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Haven't read the whole thread

But for those that are attending I could see if Jon Davison would be interested in attending.

He has quite a high profile and is a large supporter of car clubs, off-street events & venues. In the past he used to run Sandown 500 and currently runs the Easternats.

He was recently on 3AW being interview on his opinions on the recent Princes Hwy drama a few weeks ago as well.

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- What do you think the govt could do to stop cruising and racing on the hwy?

- Are the police bending the law to keep us off hwy, in the sense that they are handing out defects to every car they see etc.

- is the govt doing enough to ensure we can afford to go to a track?

- Why do we as enthusiasts cruise on the hwy?

In order:

- more locations closer to home to use instead of the streets

- if the person is actually doing something wrong, pull them over. Don't pull somebody over just because they have an exhaust, and pretend its a 'random' test.

- no, they need to make it cheaper/worth our time to do so. this is also covered by the first point, because if the tracks were closer they wouldn't have to drop their price by so much as we would be saving in fuel/food/time.

- cruising is fun. Never to see how many people we can drag off the lights, or how fast we can get to a location. Having a nice car and showing it off as you drive along is one thing, doing a burnout and going sideways up a main street is another.

Just a quick question? Out of al lthe boys here how many actually do go down prinny hwy on a friday night and actually seen the changes over a 10 year period? Not talking once a month or so im talking like nearly every friday night as its your thing you do? Also who actually hang out where these people cruise?

If you do, you would have noticed how the car scene has changed. Seriously we are getting more younger and younger people out there and the reason half this shit is happening with so called hoons is because most of them are driving old beaten up shitters they could care less about. It's only that we "all car enthusiasts who actually have nice cars and do work on these cars ourselves and understand them" get caught up in this hype. How else are the cops and media meant to portray hoons if they started saying and showing that its mainly old stockers that are being flogged and most import drivers who do there cars up actually do take care of them, it would totally f**k things up. I think most people would agree and know that you can and could ge taway with more shit if your driving a normal car rather than your weekend warrior.

Really, what we should be doing instead of bloody going ahead and going to this ACA so called interview is actually having a proper meeting with the police force (who ever there mediator is), have all the car forums group together (a single mediator from each forum and the general publuc) and have the media there. From this have an official talk about what is going on and how we can as a society sort this issue out if its getting out of hand. The next thing would be to then have a live debate on TV if they really want to get the topic out there. I think its quite unfair seeing the approach ACA are giving to some young people trying to entrap them in a situation they really dont know about. i'm not some do gooder either ive been there done that, hell my record with defects was 45 canaries in 6 months and 16 epa's, know more than a dozen cops who have quit the police force because they themselves did not want to part take in the actions where they were told to hammer down on car hoons/drivers, it was getting out of control in the force.

It's the same thing over and over, get us a race track, get us a place for 1/4 drags etc. etc. Do you really think that will stop the 1000, people who meet up on prinny hwy every friday night? Half cant even afford to mod there cars properly...

Haven't read the whole thread

But for those that are attending I could see if Jon Davison would be interested in attending.

He has quite a high profile and is a large supporter of car clubs, off-street events & venues. In the past he used to run Sandown 500 and currently runs the Easternats.

He was recently on 3AW being interview on his opinions on the recent Princes Hwy drama a few weeks ago as well.

Jon is not going to be there. He was, but unfortunately looks like he cannot make it i believe.

Unfortunate as well - because he was definately going to be asking Police questions like "why sit outside Easternats and defect people, after they've just come to do things legally".

I've been talking with the ACA people a lot today/yesterday (hence i knew he was coming). This actually sounds like a reasonable idea - it'll just depend on how things are approcahed.

He was recently on 3AW being interview on his opinions on the recent Princes Hwy drama a few weeks ago as well.

What drama do you speak of? are you referring to what they aired on the show?

Good Luck, I look forward to seeing what angle they take & your responses - Do you know if it is being run live or filmed then edited then to air in a few nights time?

I highly doubt this would be filmed live to air.. lol

Jon is not going to be there. He was, but unfortunately looks like he cannot make it i believe.

Unfortunate as well - because he was definately going to be asking Police questions like "why sit outside Easternats and defect people, after they've just come to do things legally".

I've been talking with the ACA people a lot today/yesterday (hence i knew he was coming). This actually sounds like a reasonable idea - it'll just depend on how things are approcahed.

Ah fair enough, probably too busy organising the Easternats at Winton coming up soon.

What drama do you speak of? are you referring to what they aired on the show?

