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Hi guys,

Just interested in some thoughts on my home exercise routine and ways in which I might round it out a little if I'm missing anything. I'll give some background on my past exercise history and goals etc before getting into that.

Current stats:

29.5yrs old

Approx 6ft (longer in the legs - if I line my hip bone up with another mate who is 5'7 we are the same height in the torso)

Approx 80-81kg (93kg at heaviest during training history, 65kg when I left high school in 2000)

Have always exercised in some form, weights, running, riding, martial arts etc over the years.

Went through my biggest phase around 23-25 where I got into weights to bulk up (sick of being 65kg weed) went to approx 93kg in that period, got up to benching 100kg 3x 10 reps (exercising 3-4 times a week) no idea on squat as I was always upper body-centric and only ever had free weights (no squat rack etc). Just took generic protein around then and ate heaps etc.

Due to poor form, over training, not listenig to body, not taking adequate rest periods or taking a week off every 3 months etc etc ended up with a few secondary muscle\joint injuries (right forearm - fully healed now) left inner elbow (on-going but manageable - taking 1500mg fish oil daily and pay close attention to joint condition).

So, took a while off, did physio and those sorts of things, kept cardio up to stay in shape and lost weight as a result, no biggy as the missus didn't like me with a fat neck, cleavage, and a big bum (used to do lots of bike for legs). Probably spent two years not pushing too hard, just using a physio resistence band and if i switched to light weights would pull up sore easily.

Eventually built up elbow strength enough to be where I'm at now (taken around 2years or so to get here) and I will say straight up that I'm not aiming to get back to being big, trying to bench heaps etc etc and I realise my numbers are probably shit house compared to most of you. I spent a lot of time focusing on higher reps, lower weight as it was easier on my joints and allowed me to build up some endurance. Focused on not worried caring about the kgs of weight being done etc, just wanted to get my joints happier so i could work on my car all weekend and not get sore (I should add I'm not very flexible but do make sure to stretch and warm up before exercising now - I also work in IT so on my arse 8hrs of the day).

Here's what I'm currently doing and I will be hazy on actual weights because I have made a mental effort not to think about numbers any more so I don't worry that such and such is benching more or whatever and do something stupid.

I will point out I am only interested in making sure I have a a balanced routine and am pretty happy at the current weight/size though I expect to gain another kg or 2 in the next few months as my leg work comes up to scratch and I will add a little weight to my curls when I can manage it - see below.

This routine is completed mon/wed/fri in the order listed starting at about 5:45 and finishing around 6:30 including about 5mins stretching to start. There's a 30-60 sec break between each set depending on how hard I am finding it that day as I try to be cautious not to injure myself.

Flat Bench Press - 3x 15 reps @ approx 55-60kg Completing this (Could easily stack on some plates here but missus doesn't like me with a big chest and no point really as I wouldn't be able to match it in the arms so would look stupid)

Crunches (legs up on a swiss ball) - 3x 50reps Completing this

Ezy Bar Curl - 3x 15 reps @ approx 28kg (assuming ezy bar weighs 6kg?) Currently failing this at about rep 12+ on the third set. Elbow complains during this and I am VERY cautious about adding weight or pushing too hard in this area.

Ezy Bar Squat (as the barbell is left on the bench, can't be stuffed moving plates - have to clean and jerk this up and over in a shoulder press movement to rest it on my shoulders - 3x 15reps @ approx 35kg Completing this but noted that the harder part is getting the bar up and down onto my shoulders (I also have pretty weak legs and have only just got back into running) I am considering a "station" that will allow me to have a squat rack/chin up bar/dips.

Straight Leg Scissor (http://www.livestrong.com/video/807-straight-leg-scissor---core/) Though I do it in a 80 degree arc, not like his 45deg version in the vid - 3x 50reps Completing this

Dips (use the edge of the spa for this at the moment lol) 3x 35reps Completing this (This is a cheating dip, as my legs are on the floor so I am only really dipping my upper body weight, legs are out straight in front of me as to provide no assistance in the motion however, they are just dead weight)

Deadlift (Have only just started this last week, still working with form as I think I have a very weak back) 3x 12reps @ 26kg (assuming 6kg ezy bar)

I will usually do another 10reps on the bench at the above weight, and then do a seated dumbell concentration curl for another 10 reps on each arm at approx 15-16kg slowly to help warm down completing both of those without too much issue - though the left bicep can be tired at this point or the left elbow which is the previously injured one can be complaining.

