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Car Stolen Laatnight


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Clublocks people. My car was stolen without one, have had one since then and car hasn't been touched, park it where ever and when ever I want. In saying that, I have not and am not planning to park it at Glenelg again, nor anywhere north of the city without me in it. Also, to the theives reading this, try it and your f**ked!

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The problem is that skylines are so easy to break into its not even funny. I don't leave mine on the street overnight anymore, if it can't go back in my garage it doesn't come out in the first place

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what area was the latest attempt in ?

I dont have to preach but multiple layers of security and common sense is the only hope of stopping or slowing them down, club lock, alarm, common sense and GPS tracker if you can afford it.. never park on the street or visible outside if you can help it. dont leave steal me items in the car on the seat... Handbags..ladys!!!, , GPS, phones, CD's, loose change, shopping bags, NOTHING !!!! not even coats

dont pound bass close to your parking locarion (like the pied piper for crims when you park they steal your car radio)

lock your car when paying for fuel or in servo. and ladys dont leave your purse on the seat unlocked ,,, I see that all the time at servo when paying for petrol,,

Insurance !!!

surely someone has a non running car that we could setup a camera sting to catch some of these ass clowns, oh but wait the laws wont put them away for a long time anyway so why bother

obvious it gets a lot worse when kids are out on break,, go get a job and earn your own money and stop stealing our shite and vandalizing everthing else

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I remove my fuel pump fuse in my car as well as the club lock and alarm.

Thieves are not going anywhere a simple google on the webs will come up with the fuse pattern for your car.

I have lamianted it and stuck it inside the fuse cover.

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yeah a fuse removed wont stop anyone except a kid on a quick hit . a real crim will be prepared for that trick. ... and dont forget a real crim will get your car without a doubt no way to stop it beyond a steel bollard cage on all sides and roof. the key is make it "All too hard to be fussed with" cause it takes to long to get it. or not put it in harms way to start with.

a flat bed and some wheel dollys and your screwed , then its up to GPS and even more alarm fuctions to stop or find the car asap

maybe just a self destruct remote instead...haha then you get the last laugh

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my car is close to Parafield Gardens. Has alarm, imobiliser, fuel cut, was parked in the carport next to front door of the house, out of view with 2 cars behind it. Nothing in my car apart from cdplayer which was untouched. Now have a club lock and a garage door is in the process. Anyone know of any GPS units that i dont need to pay monthly fee or is that my only option?

Cant believe the effort i have to go through just so my car is there in the morning.

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Devices with location services have quite a nifty advantage (against thieves) in relocating themselves as of late...

Cheap Android device with GPS + cheap prepaid sim/data deal,

Rigged 12V power supply tucked away out of view in vehicle + charge attached to Android device charging port,


Ping device;

Interesting times.

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Time for us all to chip in for a cheap import and leave it somewhere conspicuous - I'd sure love to know what's happening to all these cars.

chuck an old mobile phone with GPS in it and see where they take it ;)

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Hey guys huge update!!!

My white r32 gtr that was stolen on the 8th of this month at 12:30am on cliff street has been spotted around the area even around the castle plaza area, pretty sure it has different plates on so please please keep a look out if you are anywhere near these area, the front bar has a chip in one of the N1 vents on the right hand side, has polished ssr sp1's on it dead give away not many around (look very similar to work meisters) also has a marky mark exhaust tech junBL muffler not a cannon on it. please contact SAPOL or if your not sure take a picture and sent it to me on 0401475561 thanks Sam

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If the car is still being driven around how have police not picked it up yet.... They should be pulling over EVERY white 32/32 GTR they see! But, once again, this is SAPOL we're talking about.

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Time for us all to chip in for a cheap import and leave it somewhere conspicuous - I'd sure love to know what's happening to all these cars.

ill throw in a grand... wanted to do this when mine was rolled off drive way around corner of a friends house.... i just got there at the right time :/

any news on the car??? so sorry to hear... its a horrible feeling, hope insurance come up with the goods. as night nightcrawler once said, "there is a special place in hell for people who theive others prized possesions"

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Hey guys huge update!!!

My white r32 gtr that was stolen on the 8th of this month at 12:30am on cliff street has been spotted around the area even around the castle plaza area, pretty sure it has different plates on so please please keep a look out if you are anywhere near these area, the front bar has a chip in one of the N1 vents on the right hand side, has polished ssr sp1's on it dead give away not many around (look very similar to work meisters) also has a marky mark exhaust tech junBL muffler not a cannon on it. please contact SAPOL or if your not sure take a picture and sent it to me on 0401475561 thanks Sam

Thats very close to home. Theres a dodgy group of people moved in down my street or next street over so will go have a sus when im out next.

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If the car is still being driven around how have police not picked it up yet.... They should be pulling over EVERY white 32/32 GTR they see! But, once again, this is SAPOL we're talking about.

That is a stupid f**king idea. So once they realise they don't have the right car they slap a defect on it.

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Hijacking your post...

My car was also stolen yesterday! Would really appreciate if everyone could keep their eyes peeled.


Our beloved family car was stolen today from the Mo...unt Barker (Adelaide HIlls) Park n Ride. 97 Rs4 V Dayz Edition Nismo Red Stagea Rego XKA 074........if anyone has seen or sees it please contact police and PM me......My babys pram was in it too :((( Thanks


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Car has been sighted driving around edwardstown area with an older woman with a cap on or a younger guy please let me know if you see it and if you can either follow it to see where it goes or call the cops straight away, thanks

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