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Last years 17-25 year old road toll in Vic was down 34% on 2007 (the year the high powered ban was introduced).

In the same time the overall road toll decreased by 14% in the same period.

While this doesn't prove that the ban has worked, one could easily conclude it's had some positive effect on the road toll.

road toll will always increase to some degree because of the ever increasing number of people driving.

when i bought my r33 at age 25, i drove like a hoon. had i bought it when i was 18 i would've written it off for sure. when i was on my P's it took me getting booked for speeding and having to go for 11 months on only 1 point to slow down.

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I went off to try and find some statistics from a few decade's ago, and go on about how we've doubled the population (and people probably drive more now than then aswell) yet maintained the same number of accidents, but came across some statistics from 2010 showing that 37% of fatalities involving speed (exceeding the posted limit or driving too fast for conditions) involved drivers aged 17 to 25. Another interesting statistic is that over the last 5 years, 80% of the drivers in that age group involved in fatal accidents were considered at fault.

Another interesting statistic is that in 2010 only 22% of all crashes involved speed, whereas 30% of young driver fatalities involved speed, against the 5 year average before that of 38%. Not sure what to make of that.

"More than 45 per cent of hoon offenders are full licensed drivers, with probationary drivers making up 38 per cent of offenders."

Whereas Probationary drivers make up 14% of licensed road users. If you take pretty much all of that 38% to be men (fair assumption) and then say halve the P plate drivers, that make 7% of road users account for 38% of "hoon" offenders. Even allowing for a bit of movement you could comfortably say 10% of male p platers account for 35% of "hoon" offences.

Edited by Cowboy1600

Look at the total road toll Vs population growth. Road toll has held steady with minor variations up down for over the past decade, population has grown considerably.

Actually the road toll has slowly decreased while the population booms.

I'm not advocating for increased enforcement of the road rules. In fact I think most road rules are total bunkus. There is no "road carnage" that the Government likes to tell us there is. It's all a con designed to scare us into submission. Long ago Governments worked out the best way to maintain a compliant population was to keep them afraid.

However not all road rules are stupid, the ban on high powered cars being one of them IMO. I don't think the same goes for high powered motorbikes, however. Why? Because the likelihood of a motorcyclist harming someone other than themselves is incredibly small.

The Government should stop trying to protect us from ourselves. By all means, protect us from others, but not from ourselves.

At 20 years old the frontal lobe isn't fully developed.

The Frontal Lobe is responsible for the ability to recognise future consequences resulting from current actions, to choose between good and bad actions (or better and best), override and suppress unacceptable social responses, and determine similarities and differences between things or events. Therefore, it is involved in higher mental functions.

Therefore, no matter how much of a totally awesome driver you think are because you've managed to not write off a car....yet...your brain isn't developed enough to consider the ramifications of your actions fully which therefore leads to increased risk taking behaviour. When that risk taking behaviour has the potential to kill and maim people other than yourself, the Government has a fundamental responsibility to try and avoid such a situation occurring. Some rules they make in seeking to achieve this are good (such as no HP cars for P platers) and some are bad (such as draconian speeding laws and enforcement).

Having no idea how I actually got through my late teens and early 20s without killing myself and a couple other people in a car smash, I agree with the ban on high powered cars for young people, especially men (young men have lots of testosterone). I was allowed a high powered car, but fortunately went for something which handled instead (2L powered Datsun 1600). Had I have had a seriously powered car, I would be dead, without fail.

So basic physiology supports a ban on high powered cars for young men, pure and simple, as do I.

I am studying a Bsc at Uni mate, I am well aware that at the age of 20 the brain is still developing. However, I can honestly say that this hasn't resulted in me PERSONALLY taking risks when on public roads. I do worry about hurting myself because death is something I fear greatly, I'm worried about hurting/killing someone else and losing my licence. When I hit the track I push the limits on my bike (not to the point where I crash all the time, I've been riding for years) so in some respects, you are right, as I do push the limits when I'm on the bike. Howver, I am fortunate enough to have the sense that there is a time and a place for everything, being an idiot on a public road isn't one of them.

The consequences of being a knuckle glazer on the street are more than enough to keep me driving sensibly. As I said before, I usually drive over 100 km per day, sometimes up to 3 times that, as well as drives from qld to Sydney and back numerous times. In my relatively short driving career, I would have almost certainly lost my ticket or became a statistic if I drove like a dickhead for that amount of time.