Outside of this, I will either walk the dog with the missus each day and possibly run a couple times a week, just a 30-60min jog depending on the night, how much free time I have etc

I haven't been using any suppliments as I'm not trying to bulk but I was recently thinking that perhaps a post exercise supplement might not hurt just to put back what I've used so I've just be chucking a scoop of some protein powder I still have left over and a few tablespoons of Milo in a cup with some full fat milk. For what I do should I be worrying about this or having something more substantial? Perhaps something that can aid in joint recovery?

Hopefully my terminology isn't too far off the mark and that gives enough info on what I'm doing to allow you guys to throw in your 2 cents about what I might be missing out on (baring in mind any exercise I add would have to come at the expense of one listed as I'm not going to add another workout day or split my routine across days - this is just a general fitness routine - like a mini super circuit to keep me in relative shape into my 30s) A few of you might have seen me at DECA and know that my tight shirt wearing days are behind me so most of what I gain/maintain is only for my benefit and the missus visual enjoyment lol

As for eating,

5 vitabrits in full fat milk for breakfast

Premiums with vegimite and promite for morning tea - these are like saladas

Usually dinner left overs for lunch

Fruit/baked good for afternoon tea (home made muffin etc)

Dinner could be a number of things but we eat plenty of vegies/salad, more white meat than red or fish (but have red/fish at least once a week) Rices/pasta etc.

I'm not too worried about my eating habits to be honest so that's just FYI. I also take a multi-vitamin on the exercise days so 3 times a week just to keep supplies up and try to add in anything i might be missing out from dietry wise.

EDIT: I had a read of Ash's thread about his shoulders, I don't suffer from any shoulder pain or discomfort but the missus has noted that I am looking a bit rolled over/hunched so I imagine this i due to lots of training of the pecs in my time and lots of sitting on a computer working so I'm guessing I will have to sacrifice something in the routine for something that will help that.

Thanks for reading the novel :D


Edited by ActionDan
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some points to consider.

1.) you bench more than you squat

2.) you do ZERO shoulder work

3.) you deadlift about 1/3 what you bench and for less reps and this is the ONLY exercise you do for your entire back. You also Curl more than you deadlift.

my suggestions to help "balance" your routine.

Pendlay Rows - Youtube has videos on how to do them

Standing Barbell military press - self explanatory but youtube "rippetoe press"

Those DIPS are not worth mentioning - change to close grip bench press or make sure your new squat rack has a dip bar attachment.

Focus on deadlifts and squats more.

Cheers for the feedback.

1) For some reason I've always been OK at Bench and have always seen the biggest/fastest gains there if I ever started pushing for numbers, so 55kg 3x 15reps is relatively easy enough for me. I find the squat much harder, firstly because it's free weight so have to get it up there and secondly because my legs/back are so weak so I'll be focusing on fixing those things. That and the fact that when I got into weights I was ALL about the chest and getting puffed up to be "fully sik for the ladies brah" etc so my legs languished for a long time and as a result are under trained.

2) Are the shoulders not being worked during the bench press motion? What benefit will I get from doing something shoulder specific? And when you say shoulders I'm assuming you mean specifically Delts?

3) See 1) I've only just started doing leg work again after about 2 years off doing anything besides walking the dog and sitting on my arse at work, it's going to take some time. I'm also naturally not very strong in the legs, never have been. I just assume it's partly because I'm lazy and have never pushed, and partly because anytime I've ever made a considerable effort I've wound up with knee twinges. So I'm taking it slowly.

- Just looked at Pendlay rows, that will kill my lower back no doubt in the same way I feel the deadlifts. So see how that goes.

- I just watched the press video very quickly (I'm at work) what's the major benefit there and what would I be replacing in my current routine with that?

