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  • 2 weeks later...

As they are written I think the rules are good.

One thing that is allowed under the rules but based on the first post is trying to be banned, is the correction of factually incorrect information by forum members. Frequently sellers make factually incorrect claims in order to make their items more attractive or just because of lack of knowledge. One of the advantages of a forum such as SAU is that there are a lot of people with good knowledge who can correct said inaccuracies. Occasionally these claims are based on dollar values of items (ie. this costs $10,000 new, buy it at my cheap price) without any basis for the supposed new value and where simple research shows substantial variance between claimed new value and the real new value. In such cases of posted inaccuracies a factual correction (without saying anything about the sale price) should be allowed.

Additionally for non-businesses, the posting of at least one picture in my mind should be mandatory. If it is part of a default form there are little issues in enforcing this. I am sure moderators have seen in the past pictures ripped from the net, claiming the items are in their possession. The picture is an essential part of determining the factuality of claims by the seller, not just of possession but all claims. This is a measure of security that SAU should introduce to reduce the scams on the forums. Individuals should not be using the classifieds to make a living out of parts etc., so uploading a photo for every post should not be a major inconvenience and should assist sellers rule 5 post all items in a single thread.

Seller rule 7 No external links! The intent of this rule is clearly explained and enforced correctly however the rule itself bans all links which is not the intent. Say I wanted to sell X item with all details, this is the same as seen on justjap.com "link". This explains the item very well. Perhaps "No external links to other for sale sites" or something like that.

Suggest new seller rule 10, when an item is sold, post at the end of the thread that the item is sold. Impossible to police, but at least people might attempt if it is part of the rules. Or the auto close idea after a set period of no posts (1 month?)

A personal peeve directed at one person but should be considered wider. Moderator behaviour needs to be moderated in some way, a code of conduct? which can be reviewed (and PranK does not count as he's rarely has the time or care) I am still seething with my one and only "warn" in 2010 when I called into question a moderators disgusting treatment of a forum member when they asked a question about a car, that I had the same question about (why respray a new car?). The "moderator" in question appeared to assume knowledge of the history of the car. He then lied in the warn to me, and kept correcting the warn information so it looking like he was enforcing some rule when in effect he was trying to hide his disrespectful and possibly rule breaking behaviour (if the moderators had any rules). The warn is still current and appears to never disappear. Since then I have little respect for the rules when they can be bastardised by such people.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Plenty has changed.

Plenty of warnings are being given out (when people report), slowly but surely it changes. Amount of reports have been lower so that is usually a good sign.

  • 1 month later...

I really enjoy reading internet banter sometimes lol

Regardless of what many of you may think, you should at least show some appreciation for the work, effort and time, the various administrators/ moderators give to this site of skyline enthusiasts.

I respect the fact that they're active and policing the forums, threads and working towards ensuring a cohesive, running website.

It's not an easy task. There may be times that each one of us will come across a moment where we feel wronged, however, consider this holistically:

This is an internet based forum for skyline enthusiasts, it's free and functions off the wealth, knowledge and experience of others.

It only aims to protect, enhance and support our shared passion.

Unfortunately, with anything that's free, you'll always find others who aren't as appreciative, or perhaps ignorant.

Advice, suggestions and constructive arguements are good within reason, however, please don't carry on ranting and berating others because you feel belittled, or feel superior to others.

If you have constructive criticism or wish to give honest, opinionated advice then do so, however, consider your words.

Anyway, credit to the moderators/ admin staff for being active and making an effort towards steaming an annoying issue.

I'm tired of seeing meaningless posts, bumps, etc in regards to the for sale section.



(and yes, i can see the irony in what i've posted lol)

  • 5 months later...

is there anything to say I'm not allowed to post a sale for 6 months down the track?

I'm looking at selling but not till like september or October, but thought if I post early I might get some interest... is that allowed?

  • 2 months later...

