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Some Skyline Drivers are a Disgrace

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Ahh toby19, do you happen to have a 4 door white r34? Could be 2 door im not sure. Seen one around my area lately)

I live close to Kings Park and i think i know which skyline your talking about, like a light purple r33 airbrushed on the front with big rims etc. Usual show style.

He speeds through the local shopping centre car park alot lettin his Show-off valve blare. Rather annoying, makes me think poser boys dont deserve skylines, especially when theyre racing around putting their and other peoples lives in danger.

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Ahh toby19, do you happen to have a 4 door white r34? Could be 2 door im not sure. Seen one around my area lately)


I live close to Kings Park and i think i know which skyline your talking about, like a light purple r33 airbrushed on the front with big rims etc. Usual show style.


He speeds through the local shopping centre car park alot lettin his Show-off valve blare. Rather annoying, makes me think poser boys dont deserve skylines, especially when theyre racing around putting their and other peoples lives in danger.

OMG Awsome! LOL im jk.. id love to see this guy one day... id bet he thinks hes top shit in his GTS-t

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He speeds through the local shopping centre car park alot lettin his Show-off valve blare. Rather annoying, makes me think poser boys dont deserve skylines, especially when theyre racing around putting their and other peoples lives in danger.

Yes, unfortunately there are more and more of these "posers" hanging around. What a great word boneR - totally agree with u.

toby19, feel sorry for ya mate, have just had a similar experience. I wish i could get up on a podium like Jim Richards in 1992 at Bathurst and call some of these so called "poser" Skyline drivers they R a PACK of ARSEHOLES!

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Well as it shows us all that the import scene will soon be classed as a bunch of hoons that have no respect for the law and saftey of others, even if your the most law considerate of them all they will still see you have a import racer and brand you with the same brush, all we realy can do is keep it too the track and those ppl who cant control them selves hopfully will either get arrested or unfortunatly crash the car, but there will always be D heads no matter what or were, but i hope that one-day the reckless drivers do realise that all skyline owners are not like them selves , other owners will have families in there car and or old ppl in the skylines ( i saw seinor sits in one the other day) , just respect the law and other ppl and make it a safer and more enjoyable generee for all .

peace out.

ohh P.S..... who ever was that green GT-R R33... sorry for leaving fuel stains on your door from my screamer pipe, but you had too rev your car right beside my G/F who was sleeping in the passenger seat. be more considerate nextime. thankyou....

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Plenty around sydney, and i mean PLENTY. Go to any numerous points known for poser hangouts (Certain Macca's, Krispy Kremes, Area's) and you will probably see a plethora of skylines, silvias and wrx's all done up with overly loud bov's with wanka rich boys driving them. Now i know this is just a generalisation but it happens, and it really does piss me off. These people are the reason why imports get a bad name, and when they do things like what happened to toby19 it just makes the situation worse. If and when i get an import in the future, god knows ill treat it soo much better than some people i see. I also plan on leaving dragging (and high speed cornering :))to the track, where you can actual prove yourself and your car in an organised and safe place, and at the same time recieve a formal result (timeslip etc).

Anyway just my 0.02c.

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Yeah theres no shortage of knobs, esp in r33's.

Its good to see other people other than 'wanka young rich boys' driving imports, as they are such good value for money compared to the local junk.

Nothing makes me feel prouder than to see respectable mid to late 40s guys driving around in a GTR.

Hell I guess its just pleasing to see some imports that arent actually being driven by a certain ethnic minority (majority?)

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Your all just generalising.

Yes their are goons and wanksters driving skylines but doesnt that go for other cars as well? Not only holdens, but their are people who drive recklessly in pulsars, excels, 323's...even bloody camry's n shyt.....Its not the CAR or the ethnicity, its the PERSON who sits behind the wheeel.

One thing i do agree to is AGE does make a big difference. As it is obvious that with age comes maturity and experience, so the older you are, the less likely you are to go around doing stupid things like high speed cornering, donuts etc. etc.

Just my 0.00000000000000002c

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Hehe, I'm 35 and drive a GTR, does that make you proud? LOL!

Seriously, where I am it's not too bad but all the kids in their GTS_T's are suddenly your mate when you own a GTR. Anyway, they were all coming around wanting a look and then one idiot (who wouldn't shut-up about how he drifts which is a giveaway that he can't drift for shit) lights up the tyres in my court as he leaves. I'm in a small country town and this was a quite Sunday afternoon. To top it all off he does it right in front of my neighbours brand new Accord Euro. He couldn't understand why I wasn't impressed. Needless to say he doesn't come around anymore.

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Hi guys!!

I'm a new skyline owner. Very new. This is also my first post.

Just want to chime in and say that not everyone who looks young and has a skyline is a rich poser boy. I look extremely young for my age (24) but I've been working for years and actually bought this car with my own money. So even though it might look like "rich parents" bought me the car, they didn't. Sure, I'll give it a squirt every now and then... But it's not very frequently that I do.

I think it's funny how people on the road react when they see a skyline. My last car was an Integra (which got written off by a P-plater) and people never acted the way they do now when they see the skyline. I've been tailgated so many times since getting the car. I got pissed off once so I grabbed 2nd and gave it a squirt. This one guy in a BMW pissed me off so much I just stayed in 4th and did 45km/h. He had been tailing me down a two lane road (I moved over to let him pass... he didn't), then he followed me onto some single lane roads, and stayed just as close. So I went slower... I didn't mind so much. Kinda know I don't have to prove anything at all in this car :D It's a great feeling.


