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Thanks for organising the cruise. I've been to GOR 09 and 10 before. Today had a different feel to it. Also Hamish and JamesK weren't there, although lots of new faces.

The pace felt a bit slower today, for better or worse. I remember having to boot it and late brake to keep up with the frontrunners last time.

Bit frustrating as usual with the inconsiderate tourists blocking us. That Camry on the way back was insanely slow, doing like 20 km/h under the limit sometimes and refusing to pull over.

I think they dropped the speed limit on SCR out from Apollo Bay from 100 to 80, with the "New Limit" sign. No fun :(

Also too many cops - more than I have seen at GOR before. 4WD patrol car in Anglesea, cop bike near Apollo Bay, unmarked cop car on M1 back to Melbourne pulling over the trio of sportsbikers.

Was there a reason we didn't stop at Anglesea like usual? I was busting to go take a leak :P I assume because we were running late.

In the past, we also met up at BP Little River Melb-bound on the way back. I only saw one other skyline there. After talking to him, I'm not sure if we all took the same route back? There seemed to be a random left turn out of no-where off the main highway onto a single lane D-road.

And I think Al and I were the only ones using our CBs. The previous GORs we were in, there were heaps of people with CBs and lively chatter.

Good to see Ash come out for GOR though. The blue R34 GT with the P plate tailing me on the way back.... was worried you might rear end me if I braked too suddenly. If there was one car that I didn't think would be able to keep up, it would've been a P-plater in a N/A car, but I doubt your car's standard :P Good work.

All in all, good weather and company. See you all at the next cruise!

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The pace felt a bit slower today, for better or worse. I remember having to boot it and late brake to keep up with the frontrunners last time.

Also too many cops - more than I have seen at GOR before.

Pretty much answer your own point mate haha :D

The speed limits have also been dropped AGAIN in a few places, and back through the otways. It used to be 100km/h posted limits... So ye, not much you can do really. It's definately a very cruise-cruise route now.

I had a great day none the less, always love driving the road no matter what. Views, the air - It's Mabo.

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I was the N/A P Plater! And I hate one HELL of a time trying to keep up, my Auto transmission and I had a good argument or two! Was definitely the hardest and the most fun driving I've ever had! Thanks guys!

and yea, it's a completely NA RB25DE NEO. No extractors or cold air intake, nothing, at least that I know of/put on there.

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I was the N/A P Plater! And I hate one HELL of a time trying to keep up, my Auto transmission and I had a good argument or two! Was definitely the hardest and the most fun driving I've ever had! Thanks guys!

and yea, it's a completely NA RB25DE NEO. No extractors or cold air intake, nothing, at least that I know of/put on there.

grey 34?

i was in the yellow auto 34. the one with the domo.

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The blue R34 GT with the P plate tailing me on the way back.... was worried you might rear end me if I braked too suddenly. If there was one car that I didn't think would be able to keep up, it would've been a P-plater in a N/A car, but I doubt your car's standard :P Good work.

That "R34 GT/P-plater N/A" car is a NA+T pushing more than a stock GTT. He had turbo brakes, dont have to worry... :D

FML about the camry on the way there. There was a lot more times (when alvin) we could go at it hard before we caught up to another car. But the road back... Omg... I didn't get many chances to have fun in a skyline turbo for the first time... The whole good bit was held up by some cars! Was tempted just to go back and do it again.. :[

so... why didn't you come?


R = 6


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Always love cruising with a group of skylines / wrxs / silvias etc....

Only found out 1.5 hours ago that James (red r31) broke down

Hope you make it home alright mate.....



For more of my photos of the day : http://s1097.photobucket.com/albums/g348/montie1965/SAU%20GOR%20trip%202012/

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Great cruise guys, amazing weather and everything ran smoothly with no "incidents"...

Even though my car couldn't make it, I'm glad I came along! Cheers for the lifts Alvin/Jonoe, Laith and Richo :)

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LOL I did mean the blue R34 with the green P plates. I assumed it was NA due to the P plates and it looked like a 25GT rather than like a GTT? (Not the best at distinguishing tho...) I knew his car wasn't stock.

Bah! Is Confused.

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LOL I did mean the blue R34 with the green P plates. I assumed it was NA due to the P plates and it looked like a 25GT rather than like a GTT? (Not the best at distinguishing tho...) I knew his car wasn't stock.

Yeah. Its made to look stock/nonturbo to get less attn. He fooled me at first, till i heard the turbo spooled, then a flutter... :P

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