- At the moment those dips are better than nothing, I can at least feel a burn along the tricep and the missus noticed that my lats have widened a little also but I agree that a dip station would be a better choice. I mainly do the dip for triceps, would I be better just sticking to a Bent arm tricept extension? like the one I linked below, I used to do that one.

Here's the vids I watched for reference




Tri Extension


Edit didnt realise it would post the whole video just wanted the link 0_0 re-formatting entry to look neater.

I should also ask, what's the consensus on the most elbow friendly bicep exercise?

Edited by ActionDan

Ever considered building a power rack? You can buy one for $1000+, or build one yourself for $100 in materials. It will make lifts such as squats easier and much safer.

I know I'm not the kind of guy most would take advice from when it comes to weight lifting, but for the last 4 months I've been training at PTC, learnt tons and gained 10+kg. If you don't know PTC members (only about 100) hold 44 world records and more than 70 national. They focus on strength and conditioning, you'd be surprised how small some of the strongest guys look. They have a very athletic build yet lift big numbers: 250kg deadlift, 200kg squat and 150kg bench at ~80kg.

Having said that, if you can find a safe way to squat I'd recommend doing PTC's beginner routine. Yes, you will get bigger, but as you know it takes a lot of effort to get huge. It's just an excellent routine for developing basic, practical strength. You can do cardio on off days, weekends or after if you like.

A guy came into PTC recently with a curling chest/shoulder issue from overtraining the chest. Markos (the owner and trainer) basically told him for every pushing motion he does he has to do two pulling motions. Bent over rows, pull ups, deadlifts, etc. He warned the guy that curling will eventually result in an injury (possibly what happened to you). Bench does work shoulders, but primarily the front delts, not the side or the rear which is why overhead press is so good.


It's a HARD routine. No one likes to squat, let alone 3x per week, but it gets excellent results. Also, you should start a build thread :thumbsup:

Edit: If you can't squats safely, just do lunges, good mornings, stiff leg deadlifts, deadlifts and front squats (with as much weight as you can clean) instead.

Edited by KezR33

Have only just started considered getting a rack Kez so I'll see what options are around for the space I have.

As for your advice, you're just as entitled as anyone else to give an opinion mate :) You've been working hard in an environment with people who can guide you so you're bound to have some opinions and they are always welcome. That's all I'm after really, a broad range of views on what I should adjust to balance out the routine, I already had a feeling I knew what it might entail and so far it looks like I'm right.

Had a quick look at that routine - what do others think of that? I'll paste it for comment.

Squat 3 x 10

Bench press 3 x 8

Bent row 3 x 8

Military press 3 x 8

SLDL 3 x 8

BB curl 3 x 8

I''m comfortable saying that I've trained for long enough and have good enough muscle memory that I should be able to adapt to that program pretty easily if I wanted to, plus I'm already doing some of it. As for the numbers he quotes (bench 100kg, squat 140kg and deadlift 180kg) I wouldn't be aiming that high as I've seen myself benching 100kgs and my chest is a lot bigger than I or the missus want anymore, that said, I also know that without eating accordingly won't get huge again so it's easy enough to control.

What are others thoughts on dropping reps as I'm currently doing sets of 15 as it forces me to keep the weight a bit lower (better for my aging/injured previously joints) and gives a bit more tone and muscle endurance I have found.

No point in a build thread Kez, not trying to build :P

Sidenote: top work on the gains mate, you should be looking a lot healthier now :D I wont have to save you from drunken girls at in Shep hey ;) You'll be able to fend them off yourself!

Edited by ActionDan

Build the rack outside! If you've got a bit of cover, just make sure the metal won't rust, or that's its cheap and easy enough to replace.

If you're curling, your pecs will look exagerated. Once you work on your back a bit it will pull your shoulders back to give you broader shoulders, it will also give the illusion of a bigger chest, but the pecs won't be so swollen. Do you know what I mean? I'm not sure if that's what you want.

