate it further until they go out of business and soon we're all sending money overseas / buying shit online that doesn't fit because there are no stores to do your fitting...

Guess it's one of those, all for one and one for all, long term dollars over short term dollar things.

No, it's one of those make/do something better or GTFO things.

No message will be received, businesses will just close down and it'll be offshore. You can't match third world countries and online sellers with no intermediaries.

No message will be received, businesses will just close down and it'll be offshore. You can't match third world countries and online sellers with no intermediaries.

Exactly, so they have to do/make something better. Makes sense doesn't it.

Also, death to middlemen. They make things more expensive for me and waste my f**king time at work.

Like lower our award wages or sell products at Sunday markets instead of a retail shop front?

Doesn't mean you should use them as a free service to try on clothes with intention to buy elsewhere, that's kind of going to the other extreme of them ripping you off with inflated pricing. I might have a vested viewpoint here, because working in a small business, nothing annoys me more than people who want to occupy your time or money with no intention of ever making up for it.

I got no issue with shopping online, I do it myself all the time, but using a store with no intention of ever paying for goods from there is shades of grey with me...

using a store with no intention of ever paying for goods from there is shades of grey with me...

I didin't do that, that's weird.

Besides where would I find UA Micro G Bloodline in Aus? Turns out they were released on Nov 4 or something.

Don't think I could try on clothes or shoes here and then source them online, I'd feel somewhat scummy about it. I know the prices are inflated on a lot of things but shit like that makes them have to inflate it further until they go out of business and soon we're all sending money overseas / buying shit online that doesn't fit because there are no stores to do your fitting...

Guess it's one of those, all for one and one for all, long term dollars over short term dollar things.

there are plenty of wedding dress shops that got sick of this and now require a substantial deposit (hundreds or even thousands in some cases) before trying on anything. if you don't buy anything then you lose the deposit. if you do buy a dress then the deposit comes off the price of the dress.

but let's not have this thread turn into a debate about online stores vs retail stores because the majority of people have no idea of how or why aussie prices are higher than other countries (and often aren't willing to accept these reasons) and what it would take to fix it (and in most cases wouldn't accept what it would take to fix it) and just think that the retailers are the ones to blame and they should simply lower their prices to match overseas online stores (which will do nothing other than increase unemployment).

I'm aware that our prices are higher as our wages are higher...I also know that Australian retailers have substantial markups and are making plenty.

Therefor I'll buy online, save near 50%, even with high postage prices, and not lose any sleep.

I'll also try the item on at a local store before I buy if it's a shoe I need to check sizes of etc...But I'll take no more than a minute or 2 of the sales person's time, none at all if they happen to have my size on display.

I'm aware that our prices are higher as our wages are higher...I also know that Australian retailers have substantial markups and are making plenty.

Therefor I'll buy online, save near 50%, even with high postage prices, and not lose any sleep.

I'll also try the item on at a local store before I buy if it's a shoe I need to check sizes of etc...But I'll take no more than a minute or 2 of the sales person's time, none at all if they happen to have my size on display.

yeah that's why so many are going out of business, like i did. aussie retailers need substantial mark ups to make up for the fact that every other cost in australia is also higher. this is everything from the cost of stationary to the cost of the IT guy that they use to design a website and on to things like rent. the average small business owner would be doing well to be making what the government classes as the 'average wage' (about 50k). there are many who are making below minimum wage.

if any industry is gouging profits it's the commercial/industrial building sector. my sister in law has gotten 2 pay rises this year totalling an extra 17k per year. she's a building estimator and she's on nearly 110k a year and she doesn't even work in the mines. i think she may have even got another pay rise a few weeks ago because she is working up in townsville for a few months (even though work is paying for her accomodation, travel home on weekends, etc). pretty sure she said she's taking home an extra $300 a week while she's there.

but i said we shouldn't keep going on about it so i'll shut my mouth on the subject now

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