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I checked the oil in my auto gearbox the other day cos i noticed that it was making a pretty loud noise from park to reverse, anyways te dipstick showed up that there was only half the oil tat was suposed to be in there and it seemed clear, it had a very very slight red colour to it if u looked closely enough ... it seemed strange cos oil was changed in july, so i went out and brougt 4litres of Castrol Transmax Z fully synthetic oil, cost me $60 (its a weird green colour), anyways i popped the drain plug out and i statred shouting abusive language at the bitch cos the oil pouring out of the pan was a deep red colour, it was that dark that you could mistake it for black.... so what hapened to the cleary crap i was expecting to see !!

I swear to never trust those shity dipsticks again ...

Another thing as well was that there was just under 4litres in there and i had a look in the r33 owners manual ive got and it says that my gearbox takes 8.3litres .... now im confused ... itsays that the manual gearbox in the rb25det takes 2.8litres, but 8.3 litres for an auto doesnt sound right to me .... I havent put any oil back in as yet.

So does anyone know for sure ??

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The 8.3 litres includes the torque convertor, which you can't drain without removing the box.

You won't get any more than 3 1/2 to 4 litres out draining the pan, I use Mobil ATF to flush the boxes, only costs around $20-00 for 4 litres, and is equivalent to Nissan Matic D oil.

Trouble is, theres still over 4 litres of crappy oil in the box after draining, so fill it with the cheaper stuff and drain a few times, then add your expensive stuff.

Some auto specialists have gearbox flushing machines which can flush all the crap out and completely replace the oil, might be worth doing

HTH :)

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