I highly doubt this would be filmed live to air.. lol

After a Herald sun article from a resident complaining about 'Princes Hwy', there was a ACA/TT episode about it. Subsequently there was a 3AW program on it by Darren Hinch where Jon Davison was one of of the guests.

Just a quick question? Out of al lthe boys here how many actually do go down prinny hwy on a friday night and actually seen the changes over a 10 year period? Not talking once a month or so im talking like nearly every friday night as its your thing you do? Also who actually hang out where these people cruise?

If you do, you would have noticed how the car scene has changed. Seriously we are getting more younger and younger people out there and the reason half this shit is happening with so called hoons is because most of them are driving old beaten up shitters they could care less about. It's only that we "all car enthusiasts who actually have nice cars and do work on these cars ourselves and understand them" get caught up in this hype. How else are the cops and media meant to portray hoons if they started saying and showing that its mainly old stockers that are being flogged and most import drivers who do there cars up actually do take care of them, it would totally f**k things up. I think most people would agree and know that you can and could ge taway with more shit if your driving a normal car rather than your weekend warrior.

Really, what we should be doing instead of bloody going ahead and going to this ACA so called interview is actually having a proper meeting with the police force (who ever there mediator is), have all the car forums group together (a single mediator from each forum and the general publuc) and have the media there. From this have an official talk about what is going on and how we can as a society sort this issue out if its getting out of hand. The next thing would be to then have a live debate on TV if they really want to get the topic out there. I think its quite unfair seeing the approach ACA are giving to some young people trying to entrap them in a situation they really dont know about. i'm not some do gooder either ive been there done that, hell my record with defects was 45 canaries in 6 months and 16 epa's, know more than a dozen cops who have quit the police force because they themselves did not want to part take in the actions where they were told to hammer down on car hoons/drivers, it was getting out of control in the force.

It's the same thing over and over, get us a race track, get us a place for 1/4 drags etc. etc. Do you really think that will stop the 1000, people who meet up on prinny hwy every friday night? Half cant even afford to mod there cars properly...

Sounds like a very good idea. But to be honest I dont think it will ever work, cause IMO there are different agendas from the different groups. They aren't all trying to get the same goal of making the roads safer for the public. Government want MONEY all the time, so the cost of venues etc will not be cheap enough for the thousands of people to take it off the streets, the police seem to want to issue fines and defects more than legitimately target cars that are just plain dangerous, car enthusiasts dont want to be branded as hoons but there doesn't seem to be any real way for the general public to differentiate us so that will never change, also I dont think a self proclaimed "hoon" group would come to voice their opinions, as they know they will look like idiots, so it's basically all us car enthusiasts will be branded as hoons, regardless what we do.

Anyways, I applaud you guys for making the effort! Good luck! I totally agree we cant be branded any worse than we are now, so go for it !!

Edited by PhoenixGSR

Yeah that wouldn't surprise me all that much.

Going to be very careful, there was a clear list of "requirements" that i gave them as to participation.

If they aren't met, i'll simply leave before it starts.

Well tonight was interesting. Not quite the format I was expected and I’m surprised it took the line that it did – ACA didn’t really over sensationalise/blow up the hoon part of it at all, suppose it’ll depend on how things actually get edited so hold verdict till next week (when it’ll be coming out).

There was some valid points raised by everyone that was there. Unfortunately there was no one from the Gov’t or local Council – given they are effectively the people with the money & power to actually make changes like more driver training/education & tougher licencing.

Was good to see a Police officer there that is a member of the WRX club and gets to motorsport events also bringing up good discussion questions, even if they took a while to be answered :laugh:

What I really found interesting though was the younger guys they had there – honestly had no idea about how to get to a track day, what it involved or how they could go about it. They were not aware there were sooooo many Trackdays running @ Sandown each year. So perhaps something for the SAU-Vic Committee to think about in that regard in terms of getting involved and marketing to the younger guys to bring them to trackdays etc

I’ve put out an invite to ACA to come along and actually see how we do motorsport in the legal manner off-street, and how someone can go about getting started etc.

So lets see if they really are interested in doing something and take up the offer and do a piece :)

I'm sure Birds will have a bit more to say later when he gets home (thanks HEAPS for giving me a lift there/back and sticking around man, appreciated).

Of course they won't.

A change in attitude and behavior from both sides will though ;)

Remember a NOU is basically a TMU's only weapon to move people on, so of course they are going to use it. Doesn't take a genius to work that out. I get RBT'd so often its tiresome, but I understand the reason for it and don't complain to much and generally never get a defect :)

it’s a smear campaign

think about it

every story on 60 minutes is aimed at a smear with usually only bad things

they just edit out the good things

they are in the business of making controversy and stories that are "hoo haa"

they are not "the debate" or "foreign correspondent" on the ABC/SBS


Best thing to do is have a seperate camera and film them doing the interview.

