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I suggested water loading, but she was going out clubbing that night and didn't want to look bloated...also needed some sort of energy for dancing cause she fatigues easily without food.

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I do try to drink a lot of water to stay full... but if I haven't eaten much that day it passes through pretty quickly as I usually drink quite a bit anyway.

I only go for the tuna if my tummy is literally grumbling. Also by 95gm tuna I actually mean 66 as that's without the water. Do you really think that the tuna would be a negative? I've heard, as many probably have, that if you starve yourself then eat your body will automatically store the food as fat asap as it goes into survival mode thinking that food is scarce. I don't actually know if this is true and I still eat breakky and lunch-ish so it may not even apply.

Last night I did completely skip dinner though as I was just not hungry.

On the topic of doing alot of walking/running to lose weight...

from my experience when i started getting a little chubby i combined my weights with light walking and a healthy diet...

anyone who saw my before and after pics will agree with me that whatever it was that i did worked pretty damn well.

my weekly routine consisted of weights 5 times a week, as well as doing a brisk treadmill walk for 45 min 3-4 times a week.

I cut out all the crap in my diet ie (foods with excessive sugar, highly processed foods, fatty meats and pretty much only drank water)

my weight went from 96kg to 88kg in the matter of 8-10 weeks, and i kept most of my strength.

Not too long ago i watched a documentary called "Fat, sick and nearly dead". its main message is the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables. Its a really good movie and i definatly recomend it!!

since then ive really cut down on the amount of pasta and breads i eat as particular times, ive cut down a bit on meats and ive increased my fruit, vegetable, nuts and legnums intake.

To make sure i get the 200g of protein i need i supplement in protien shackes, and i drink a few cups of ENDURA a day to ensure my mineral intake IE (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium)

I dont even consider my original diet as strict any more, its a minimum! Currently I stand at approximatly the same body weight as i did at my first diet but i now have a lower body fat % and im even stronger and can run alot further.

What im trying to say is that you dont need to do a Sh!t load of cardio to lose weight... it only takes a little bit of cardio combined with weights and more importantly a healthy diet to acheive great results. suppliments are far to over used in my opinion, i dunno if its laziness or if people are just looking for a magic cure.

Fruit, vegetables and good hydration are extremely under rated by alot of people trying to lose weight, even alot of novice body builders under rate the importance. your lunch and dinner plate should be filled with over 50% vegetables... Just sayin ;)

Jeppe what ever you do dont starve yourself, try smaller meals more often through the day, hydrate and keep a healthy cardio to weight ratio.. and keep up your fruit and vegetable intake :D

Yeah I agree on the low rate of cardio. This I do through work as I walk about 15km a day. And the other day I walked into the city and back because I'm too stubborn to pay for metcards or parking :3 and that was over 10km.

Not sure about running any more because after 6 weeks of running 3 times a week I now permanently hear a crackle of cartilage ever time I stand back up from a squat. So I think I will just cycle and walk to keep the impact low.

The only thing is when I started working in March, half way through my weight loss, it didn't actually make a difference, I was still losing weight at the same consistent rate. Then I went overseas for a month, ate packets upon packets of the best Doritos you will ever taste, Sweet Chilli Pepper *drool* I can only get them from my South African supermarket over here. Anyway, basically I wasn't concentrating on my food intake and certainly wasn't exercising but still lost 3Kgs in the space of a month... crazy!

So I'm going a lot just by judging the situation day to day. I don't want to start exercising more intensly than walking until I find out what's up with my body as I'm too scared the cravings will come back and I'll lose all my efforts, even worse it will be a massive toll mentally. I hope this is unlikely to happen but you never know.

Although I was considering just doing two days a week of situps 6x20 since my stomach has lost most of its weight and I wouldn't mind developing some definition. It doesn't get my HR up and could be a good tester. Will see.

Edited by JEPPE

You should watch that 'Fat, sick and nearly dead" documentary. Its made by an Australian bloke that lives in Sydney

His diet not only changes his weight but also his day to day well being.

Even if you have to buy it, youll definatly enjoy watching it

btw that is plenty of walking lol, and yea not all cardio requires running

Edited by GTR_JOEY

You should watch that 'Fat, sick and nearly dead" documentary. Its made by an Australian bloke that lives in Sydney

ez, just got the torrent, should be able to watch it this afternoon :)

Just finished watching Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. Very inspiring. I'd be interested to see what affect a purely veggie juice diet has on me after a week, may try, probably better than skipping meals. I wish I could cure whatever I have with a diet but sadly I've previously done various diets long term that haven't made a difference. I know I could eat more veggies at the moment though for sure.

Was pretty cool how he helped out that truckie in the US, the difference was awesome.

Spotted this while watching and thought it was interesting. Meet twice weekly or less?! Awwww :(


haha that was quick, i thought it was cool how the whole story wasnt about himself and he managed to help those other people..

a company actually makes his juices now for sale to the public, you can buy them at Woolworths. They re about 3.50 each from memory. When i get back home ill probably start taking a green 'Mostly vegetable" juice in the morning and a sweeter Vegetable/fruit one in the arvo before work outs.

