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Some Skyline Drivers are a Disgrace

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Hey guys,

Driving skylines is a unique privilege. However, there are some who just get too carried away believing they're king of the road. Whoever you are I hope you frequent these forums and read this because you need an urgent attitude change.

I was driving my family home in my skyline tonight at 7:45 pm-my wife was front passenger, my 9 yr old daughter and a friend of hers were sitting at the back. We decided to drive through McDonald's at Kings Park. Driving out from McDonald's, we passed a group of people hanging out where their cars were parked. One of them was a purple R33. As we passed them, I noticed the owner of the R33 hurriedly get into his car. I didn't think too much of it. About a couple of minutes later, still driving along on an unlit stretch of road this car was suddenly tailgating us with it's blow off valve blaring. Obviously, he wanted to race. I was doing 50 on a 50kph street and he wanted to race. He decided to overtake us on our left side and then proceeded to do a burn-out once he was in front.

I caught up to him at the next set of lights. I angrily asked him what it was that he was trying to prove. I then said to him that I had kids in the car. He then took off without saying much.

Whoever you are...there is nothing at all that you need to prove to other motorists on public roads, especially a fellow skyline driver. Are you stupid? If you are that desperate to show off how good a driver you are and what a beast your skyline is, why don't you just take it to the track. With that kind of attitude, you are bound to hurt yourself, or OTHERS soon! I Hope you lose your license you


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Dont worry bro, every kind of car has a dickhead driving it one way or another, whether it'd be a commodore, lancer or skyline. The driver seems too wreckless to be an SAU member too.

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haha true, i remeber this guy had a write up in tha paper about his VL commo and he said' if it isn't a holden it isn't worth owning' funny it had a nissan rocker cover on it!

and i believe the particular guy now owns a 200sx

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I was about to say I bet he only stopped wearing his HSV jacket when he bought his VL beater. I don't cruise, race, park, do blockies, etc. I just love my GTR and what anyone else thinks of it or wants me to do in it doesn't bother me. :wassup:

Having said that, I have noticed the amount of morons getting around in Skylines nowadays, especially R33 GTS-T's. :(

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It seems there's alot of skyline drivers around that have lots of big red shoe's at home these days.

i get the feeling sometimes that to own and drive a skyline in sydney you need a disclaimer, IE "The only Tools in this skyline are in the boot"

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It's really annoying... I've had mine for close on four years now. It was one of the first late-model Skylines around my area - even a year later, I had people asking "what is that?". Once a couple started getting around the area, we'd wave and pull over for a chat, but these days it's very unusual for them *not* to act like a tool. Apart from being very disappointing, it also forces the police to pay more attention to me, perhaps thinking I'm one of those idiots...

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That's really disappointing, some people have no respect.

I was once taking my grandmother to do some Christmas shopping when a hero in a VS Commodore thought it would be funny to tailgate me, flash his lights and dangerously overtake me because I wouldn't 'play'.

Can you imagine my poor grandmother in the passenger seat, asking me if I knew the driver of the taxi?

It makes me sick, as soon as these fools see a nice car or P-plate they go crazy.


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It only takes a one or two idiots to spoil it for the rest. All of a sudden a stereotype will evolve. Look at commodore drivers. THey are not all bogan hoons, but a lot of bogan hoons drive them and spoil it for the sensible ones.

Commodore drivers have a stereotype of being bogan hoon, and skylines drivers have a stereotype of being ricer hoons. A fact both have to live with.

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It's really annoying... I've had mine for close on four years now. It was one of the first late-model Skylines around my area - even a year later, I had people asking "what is that?". Once a couple started getting around the area, we'd wave and pull over for a chat, but these days it's very unusual for them *not* to act like a tool. Apart from being very disappointing, it also forces the police to pay more attention to me, perhaps thinking I'm one of those idiots...

this is the main reason i sold my skyline, when i first bought it, i think i was the only one around town that had one, and then they started to become popular (which isnt such a bad thing) but then i had people coming up to me, asking if i was the tool driving stupidly around town in a skyline.

its just a fact that modified cars attract dickheads :rofl:

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It's good to know that there still are a lot of sensible people out there.

Every skyline enthusiast should consider taking their car out to the race circuits. It will be quite an eye opener. You will realise that:

1. It's a lot of fun!

2. Hooning around on public roads is unnecessary.

3. You become a better driver.

4. You contribute to maintaining the skyline badge's "legend" reputation.

5. You will want to mod your car further...and you can!


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hawks - so you sold your skyline and bought a Torana?

imo torana drivers have more of a 'bogan' label than skyline drivers...

I'm not saying its not a nice car, just that a torana has an image of big beefheads driving them

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yes i did sell my skyline, then bought another house, and then bought the torana, because i wasn't happy with the $10k the skyline depreciated in the two years that i had it.

every type of car has stereotyped owners, i'm am not a bogan, i was just sick of my car losing its value. now i have something that is increasing in value.

i might buy another skyline one day, but at the moment i'm happy with my car.

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I wouldnt say the skylines are too bad as far as hoons/dickheads driving them goes, i think the Silvia (particularly the S13) has it much worse. Because they're cheap so many young people can afford them, then do stupid stuff on the roads because its a turbo charged import. Its attention seeking and it's quite sad to see.

I saw a funny sight the other day, I'm only in college at the moment (and no, i'm not a dickhead driver) i was waiting out the front near the library and saw a cop van pull up outside the library in front of some other cars. The driver got out, so there was no-one in the van, but these dickheads from the college came gunning their cars up the street (very dumb thing to do, library=small children) then the minute they saw the van screeching their brakes on. Classic stuff.

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Guest RedLineGTR

you always find some tools in any car you can come across, unfortunatly its something that most people will have to live with ;(

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