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Ok, im finding a lot of you very hypercritical at the moment. You're getting annoyed that you're being unfairly labelled by other groups of drivers, yet happily stereotyping others.

Ok, it's true a lot of young people have no idea when it comes to road safety, and the majority of risk takers on the roads are young people, just look at insurance premiums, that proves it. but to say things that imply all young people driving skylines are 'rich poser boys' is rather unfair.

I will admit freely that my parents are buying me an R33 GTS-t. I know most of you will think i'm just out to prove myself to my mates, that i'll be dragging people at the lights, trying to drift on the streets, and generally doing the things that inexperienced P platers do. In fact, i won't be. Because at the end of the day, i pay for everything on the car. My parents are buying it but i have to pay for insurance, rego, petrol, repairs, all the running costs. Their aim is to give me a good car to start with, but should anything go wrong i foot the bills.

I know i'm not the only person here who has a skyline their parents bought them, and many will prolly think i won't respect it or whatever, but that isn't the truth. As i've said time and time again, age does not always bring wisdom. i've seen people twice my age do stupid stuff in cars the same as and better than mine. Don't be so quick to judge.

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HAHAHA This is a funny / interesting thread!!

Well i can say, yes i may be young (21) and yes im driving a 33 skyline GTS-t but i would like to think that i dont fit into the yound D I C K head catagory in an overpowered car with an underpowered level of common sense or knowledge. My first was a 76 1100cc Mini Clubman S and it taught me the basics and a few lil tricks with how to maintain a vehicle. Yes i paid for it when i was 16 coz i busted my balls workin at a servo for years to save up. I still have the mini (be to sad to let her go) but when i got to 18 i felt as tho i needed sumfin a lil different, it was the step up to a 1500cc with a turbo....yes the classic Nissan Pulsar ET Turbo was the next ride in my garage....again paid for it ALL myself with no handouts from anybody. Once that was gone, its 33 a big step from 1.5 turbo FWD ! but not too crazy. AGAIN all funded by myself. SURE my parents probably could have bought me a "nice car" to start with but it all honestly it would not have been a good idea....goin from passenger in mum's mazda to driver in a 6cyl Turbo RWD is not the smartest of options in my opinion. Im not sayin that anybody may be a crappy driver, but i know that not enough people have any trainning in defensive driving or handling a vehicle at high speeds........

Yes is annoys me to see young "kids" in hot cars such as skylines, but nothin to do with being jelous that mummy or daddy bought the car for them....its just there is a good chance that mummy and daddy didnt think the car was "THAT FAST" or "THAT POWERFUL" or could "SPIN OUT SO EASILY" and so on....

Just remember people..... Time and a place....

2 cents deposited.


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Your all just generalising.

Yes their are goons and wanksters driving skylines but doesnt that go for other cars as well? Not only holdens, but their are people who drive recklessly in pulsars, excels, 323's...even bloody camry's n shyt.....Its not the CAR or the ethnicity, its the PERSON who sits behind the wheeel  

Yeah but a skyline isn't a grandmas car, or a wife's car it's a young person's car, young male to be precise, people buy them when they want performace, so the ratio of hoons and posers is much higher, and that's reflected in the stereo types, I mean stereo types don't just come out of nowhere.

Having said that, it's not a problem that's exclusive to Skylines, but rather any sports cars that are affordable enough for young males to buy. If BMW M5's cost 15 grand M5 drivers would have a bad rep.

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Thats right bash the R33GTS25t's.

Yes I know Pentae S13's are much better bla bla

FFS anyone would think they drove themselves.

Lergo its the driver not the car.

Yes, I happen to drive my R33 (yes thats right infamous

dirty Commodore replacement the only skyline anyone

would ever hoon in) like a grandaddy 95% of the time.

grumble grumble sob sob

*end of rant* grrrrr

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yeh, my parents bought me my R33 GT-R. but who said anything about not using it well ? i take it to phillip island nearly all the time... and only give "some squirts" when i see a big long road abandond... i dont go around the supermarkets blowing out my BOV. :D

the only reason you see lots of people with VL's and Skylines and 5ltr's is because :

They are the best cars for there value, like what terreto said, if M5's where 15grand everyone would have them.

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Hmm, would also like to deposit my 2c and show my dismay of stereotyping young drivers in skylines. Im 20, own my OWN R33 GTS-25t and find I drive this thing with much more sense and sensability than any of my previous cars simply because "I have nothing to prove". If need be, I give it a squirt when I'm by myself on a nice road, or just feel like unwinding becaue it is not convenient to book a session at the track after a days work when i'm in need of a little r&r.

Driving for me is like meditation, all i think about when i'm driving is the road and other cars. All tohughts of work, women and worries are left behind me and until i get out of my car, i'm free hehehe. (sounds a like 2fast 2furious doesnt it). But i'm sure many can attest to this, but i drive my car 95% of the time safer than anybody else on the road.

BTW i've only had my car a month and a bit, but I haven't come across anyone willing to race me anyway :D

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