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Hi all,

Looking to upgrade injectors with a possibility of flex fuelling the car in the future. Only aiming to make -7 power though (300-330?kw) at this stage.

I've been looking around and it seems like ID1000s are a good option and pretty well priced, but I'm not 100% sure on exactly what I need and where to get them. I'd like to keep running the stock fuel rail (I see no need to replace it and don't want any trouble with the rozzers)

Apparently stock GTR fuel rail is 10.5mm (?) and ID1000s come in 11 and 14mm. I also would need the 60mm length correct?

I believe some distributors guarantee a complete plug and play fit by machining them down to fit the stock fuel rail and supplying a rubber cushion which goes on the bottom of the injector. Can anyone tell me anywhere that does this? I'd prefer to buy locally/off one of the forum sponsors as long as their prices are reasonably competitive.

A few different options on the 'net - none of these specifically mention all of this so it might be worth some e-mails. Anyone found a supplier that does a direct plug and play kit?




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I've done all my research and I'm going for a set of ID1000s shortly.

Powerhouse Racing, a SAU trader, gave me the best price and info I could find. Cheaper than ebay and Injectors Online, plus they're in Australia so if you have an issue it's a bit easier.

Not sure on the cost of those connectors, but worth sending Joe a PM.

i had to buy some adapters for my ones, but they are genuine Injector Dynamic ID1000's. Be wary of people selling ID1000's when in fact they're just the bosch ev14 or whatever the model number is, a lot of sellers don't care and just call them ID1000's still.

How can you tell if there bosch ev14's instead?

I have a set of ID1000's to go onto my gtr and they have a Bosch part number on them that has been etched off, I bought them like that new?

Millenium motorsport in QLD will turn them down to suit a 26 rail btw.

Don't know if there is any difference - I thought ID just test the bosch and sell you a matched set of six with a flow report.[Don't know this for a fact - stand ready to be corrected]

No cause a standard ev14 is a different injector..but

i had to buy some adapters for my ones, but they are genuine Injector Dynamic ID1000's. Be wary of people selling ID1000's when in fact they're just the bosch ev14 or whatever the model number is, a lot of sellers don't care and just call them ID1000's still.

The way I understand it, IDs are just bosch injectors, however they mill down the ends to look something like this


Kind of like highflowing them really..then they add a pretty coloured adapter so they look special and a flow report to make the customer feel at ease, but mostly its just to make sure they haven't f**ked up when they milled them...

I dunno, maybe they commissioned bosch to make a batch with a certain part number, doesnt make them any different internally that i know of..

The Xspurts are exactly the same thing (well I hope so, cause thats why I bought em) but made locally. These may be what other people are selling and calling them IDs, because thats what the customers want to hear. I mean ,everybody has heard of IDs they have a solid reputation but whats an Xspurt..There may even be others doing this as well, Im sure I have seen similar for sale online..But why buy from OS when you can get the same if not better deal on the same part right here..the only thing different is the name..

Anyways thats my theory, Happy to stand corrected.. :thumbsup:

PS pretty sure I saw your car gohan, in Dingley yesterday, doin the speed limit with about 400 cars full of mums with kids trying to overtake you...lol

Thanks for the informative replies all,

Anyone know who supplies them in Sydney 100% plug and play so I don't have to take them somewhere to get them skimmed down to 10.5mm?

Also, were those Xspurts a straight swap?

Thanks for the informative replies all,

Anyone know who supplies them in Sydney 100% plug and play so I don't have to take them somewhere to get them skimmed down to 10.5mm?

Also, were those Xspurts a straight swap?

I am running the Xspurts in my R34 GTT with a HKS rail, i am pretty sure they are plug and play, they are full height GTR type as the GTT normally runs 3/4 height injectors (The plugs fit mine and with the rail it was an easy fit).... JEM - Just Engine Management are a Xspurt dealer, the price was higher than some of the ones listed above but they came highly recommended so give them a call and see if its any use to you?

  • 4 months later...

BUMP! Rather than starting a new thread was wondering if someone could give me some

Info in regards to Bosch 1000s. They are for an RB25det (non neo). Apologies for the noobish q's.

However are they: short, long or standard injectors?

How many MM?

And, are they EV1, EV6 or EV14?

Thanks a bunch fellas.

ID1000's come matched for flow.... why is this important? check the pic below.

the pic attached is of generic ID1000 (bosch 1000cc) wanna bees. Look at the hug difference in flow.... there is enough difference in these to lose a motor... apparently it is now a big issue with all the 1000 and 2000cc stuff.

If your serious buy the matched ID's or at least get your 1000cc injectors flow checked.


I would assume if you need to get the injectors flow matched locally the cost would blow out, probably best to get them from ID if that's the case. I think I was quoted over $20 an injector for a clean and report.

I do wish I had mine tested now and if i have to pull them out again I will do so..

But I dont see how 6 injectors the same milled on the same machine could have that much variance unless they were done by the dodgy brothers...

does anyone know or have experience with power enterprise injectors , they do an 850cc injector which is $160each,

would this be a good thing for a E85 setup upto 340kw and would they idle nicely and be no drama fitment on stock rail???

would really appreaciate feedback before i make decisions.. ;not sure bout xspurt injectors if i need to stuff round with rail...

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