You don't have to aim for those goals, but remember they're one rep maxes. He's not saying do 3 sets of 8 at 100kg. You should easily be able to do a 1rep 100kg bench at 80kg if you train and have decent bf %. If you're not aiming for 1rep maxes just choose a bench weight and # of reps, then adjust deadlift and squat weights accordingly.

I'd recommend against doing 15 reps for your legs, simply because they're so weak (no offense, mine are too). Doing 10 reps till your body adapts and you perfect technique is great, then 5x5 for strength (not mass!), then cycle so you don't plateau.

Here's what I mean by strength, not mass:

That's Max, not the best lift to show, but everything else is from behind. He can bench 140kg, squat nearly 200kg and deadlift over 200kg. He doesn't look like a bodybuilder. He's also a bit shorter than 6'@80kg, so you could get heavier than him before looking like that.

Edit: Just realised he's 74kg in that video (80kg now), probably what you or I would look like at 80kg.

Edited by KezR33

I'm not putting it outside on my nice stenciled pergola concrete, I have a gym room, so that's what I'll work with :D

I get what you mean about the exaggerated effect and all I really want is just to balance out the routine and be reasonably fit, strong enough to lift some heavy servers as required and work on my car without pulling up sore. Oh and burn enough calories to eat and drink what I like for the most part :D

Yeah I get you about the 1rm thing, I never tried a 1rm when I was benching 100kg 3x10 reps but I imagine it would have been a few kg more than 100. I'm happy to drop the reps to sets of 10 but no lower as I didn't like when I got down into low low reps and you get the puffy bulk look but no definition and I'm not about to switch back and forth between building/cutting routines, I am treating this like a general fitness super circuit.

I had a read about that guy on your other link, what a unit.

Also, who cares what the missus says. When I started dating Lauren I was 55kg, now I'm aiming for 80kg. She claimed she hated muscles and didn't want me to get past 60!, but now she thinks I look great. Just healthier and fitter, plus I finally weigh more than her which always bothered her.

lol I care mate, happy wife happy life. When I met Kate I was over 90kg and she didn't really dig that, much prefers me with a more athletic build. Ultimately I would be happy around 83-85kg I think.

We also have an agreement, I don't get too big, she doesn't get too skinny as she loves to run.

That said, If I was 55kg, I would almost be dead so I'm sure she'd b encouraging me to bulk up a bit too!

Sidebar: fking love that avatar, Jett wasn't it?

Edited by ActionDan

Dan - OH press does shoulder work, but I can assure you that the following day your stomach and back will be sore from all the stabilizing that they have to do.

the reason you rshoulders roll forward is from all your benching.

There are 3 main heads of muscle in your shoulders (delts).

Bench (the way I assume you do it) will hit your pecs and the front delts, hence the rounding forward.

By doing OHP, you work the remainder of your shoulder.

You asked for balancing your home gym routine - that is why I didn't suggest that beginner program which in my book is a million times better than what you are currently doing for ANY goal you might have.

adding OHP and rows (and chins if you can) will at least balance out all the FRONT body work you have been and are still doing.

My rack is on my stenciled pergola too mate.

all you do is go buy 2 x $50 rubber mats to go under the rack - also means you can do proper deadlifts.

Cheers guys, I might just make a big switch then and go to that routine if everyone is in agreement that it's pretty well balanced. I'll get a rack sorted than go from there.

There's no chance any rack I get will go outside, I can't see why it wouldn't fit in my gym room or the aversion there seems to be to doing this so I'll move my exercise bike out and put a rack in its place.

if it fits inside then all the better.

PS - also youtube "rippetoe squat" to make sure you are doing it right... this will prevent future knee and hip pains.

however, they will be a little sore to start with.

mainly the hips, hammies and inner thighs.

Edited by GTST

Based on cost it looks like a rack will have to wait a little but I can do everything else on that list without one for now and just keep squat weights low as I have been. I'll be getting enough grief with the rows and the shoulder press to keep me occupied anyway as it takes me a bit of time to adapt to new exercises form wise.

Will check the clip.

Do them in order. Squats are by far the most taxing excerise, you'll want all the energy you can get.

I'd honestly replace curls with pulls up, it'll still hit your biceps, and help further with the curling chest.

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