Anyway, I can kiss my P plates goodbye because as of a few hours ago I am officially an open licenced driver.

Btw madbung, you're a dead set champion. I sent you a PM trying to clear the air and try to get an agree to disagree out of you, yet you ignore it and still carry on. Take a look at yourself and see who the mature one is.

I am studying a Bsc at Uni mate, I am well aware that at the age of 20 the brain is still developing. However, I can honestly say that this hasn't resulted in me PERSONALLY taking risks when on public roads. I do worry about hurting myself because death is something I fear greatly, I'm worried about hurting/killing someone else and losing my licence. When I hit the track I push the limits on my bike (not to the point where I crash all the time, I've been riding for years) so in some respects, you are right, as I do push the limits when I'm on the bike. Howver, I am fortunate enough to have the sense that there is a time and a place for everything, being an idiot on a public road isn't one of them.

The consequences of being a knuckle glazer on the street are more than enough to keep me driving sensibly. As I said before, I usually drive over 100 km per day, sometimes up to 3 times that, as well as drives from qld to Sydney and back numerous times. In my relatively short driving career, I would have almost certainly lost my ticket or became a statistic if I drove like a dickhead for that amount of time.

Anyway, I can kiss my P plates goodbye because as of a few hours ago I am officially an open licenced driver.

Btw madbung, you're a dead set champion. I sent you a PM trying to clear the air and try to get an agree to disagree out of you, yet you ignore it and still carry on. Take a look at yourself and see who the mature one is.

This isn't about you "PERSONALLY". It's about a law designed to try and prevent death and injury caused by immature brains controlling a vehicle.

Btw madbung, you're a dead set champion. I sent you a PM trying to clear the air and try to get an agree to disagree out of you, yet you ignore it and still carry on. Take a look at yourself and see who the mature one is.

I know but thanks for the recognition..

I did receive an apology via pm from you.. In my opinion if your behaviour was for public consumption then so should the apology be. Was I required to respond to your pm, it didn't appear to me to be the beginning of a conversation?

What do you mean by still carry on, I have agreed with another member that differs to your own opinion and re-affirmed my early thoughts on this issue nothing more has been added. I stand by my posts and intend to retract nothing.

I'm correct in saying it's not the first time you've acted out in this way on theses forums is it scooter.

This isn't about you "PERSONALLY". It's about a law designed to try and prevent death and injury caused by immature brains controlling a vehicle.


Edited by madbung

I know but thanks for the recognition..

I did receive an apology via pm from you.. In my opinion if your behaviour was for public consumption then so should the apology be. Was I required to respond to your pm, it didn't appear to me to be the beginning of a conversation?

What do you mean by still carry on, I have agreed with another member that differs to your own opinion and re-affirmed my early thoughts on this issue nothing more has been added. I stand by my posts and intend to retract nothing.

I'm correct in saying it's not the first time you've acted out in this way on theses forums is it scooter.


Acted out? Lmao. The fact still remains that you are an egotistical prick that thinks anyone who is younger than you or has a vagina is an imbecile.

Cowboy - I understand what you're saying and agree.

You continue to reaffirm my conclusions about you.

If you had half a clue to match your wit you'd know the only time I do discriminate it's against the stubbornly stupid.

You do act out, just like a child.

Keep arguing against facts and reality, you are special.


Wow this is still going? Let it go not worth the keystrokes. And Tomic's gf needs a nose job.

Dude, just f**k off. If you don't like it, stop reading it.


Dude, just f**k off. If you don't like it, stop reading it.


I'm sorry to have offended. I had no idea you were so passionate about this issue that you would lash out at a complete stranger. Again sorry to you and any i offended with my comment.

I'm sorry to have offended. I had no idea you were so passionate about this issue that you would lash out at a complete stranger. Again sorry to you and any i offended with my comment.

No worries.

It just shits me when people swoop into an active thread which others are discussing things in and does the whole"ZOMG guys, stop already" when they haven't actually been involved.

Just because you don't want to discuss something, doesn't mean others aren't allowed.

No worries.

It just shits me when people swoop into an active thread which others are discussing things in and does the whole"ZOMG guys, stop already" when they haven't actually been involved.

