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wow thats alot of beers haha.

is there anything up north?? something like a marulan??

doesnt seem like theres many options for the car fan, can understand why theres so many hoons on the road. maybe the government should step in and make a few spots that can be hired as a track for cheap :) theyd ultimately make money and make the roads safer.

someone should make a petition!!!!! haha but srs no point...

Why not hook up with the Southern Sporting Car Club for track events, they have a lot of events in conjuction with

WRX club,HSV club and Alfa club.

I know they are looking for more starters at Marulan event coming up soon.

Contact Greg Boyle on 9521 1388

They run well organised events and the Evo clowns are always looking for new victims over bragging rights.

It's funny, members come to the AGM and say there's not enough events, so more are put on, then hardly anyone enters - so it makes you (well, myself and the others who put all the effort in) wonder why bother

Maybe consideration of who brings these things up and then does not turn up? Plenty of big talkers in any car club, and skylines are not especially reliable.

I wondered why the club started this event aiming to lose money (mentioned in the first thread), certainly not expected to the extent that occured this time. For the regular SAU track guys, $30 extra entry costs (say $200) doesn't make that big of a difference. Also having up to 60 cars is easily accomodated as cars start breaking at half day. They day doesn't even stop for a lunch break so I'm happy for 5 or 6 sessions at the start of the day. Even opening a 1/2 day option for those who want to drive down on the day and just do the later sessions.

Mixing it up with other car clubs is always a good idea for extra numbers, though the NSCC guys make me look slow.

I think the main issue is people are scared, i admit i was one of them

scared of putting car on track before its ready (honestly cars are a never ending and never finished project) but i have now set a bench mark to beat next time

Scared of breaking something - no one spun a bearing this time, though i did spin a cam gear without damage to anything other then the gear itself

scared of embarrassing myself with not looking like schumacker my first time - we all must start somewhere and there was plenty members who were happy to help out the new guys and we all laughed off the f**k ups

In short its not as bad and is more fun and addictive then people think

I'm happy for 5 or 6 sessions at the start of the day. Even opening a 1/2 day option for those who want to drive down on the day and just do the later sessions.

Yeah 6 Sessions is usually enough for me. Past that and I feel like I'm pushing my luck with not breaking anything.

Mixing it up with other car clubs is always a good idea for extra numbers, though the NSCC guys make me look slow.

as a side note a lot of clubs had very close bookings over the last few weeks. RENEW was there the week before SAU, so was circuit club, then there was another club on the same weekend as SAU, etc.. I'm not sure if the allocation system is different this year but it certainly hasnt helped anyone to reach the numbers they were after.

number of events or number of attendee's?

Both CircuitClub and Trackschool were on the week before and the week after the SAU day, both were booked out, both were considerably more expensive.

It seems that "car club" trackdays struggle to fill spots, whether that is not enough interest from that club or people from other clubs wanting to attend but feel intimidated or dont know about the event. Where as "open clubs" dont have any trouble filling spots.

Go figure...

Yes. But circuit club would have been a timed day yeah? And track school is for the guys wanting to learn to go faster

I would be keen to see how many skylines were entered in those two days

It's possible that the current crop of skyline owners aren't interested in Motorsport?

Plenty of interest in the putty rd cruise already same goes for the tech night.

Even the Sdma hill climb had only 1 skyline entered last weekend and there is normally a few

FYI...state supersprint cost for EC north is $245....

if its that much for 70+ entrants...hate to see what it'll cost SAU.

not to be a negative nancy here, just EC is a rip.

I dont even see myself racing there this year.

I said it in the other thread (events coming up) the people who are heavily into motorsport want timed days and some sort of competition.

someone memntioned earlier SSCC days. they are packed! but then again it is a motorsport orientated club who want friendly competition. they also had a joint day with HSV last friday and had 60 entrants! not bad for a friday.

other track days have official timing + professional instrcutors.

maybe people were scared off with the whole RENEW thing in 2011?

Going back a few years the SAU days seemed to sell out.

Ok, So I have 6 Vids. The others are uploading.

This is the first outing of my Stupid 4Door warming up and testing the handling and brakes. The sound is crap but you get that.

If someone can embed it that would be sparkles.


Had few warm laps and it felt good for a stock suspension 16 yr old car. Also, if you wondering what that horendous grinding noise is that is the tyre againts the wheel flare... Yes that sucks and yes they are the wrong sized wheels but meh... you get that.

(It's unedited so you will need to fast forward bits that aren't awesemo and stuff)

I've "Borrowed" some video off the Club GoPro rentals to put together a little compilation. Didn't have much time for a production quality but I did add a stabilisation filter to make the video a little smoother to watch.

I've "Borrowed" some video off the Club GoPro rentals to put together a little compilation. Didn't have much time for a production quality but I did add a stabilisation filter to make the video a little smoother to watch.

hahaha nice off jez at about 2 mins

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