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We'll I'll be the guy in a white GTR that honks at you next time I c ya [iDIOT]....:)

PS: How the f**k did you get that plate, I thought they would have knocked it back. Do you get hassled by cop with that plate?

What model GTR have you got? Custom plates? I will keep any eye out, I ride from Cheltenham to the City and back every week day.

I was allowed to get IDIOT as its suggests that the rider of the bike is the idiot. As opposed to if it were on a car, suggesting that the other motorists are IDIOT's. That was how it was explained to me.

I have had the plate for almost 4 years now I think, and I ride every day. I have been pulled over 2 times. Both for riding on a footpath (when I park my bike).


Back when I had 200rwkw, I had a few runs with 600's like ZX6R's, R6's (usually from 40-50km/h), and would typically find I'd pull a few car lengths by about 150 (on the track)...

With 280rwkw, I've run a 954 fireblade and got 3 carlengths on him to about 160, and with around the 300rwkw mark, I've run a TLR1000 and another bike (900 of some sort) and with a 120-130kg passenger, I pulled a few car lengths on these ones too. I'd like to have a go against an older R1 or Gixxer... But I think any of these 04 1000cc bikes will be very tough to beat.

I'm a bike rider too (98 ZX6R), and I'll wholeheartedly agree with you regarding lane splitting... Driving a car afterwards is so f'n frustrating! :)

Any sports bike 600cc and up will kill virtually any car on the road. And for the rare car where the owner has more money than sense sunk into his pride and joy, well a bike can just lose him in the traffic by lane splitting. I have yet to see a car that can beat my bike. I'm not saying that they don't exist, it's just that they are so rare that I've never seen one in over 3 years of riding. And even if I do eventually see one, he's still going to be stuck behind other cars as I lane split on up the road :D

Oh, note I said "sports bike" above. Harleys are usually 1000-1500cc, and yet they are absolute slugs. You could beat one in a V8 Commodore in both 0-100 and in top speed. So even if you have a mild GTS-t, give a Harley a go and you will probably win. They are also too fat to lane split through traffic :)

anyone in sydney wanna bring out there 600cc bike or even 750, ill be glad to give them a run, good luck to you on the road, hahaha

what are you running? im on a 250 so you may stand a chance, although im looking at buying an '02 GSXR, runs about 10.55 stock (claimed) and with an extra 12hp and me only weighing 65kilo's i could get it to under 10 im hoping. so come n play :)

With 280rwkw, I've run a 954 fireblade and got 3 carlengths on him to about 160, and with around the 300rwkw mark, I've run a TLR1000 and another bike (900 of some sort) and with a 120-130kg passenger, I pulled a few car lengths on these ones too. I'd like to have a go against an older R1 or Gixxer... But I think any of these 04 1000cc bikes will be very tough to beat.

as fir needing more power to beed a TLR, the 954 should be quicker, with big bikes its mainly the rider though, not the bike.

****, a good drag racer on a gsxr 750 could kill a 1000, and vica versa

My cbr 954 will eat most cars on the road the only problem is I don't weight enough at 70kg to keep the front wheel down. If any of you get a chance to ride a big bike go for it and see what 0 - 100 in under 3 seconds feels like. Most of your traffic light drags depend on the rider really.

hey Royalstar ive been to the creek 10000 times and never seen a 02 gsxr run 10's most run high to mid 11's if lucky, but with riders these days on the road you dont have the luxury or driving like at the creek so thats why i invite you to take out your bike and lets go for a little ride.

like i said im inviting people to bring their bikes out to race, ive ran many bikes on the road, lost once to a new r1 casue my mate was riding and he is a very good rider, so bring your bikes out and lets have some fun

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