In order:

- more locations closer to home to use instead of the streets

- if the person is actually doing something wrong, pull them over. Don't pull somebody over just because they have an exhaust, and pretend its a 'random' test.

- no, they need to make it cheaper/worth our time to do so. this is also covered by the first point, because if the tracks were closer they wouldn't have to drop their price by so much as we would be saving in fuel/food/time.

- cruising is fun. Never to see how many people we can drag off the lights, or how fast we can get to a location. Having a nice car and showing it off as you drive along is one thing, doing a burnout and going sideways up a main street is another.

Out of interest, why is it the govt's job to give us more facilities? Victoria has the most facilties of any state and to complain about having to drive there is a little thin. You cant have them in built up areas due to noise and traffic. You cant have them in populated areas due to cost of land and development. If you have to drive 200kms then so be it.

ESPECIALLY when you say cruising is fun. You will drive around in your nice car with no real destination in mind burning fuel and probably spend more then 2 hours cruising....but you wont drive to Winton or PI? >_<

What I really found interesting though was the younger guys they had there – honestly had no idea about how to get to a track day, what it involved or how they could go about it. They were not aware there were sooooo many Trackdays running @ Sandown each year. So perhaps something for the SAU-Vic Committee to think about in that regard in terms of getting involved and marketing to the younger guys to bring them to trackdays etc

75% of anyone with a genuine interest in motorsport will have looked into how they could get access to their local track. Or done some level of driver training. Before the days of car forums and CAMS website etc maybe they could play the card they simply didnt know. Hell, who works on their cars? Their mechanics etc would either run or participate in days. I bet they read all about Time Attack in whatever magazine they read. Sorry, I am just old and cynical, but I don't buy it. Its fine to be interested in cruising , I did loads of it as the designated driver back when I lived in Sydney. But if you want to be part of the darker sub culture of illegal street stuff then odds are you are there because thats what appeals to you, not because you didnt know there was an alternative.

I’ve put out an invite to ACA to come along and actually see how we do motorsport in the legal manner off-street, and how someone can go about getting started etc. So lets see if they really are interested in doing something and take up the offer and do a piece :)

Let me know when that happens, I will steer clear. I have friends in the TV industry who are car nuts and its been done before. The ONLY way to do it successfully is to have a B-grade celeb or personality doing it. Or someone trying to sell their Driver Training School as a back story. Then its amazing fun and something everyone should be encouraged to do. If its a story of people that spend all their hard earned playing with track cars you will only be depicted in one fashion. Its not a new problem. If your Dad was into cars sit with him and get him to tell you his youth-car stories. Old people think young people are all villians up to no good and if they have a hotted up car then they are trouble because they are loud and driven dangerously (yes i just turned up the volume on the stereotype/cliche dial)

OH, and those talking about 60 Minutes is some bastion for journalism. It died years ago. Watch Media Watch and you will see how so many of their stories are beat ups and nothing but sensationalism with interviews with people cut and shut or simply not included as it didnt help to beat up the fear/impact the story will make. 60 Minutes stink almost as bad as the others.

BUT, will add more power and congrats to those that think the fight is a good one. At the end of the day its terrible when people die on our roads. But in Vic it was something like 280-300 last year. Yet all the stories, coverage, fines trying to promote safety etc and nationally we are losing something like 35% more people to suicide, yet this doesnt get near the attention that road safety gets.

Out of interest, why is it the govt's job to give us more facilities? Victoria has the most facilties of any state and to complain about having to drive there is a little thin. You cant have them in built up areas due to noise and traffic. You cant have them in populated areas due to cost of land and development. If you have to drive 200kms then so be it.

ESPECIALLY when you say cruising is fun. You will drive around in your nice car with no real destination in mind burning fuel and probably spend more then 2 hours cruising....but you wont drive to Winton or PI? >_<

I live in NSW, on the central coast. It takes me over 3 hours to get to Wakefield.

You misunderstood me regarding cruising. I don't cruise for the hell of it, it usually consists of going to the movies etc, somewhere with a purpose, rather than 'mindlessly burning fuel'. The driving part goes for about an hour max. Driving 3 hours to get somewhere to then speed around a track and at the end of the day drive 3 hours back is not something I want/can afford to do on a regular basis, that's all I'm saying.

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