If you wanna go nuts and do the whole juice diet thing that would be sweet, i know a couple of people that have done it and they found it harder then what is depicted on the DVD but the benifits where there none the less. Even if you did a 7-10day cycle just to see how you go id be very interested to see the results

Id say the meet twice a week or less is more of a guide line (well im using it as a guide line lol) the message is just to eat more fruit and vegies and cut out the fats, sugars and excessive carbs

I like that little table in the bottom left corner: FOODS LOWEST IN NUTRIENTS.. FLOUR, OIL, SUGAR... seriously how much of that crap do we eat

Edited by GTR_JOEY

Yeah it was amazing the snowball affect that his influence had on people. He tells five people, they tell five people, and so on. Maybe only a 10% chance of it making a difference in their lives but that's still pretty good with the amount of people it reached!

Pure veggies has some drawbacks though, low salt and basically no fibre. Since my iron supplements make my digestive system difficult as it is I would probably need to take a fibre supplement with this or just mix it up. The main reason I would do this is to at least increase the amount of veggies in my diet (and I'm all about convenience and efficiency so juices are perfect) but also to properly exit carbs and sugars for a whole week. New things are fresh and motivating so even if the veggies themselves aren't exactly what I need, the lack of bad foods is great. Although I will miss my porridge in the morning... slow release energy is awesome. Maybe I will keep that one for fibre :3

Will take pics tomorrow morning and to compare so stay posted! :)

awesome so your going to give it a go then..

id say if your going to juice the fruit and vegies that it should be easier to digest so u wont need as much. In saying that there are vegetable that contain more fibre then others IE advacado, beans, broccoli so get into those ones ;)

For salt and Hydration, look into a tub of "Endura" it contains other essential minerals and doesnt taste too bad..bout $60 for 2kg and it will last a fair while

Good Luck

Minerals/nutrients provided by the vegetables aside, an all vegetable diet is basically starving yourself. They are ~90% water, so it's very much a digestion trick like water loading, only a little bit healthier. Not saying it's a bad idea, just saying don't expect an all vegie diet to make the stomach groans go away either. If what you've been doing has been working, keep at it until it no longer works IMO - it's important to keep in mind that JEPPE isn't your textbook case for weight loss; the CFS issues mean that not getting any energy and proteins at all could be quite detrimental to her health and wellbeing on the whole. Tuna is great here as it is high protein and ~500kj of energy per 95gm can, with <1gm carbs. In contrast, a box of Shapes has ~3000kj and ~90gm carbs, so that's not a bad amount of energy from the tuna.

That pyramid looks like it was made by a vegetarian haha, don't think I could last a day on it. Turn it upside down (literally) and you get my ~10% bf diet.

They are ~90% water

I guess that's why they are commonly made into juice? Akakakakakah :P

All of your points are valid. I did say though that it would just be good to cut out at least all unnatural sugars, if this gives me motivation to do it then I'm happy with the drawbacks. Even though I'm losing weight a lot of the time my day will have too many carbs or processed foods, just in small portions. I should rather have a larger portion of something like veggies. Will probably just add it in similar to a protein shake as either a snack or a meal replacement depending on my hunger and see how it goes.

Oh and your diet is retarded so of course you couldn't live on that! Haha.

Does that pyrmid say "BEEF - rarely"

I'm going to assume they mean to have BEEF cooked Rare.... with every meal (as it's at the top).

Because the only other alternative is that they mean rarely eat Beef which makes no sense at all and only a retard (or vegetarian) would draw up such a stupid chart.

or is that from that "Hey I blend veges and drink it and have lost weight" guy.

yep amazing how someone with a terrible diet who doesn't eat any veggies suddenly feels better when they start eating veggies... but of course human nature dictates they must swing completely to the opposite extreme and declare meat is evil and consume a diet of nothing but veggies... eastern philosphy has been promoting balance for centuries but the only things that get our attention in western culture are extremes... when will we learn

sorry to whore your thread BTW... good work on the weight loss, not an easy task when you have health issues

Edited by NickR33

Haha, yeah I know I would never listen to someone who tells me not to eat meat. Although it kind of makes a little sense in a Hunter Gatherer perspective that back then we would have been able to eat from trees far more often than we would have be able to catch a bear. But since the food is now readily available you wouldn't think it would apply.

At least it's not like the old pyramid.... caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrbs!






I was actually a little dissapointed comparing the photos as I don't think it does 8kgs worth of justice. I feel way more accomplished when looking in person.

Weight log since I started:


And zoomed in on the last week since I've been back from overseas.


Yep, so 2 more KGs and I'll be where I want to be! :)

eastern philosphy has been promoting balance for centuries but the only things that get our attention in western culture are extremes... when will we learn

Haha agreed, happy medium ftw. Yin yang :)

I was actually a little dissapointed comparing the photos as I don't think it does 8kgs worth of justice. I feel way more accomplished when looking in person.

Yep, so 2 more KGs and I'll be where I want to be! :)

You're not a short girl so the distribution of losing 8kg won't be as noticeable as with most girls.

Also, I'm fairly tall and when I lost 8kg, to me it looked like my abs got a bit more visible and that's it lol...everyone else noticed me looking more trim though. Your arms, legs, hips, waist and bum look smaller. There is more of a gap now and you've lost 200 grams of watch.


Be time to hit the compound weights soon...

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