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Witnessed a commodore ripping up local oval


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Ill write it again :)

Last night i was down at the local oval near my house when i witness some pathetic youngens drive down to the local primary school oval and destroy it by doing burnouts for a few minutes and then driving out and hurting it off..

Im pretty sure i got there licence plates. But just wanted to know in your opinion if its worth reporting this or just letting it go.

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report it ..... show no mercy for the trevs ..... they wouldnt keep quiet if it was one of us .... actually they would probably throw bottles at our car then go report it to police.

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heck, you guys are pretty harsh!

And the "if it was one of us" justification is a bit rich.

I've never done anything like this, but I've done my fair share of dumb shit. It's easy to say they were destroying property but if you've ever done anything like tow a bin on your towbar......

theyre dumb kids doind dumb things - but it could be worse. they could be doing 200km/h through the suburbs or doing nuts in a crowded area where they could hit something or roll the car. at least they had the sense to go somewhere clear and open.

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my thought is same aas Dans .... why should they get away with it? if they get away with it they'll just keep coming back and doing that and other shit. Its a form of vandalism!

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lol what the? why would you start a thred to fined out weather to report it or not. ethier way its your word against theres the cops wouldnt do crap.

Because acutaly some1 else already reported it.

There must of been more than one witness now and because there car was pretty dirty so theres probly grass stuk in the wheel arches.

I was in favour of reporting them because there a bunch of hardcores, if every1 starts ripping up ovals then thats another thing cops will start blaming "hoons" for.

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sorry mate not having a go, just thought it was werd. well you know you havnt done the wrong thing im just not sure it would of done much good, these things would be geating reported alot i would say. i dont want to stear you in the wrong direction good effert

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Being a "soon to be teacher" report them.. and zanda... if it was u i would still report u.. its distryoing property.. Just think of how disapointed thoes kids will be when they get back from their school hols to see their oval ripped up...?? No doubt they wont be aloud on the parts that have to be regrown.. therefore not bealbe to play sport... That just cos some twat in a crummydore wanted a bit of a thrill

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whats so bad about it being done on an oval? im sure everyone on here has had a go at swingin nuts on the road and goin driftin etc whether it be wet or dry so i think people shouldnt be so hipocrytical....

Would the view on the matter change if it was a carload of people in a skyline?

Does anyone else agree?

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