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Car Stolen Laatnight


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So my r32 gtr was stolen lastnight around 12:30am on cliff street Glenelg, number plates were S375-AKW the car was white had ssr polished rims very nice looking car N1 front bar would be hard to miss especially with one headlight out please if anyone sees anything let the cops know ASAP thanks.

I don't come on here anymore so if you know of anything please feel free to shoot me a MSG 0401475561 cheers

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Sorry about that, the picture came out pretty small. My friend wrote this:

My friend seen 3 guys last nite, 1 in the drivers seat, one going thru the boot and 1 walking up the middle of the street. It was between 12.30 and 1 this morning. My friend doesn't have description but said they looked hell sus. said they were all male, 20's / 30's

Gotta be better than nothing :)

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Before I rant I hate to hear of anyones misforture and hope you get it back in one peice .....all scum needs to be sent to a perm antarctiic vacation in budgie smugglers lol)

So I'll be the first to dig, no disrespect just a survey

was it insured?

alarmed ?

club lock ?

parked in a secure location or just on a dark street ?

(do not drive said cars to dark streets and go night clubbing and expect any nice car to not be fondled or stolen .... common sense!! ) its like leaving your most prized possesion/expensive behind a pane of glass in the hood and praying people only want to look at it .. a few might but the tempation is just too great ,

Iron chef

to me "ALL FRESH IMPORTS" should be sold with a 3 point ADR alarm no exceptions from the importer dealer not just you but all dealers around the country !!! , you only get a choice of what brand alarm you want and features , the minor amount it would add to a car on purchase would save the rest of us money and the owner of the new prize , heartbreak of waiting for the import only to have it nicked and torched by some crack heads etc.

thought that was a requirement on new cars already in OZ but I might be wrong ? could you bring that up in your magazine article ? it might be something worth elaborating on ?

in USA a car wasnt allowed off the lot on delivery without full comprehensive insurance ....when I worked at Mazda I dont know how many cars I saw totaled the same day as purchase... a lot !!! we used to call it the paperplate syndrome, you seemed to be a moving target until you got metal rego plates from the state. which took up to 90 days back in the day

anyway hope you get it back and its still a virgin

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Sorry to say, but if you havn't heard anything yet, its gone.. It'll no doubt be out North at a house, the guys that stole mine from Glenelg headed out that way, luckily they had a squad of cars and the police chopper out after them.

hope you hear some good news soon, if not, I hope it was insured.

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Iron chef

to me "ALL FRESH IMPORTS" should be sold with a 3 point ADR alarm no exceptions from the importer dealer not just you but all dealers around the country !!! , you only get a choice of what brand alarm you want and features , the minor amount it would add to a car on purchase would save the rest of us money and the owner of the new prize , heartbreak of waiting for the import only to have it nicked and torched by some crack heads etc.

thought that was a requirement on new cars already in OZ but I might be wrong ? could you bring that up in your magazine article ? it might be something worth elaborating on ?

Imports have to comply with the ADRs relevant to the year they were built - a 1992 GT-R isn't required to have an immobiliser, in the same way a VP Commodore isn't.

In the end, you can't legislate against stupidity - if people choose to skimp and take the risk, then they get their fingers burnt.

I suspect someone is stripping them and sending them either interstate or even overseas.

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Imports have to comply with the ADRs relevant to the year they were built - a 1992 GT-R isn't required to have an immobiliser, in the same way a VP Commodore isn't.

In the end, you can't legislate against stupidity - if people choose to skimp and take the risk, then they get their fingers burnt.

I suspect someone is stripping them and sending them either interstate or even overseas.

yeah I hear that front about stupidity , on top of a few insurance jobs I bet to get out of the upside down loans from the GFC ? ...... I was just wondering if the import industry should look at that since the cost of the cars is coming down so much but demand is high for theft ,( I know nanny state thinking yet another law idea..lol ) maybe even a pamphet pointing out the fact after sale,,, bit scary to hand to them before sale it would scare them off.(the place I got my car imported did hand me a pamplet for alarms but they had so much markup as a middle man it was insane. I just laughed at them in disgust.)

I guess the real issue is the punishment doesnt fit the crime , a slap in the hand and on your way for the next round of thefts over and over, complete disrespect for the legal system and other peoples property in general around the country .shites me off in a big way

and common sense is a bit weak , you want to show it off but its not the wise move to fang it around, bass pounding, windows /side panels filled with "steal me stickers" ... then park it .... like the pied piper to theft ..lol you leave it someplace you wouldnt leave your skateboard at night and expect it to be there the next day !!!

is there anyway to find out the theft rates per car in each state ? public knowledge anyone ?? how about how many skylines have come into the country since the sceme began ? bet we have more then japan does now ?

its horrible to think the cars are being stolen and used for crash repairs on drift cars etc. at some point the skylines will become rare , reminds me of the old US cars that got run in smash up derbys in 70-90's and now you cant find parts for them as a classic car , now with china, malaysia , USA etc running nissan JDM drift cars the parts will go to the bin even faster

would make a interesting survery for sure. it doesnt seem like any car is sacred they steal everything here but SR/RB power draws them like ants to sugar

end rant, just a topic for your magazine column maybe

Edited by Carbon 34
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My 32 was broken into and half stolen down in Glenelg mid last year, the only thing that saved me was removing the spark from the engine. Hope you hear back soon about the GTR mate.

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Im guessing there is still no good news on the gtr?

Sorry for the hijack, dont see the need for a new thread.

I had an attempted theft early hours of this morning... Woke up at 2:30am to my mums car alarm going off with the passanger door open and a big slit in the roof (convertable). Didnt notice untill now, but my ignition barrel has been hacked up. My car was parked in the carport with my girlfriends car behind and my mums behind that. This is the 2nd attempt in about 6months and both times have been a verry neat entry, so i assume they are not new to taking cars. I have no idea why my alarm didnt go off this time, and it was locked when i went out to it this morning. Seems parking next to the front door and infront of two other cars isnt working as a deterrent.

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all you can really do is put an alarm and imobiliser on the thing. don't park somewhere dodgy and hope and pray it never gets stolen.

and obviously insure it if it does unfortunately get stolen.

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