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As per title, I've been searching for a DIY on how to get to the glove box globe. I have replaced all of the globes with LED's and this is the last one but I have read that I need to pull the dash apart a bit to get to it. Have been looking on myg37.com but cant seem to find any instructions. Will keep looking but if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

I dont really want to start pulling the dash apart to find that I am doing it the hard way, but if it comes to that........

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As per title, I've been searching for a DIY on how to get to the glove box globe. I have replaced all of the globes with LED's and this is the last one but I have read that I need to pull the dash apart a bit to get to it. Have been looking on myg37.com but cant seem to find any instructions. Will keep looking but if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

I dont really want to start pulling the dash apart to find that I am doing it the hard way, but if it comes to that........

Pretty much shows u how remove the whole dash however you just need glove box part and then replace the globe from there

Thanks Artz, I found the glovebox light globe removal tool on ebay, $59.95 BARGAIN!

I actually managed to get it done without removing the engine, just put it on jack stands, took all four wheels off and rocked the car back and forth for a while. The globe fell out on its own! Just a word of warning, you obviously don't want to rock the car too hard or it may fall off the jack stands.

Seriously though........I mucked around for about 10 mins and figured it all out, almost everything on these cars is simply clipped into place so it's all pretty easy. Not sure where I read that half of the dash needed to come out but its all done now and back together.

Edited by Alkatraz

And to anyone who has a V36......changing all of the globes to LED's is a definite improvement. You don't realise how ugly the old yellow light was until you open the doors and are bathed in white LED glory.......For the $50 or so that it cost and about 1 hour all up to change all of the internal, licence plate and trunk globes, it was DEFINITELY worth it.

Pretty much shows u how remove the whole dash however you just need glove box part and then replace the globe from there

Lol, wrong car. Sorry I didn't mention V36 in the original post. That Mexican guy sounds like he may have taken a few radios out of cars in the past, if you know what I'm saying, probably does it VERY quickly when he needs to! I wonder if he does a "radio and full set of near new rims" for $100 deal??

Wow that's the most racist thing I've said in a while.........

all you need to do is

remove the door trim plastic (start of back of seat side ) and it just unclips.

unscrew the plastic screw of kick panel (where end of your feet are), Get screw driver and wedge the kick panel off front the front hole -> take whole thing off

now unscrew the two screws from the bottom left and bottom right of the glove box, open it up and where the latch is there are two more and then another two on the top outer edge

Now the whole thing pretty much just falls down and you have two things to unclip, the yellow plug (AIRBAG SO DONT UNPLUG THIS) - just push the two push pins in and then the glove box light, same deal..

Now you can replace it.

Would take you 20mins

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