I just wanted to know why so many people are requesting that posting pictures becomes mandatory? If you have the ability to post a "where's your pictures mate" on the thread, you can just as easily take the time to PM the OP and ask for them... When I was listing my items for sale, I was extremely hesitant to post pictures as I know the 500 viewers of the thread are most likely just there for a sticky beak. I'm certain there are tonnes of pic collectors here as well or stalkers that just want to track and watch such things (check ebay/carsales/these forums everyday and watch the poor seller drop his price every week, and once he has dropped his or her price by 5000% you go an low ball him even more, or just so you can bragg about knowing the history of a certain car or item). If you are a genuine seller, you will be more than happy to provide pictures if someone requests it, if you are a genuine BUYER - you will also go about it the right way, contact the seller, go view the items in person and do your transactions. If the items are listed interstate and all you have to go off are pictures - request them in private, the whole world doesn't need to know your business or how much you are paying for an item. If it frustrates you that a seller is listing his items high and you can't afford it - move on.

I know these crackdowns have to be implemented out of admin frustration and while I'm sad it has come down to it - as a whole it is the community that has forced this to happen and no one should really be surprise it has come to it.

When I was listing my items for sale, I was extremely hesitant to post pictures as I know the 500 viewers of the thread are most likely just there for a sticky beak. I'm certain there are tonnes of pic collectors here as well or stalkers that just want to track and watch such things (check ebay/carsales/these forums everyday and watch the poor seller drop his price every week, and once he has dropped his or her price by 5000% you go an low ball him even more, or just so you can bragg about knowing the history of a certain car or item).

Paranoid much?

Paranoid much?

Yes extremely :P comes with the territory after being stalked.

Posting pictures and location saves a lot of time and effort for both buyers and sellers.

Suggesting anything opposite is simply not conducive.

Posting a location (i.e. State) is fair enough - stating photos are available on request (to be sent privately, if the seller so wishes) is a different story. Most parts are very similar - if I say I have some air conditioning vents for sale for a specific car, most people will know exactly what they look like. If I say I have a bone stock black R32 GT-R, again most people will know what that looks like, and any amount of google search will produce relevant images. If there is something that needs to be addressed, then sure take a photo of the smashed up side panel or gutter rash for the genuine buyer. In fact for a genuine buyer - send them 10,000 hi-res images and maybe even some 1080p video clips with some catchy background music and scantily clad bodies if it will help the sale. I'm not against photos, and definitely agree they do help (in fact even people not looking for that particular item may change their mind if they see a nice pic) - However I am against pic horders and people who have absolutely no genuine interest in the products for sale, purely knit-picking and trolling out of boredom (or because they feel it is their moral right to voice their opinions - which is prevalent on the internet and especially open forums). This is exactly what this thread is about - by the mods making these changes, it will hopefully stop (or at least) slow down the trolls (which obviously has gotten out of hand). For people comfortable posting all their personal details, full name, telephone number, home address, bank details, face pictures - then good for them, hopefully it won't ever come back to haunt them.

And not to be rude NXTIME, but I happened to click on the link in your signature for the Apexi V-max cams and notice you don't have a picture of them... I guess seeing as they have been for sale for almost 2 years now, the lack of a picture must be the reason why you still haven't sold them... now that I have kindly pointed that out - if you choose to upload one, you'll probably be $1400 richer within a week and I would sure love a commission for helping you increase your selling potential :P

Edited by GTR32-
  • 2 weeks later...

We may know what they look like, but we don't know what yours look like, have they been painted and sanded back? Are there clear scratches in it? Is fading evident even though you're claiming 100% excellent condition?

A picture says a thousand words.

Admin has damaged my enthusiasm / experience on SAU , i have lost interest in creating tutorials/how to threads and find it hard now not to bag the shit out of people instead of being positive .

Reason for being warned was after a positive enthusiastic comment towards the owner of the BEST Skyline ever seen on SAU .