Just because you don't want to discuss something, doesn't mean others aren't allowed.

I was involved. All good everyone has their pet peeves.

You continue to reaffirm my conclusions about you.

If you had half a clue to match your wit you'd know the only time I do discriminate it's against the stubbornly stupid.

You do act out, just like a child.

Keep arguing against facts and reality, you are special.


I'm not arguing against facts whatsoever. I understand that in many cases, the developmental stage of an individual's brain may have caused an accident. All

I'm saying is that it is impossible to tar everyone with the same brush, because I don't believe that a persons frontal lobe development is the SOLE decider in risk assessment.

I'm not saying I don't agree with the p plate laws either, I think it's BS that this bastard could drive an M3 because he threw some coin in the right direction. All I said was that I'd had loved to have had the opportunity to drive the car I wanted on my p's, and I believe I would still be breathing if I did.

We are both stubborn, but if you can't concede the FACT that some people, regardless of their age, can assess risks whilst driving adequately, then it's apparent to me that you are an arrogant bloke that thinks you're above everyone.

You wanted a public apology, well I'm sorry for the way I flew off the handle. However, I still believe that the majority of P platers out there are capable enough to survive on the road without the need of a miracle. I also believe that there are p platers out there that would survive without one whilst driving a high powered car.

How about on this particular topic, we agree to disagree.

I'm not arguing against facts whatsoever. I understand that in many cases, the developmental stage of an individual's brain may have caused an accident. All

I'm saying is that it is impossible to tar everyone with the same brush, because I don't believe that a persons frontal lobe development is the SOLE decider in risk assessment.

I'm not saying I don't agree with the p plate laws either, I think it's BS that this bastard could drive an M3 because he threw some coin in the right direction. All I said was that I'd had loved to have had the opportunity to drive the car I wanted on my p's, and I believe I would still be breathing if I did.

We are both stubborn, but if you can't concede the FACT that some people, regardless of their age, can assess risks whilst driving adequately, then it's apparent to me that you are an arrogant bloke that thinks you're above everyone.

You wanted a public apology, well I'm sorry for the way I flew off the handle. However, I still believe that the majority of P platers out there are capable enough to survive on the road without the need of a miracle. I also believe that there are p platers out there that would survive without one whilst driving a high powered car.

How about on this particular topic, we agree to disagree.

I thank you for your apology.

Riddle me this...Why do you keep holding onto that idea, as stated many times over the laws are to cater for the lowest denominator, do you think each individual should be assessed and the law applied as each case arises, do you really believe that's possible?. Lets look at the drink driving laws, A fool could argue that some people can drink a shit load and still function while most others can not... so what should be done there? Would it be logical for an alcoholic to argue against those laws using the same reasoning that you do? Look at any law, they are all applied in the same way.

Although it is impossible to deny the natural growth path and development of the human brain, how can I not agree that there are some young adults that don't have issues with impulse control and risk assessment just as I don't deny the existence of psychopaths, sociopaths or any other mental aberration ....

You keep saying you're on the ball and in control, but your posts display a lack of risk assessment/impulse control.

If you haven't noticed these type threads seem to pop up every couple of months and almost always end in the same argument. This is just another "can't see the forest for all these damn trees" scenario, although i am amused surely you can't continue with this logic.

After all that I'm not sure we do disagree, I think you're allowing pride and hormones to colour your responses..

Edited by madbung

Quite simply your behaviour demonstrate an inability to know where the line is. You have limited control over your actions which puts you at risk. In this instance the risk is a ban or warning from this forum.

That's pretty straight forward is it not?

Quite simply your behaviour demonstrate an inability to know where the line is. You have limited control over your actions which puts you at risk. In this instance the risk is a ban or warning from this forum.

That's pretty straight forward is it not?

Not really, because what some may deem to be a risk, others may not. If my opinion gets me banned, then so be it, I am prepared to accept that consequence. I am not prepared to kill myself, someone else or lose my licence, so I don't drive like an imbecile. My risk assessment is fine.

By your logic, someone who buys a lottery ticket has poor risk assessment because they have a good chance of losing money. It may not be a risk to them if they are prepared to lose the $12.

We are talking about a specific scenario which is driving on a public road, not typing a post on a forum. I may not have as much regard for my privilege to post on this forum as I do for my own life, that does not mean that I am incapable of assessing risks.

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