I realise he does not write the rules .

Are you able to crack down on post titles?
Things like [sTATE] should be mandatory. The amount of times having to click on a thread to find out the part or car is on the other side of the country is frustrating.
Other mandatory title details should be what transmission and year of manufacture.
Ideal title EG: [VIC] 1997 R33 GTS-T RWC NEG -- [sYD] 1992 R32 GTR etc.
People don't seem to understand that having a standard template makes everyone's life much easier. I don't understand how hard it is for people to follow simple rules?

How about you add a permanent "edit" post option so ppl can update their topics without having to a) re post the updated thread or b) post update at the bottom of the topic where nobody see's it!!!!! That would be a smart idea

  • Like 1

Still waiting on review of my one and only warn from 2 1/2 years ago. Upgraded forums, now converted to a point system, still there.

Moderators undertake a required role and most are respected, I've been there and done that.

But on this occasion, as Sir Jimmy says "Pack of bastards"


And not to be rude NXTIME, but I happened to click on the link in your signature for the Apexi V-max cams and notice you don't have a picture of them... I guess seeing as they have been for sale for almost 2 years now, the lack of a picture must be the reason why you still haven't sold them... now that I have kindly pointed that out - if you choose to upload one, you'll probably be $1400 richer within a week and I would sure love a commission for helping you increase your selling potential :P

Thanks for stalking me. I'll add you to my long list :D

I had two sets and have sold one of them. Don't particularly care if I sell the other set. I don't need the $1400 and if I did, then I would post up pics and re-list them. I have tons of parts, enough to build 3 Hi-perf RB26's. Thanks for your concern though.

Perfect example of why pics should be posted. The person who has the most to lose is the seller if they don't post pics.

How about you add a permanent "edit" post option so ppl can update their topics without having to a) re post the updated thread or b) post update at the bottom of the topic where nobody see's it!!!!! That would be a smart idea

Not going to happen. You can edit for 2 hours, that's it.

It was done 5 years ago to reduce the amount of people being ripped off by scammers who'd edit their first post 2-3 days after scamming money out of 10 people... And guess what... The mass-scamming stopped almost overnight. Rarely get a complaint these days as everyone's history is viewable here on the site and scammers go elsewhere.

Users help pick up dodgy traders because they recognise posts (Admin can't check every thread). So it's a big win-win despite the inconvenience.

It's been discussed 100 times already in many threads, so yeah, that's how it is.

Still waiting on review of my one and only warn from 2 1/2 years ago. Upgraded forums, now converted to a point system, still there.

Moderators undertake a required role and most are respected, I've been there and done that.

But on this occasion, as Sir Jimmy says "Pack of bastards"

Only you can see your warning (and Mod or Admin). No need to review it, sometimes people go inactive for 6-12 months, return, cause more shit etc etc.

If we reviewed every warning - we'd need to charge everyone $5 a warning as it'd be a full time job

I don't have any warnings and I don't have much insight into the system but it seems unfair that if someone gets warned then it stays forever. Fair enough mods haven't got time to review them all but surely some kind of statute of limitation thing is in order. For example warnings last for 2 years and then are automatically removed.

Edited by *LOACH*

Reading this topic was hilarious....I have to say, the populace of VIC is obsessed with policing!! Honestly, the rules/policing on this forum is akin to Nazi Germany. Since when does a For Sale section need policing? The mods need only to police for actual scam sellers and thats it. In terms of policing bumps and comments, who really cares. The whole point of forums is for dialogue and discussion. If ppl see a false claim on an add, they should be free to comment. Don't really see the big issue with bumping either, at least buyers know the item is still for sale and the seller is keen to get rid of it.

Honestly, you can say we "should thank the moderators for giving their time....etc etc", but if they have time to be policing this, then perhaps they should look into other recreational activities. Tyrannical modz really do not help the community. The a20089 guy had the right idea. The answer to the worlds problems is not more policing!

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