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High Flow Rb25 Turbo Or Trust Td06 Direct Bolt On. Ecu Is Tuned For Tdo6 But Costs More ?

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Decisions Decisions. Help me decide :D anyways im selling a vs s pac 5spd commodore and have been offered this.

-GTR injectors with the loom to suit a 20

-z32 AFM

-Nistuned ECU tuned for 21 psi of boost with a trust tdo6 20g turbo pumping out 260kw atw on a lil 20

-Front strut bar

And a turbo. A trust td06 20g DIRECT BOLT ON to standard manifolds only dump needs to be supplied which he will or a high flowed rb25 turbo capable of 25psi of boost. Now i get 350 my way plus all those parts if i take 25 turbo OR straight swap with the td06. And what i was thinking though is that because the ecu will need to be retuned for the high flo anyways would it be better to just snap up the td06. Or will it need to be tuned anyways because of the different rb20s ?

Add in the costs of fuel to get to adelaide, melbourne, geelong etc just on fuel it would be around 200 and then 400 for the tune ??

Help me out as im even considering if this even a good idea haha

if your R32 is in good shape it doesnt matter which turbo you get the tune should be pretty good anyway, just adjust your timing to suit and it shouldnt be too far off...but it will need proper tuning..

other than that fit it all up yourself and you should have a fairly quick car for the cost of an old commodore..personally i would grab the TD06 because i have one and love it :D ,, but in reality I would grab whichever turbo is in the best condition...both should perform ok...TD06 should perform better

**ed...tell him go half in fuel costs at least...lol

Well the rb25 has been rebuilt 2000k ago soo maybe that one and i was thinking the response would be better anyways with the high flow ?? Also he stated how he bought the td06 second hand himself and his had it for a while BUT its still mint. And thats all i was wondering if i would still need another tune up because of a different motor. but because i do i might just get the 350 my way and put towards a tune up. Does that sound like the sensible option ? He even reckons though because of the afm it will counter the tune to an extent and would still be drivable BUT wouldnt run more than 17 psi and wouldnt bounce the limiter and till tuning was done.

Highflow turbos where good 10 years ago because everything was a lot more expensive so it was a cheap option snd fairly effective in saying that they are now out done by cheaper turbos. The td06 is a perfect turbo for a 20 iv used one myself and after using both turbos you have listed the td06 is much better


Well buy everything apart from turbo ??? And get the one listed above ? Kinugawa from what i have read seem to be a respectable brand of turbo? would this be the better option as then i get some warranty. He wants about 700 for his high flow if i were to pay cash so would this be a better alternative ?

new kando should be better than second hand hiflow...but then again depends what sort of hiflow it is..some are a lot better than others...find this out and get back to us k ;)

Okie dokie also as the td06 is "direct bolt on" does that mean existing water and oil lines would need to be used. even though the td06 is a direct bolt on what new stuff would be needed e.g turbo gaskets etc and more importantly how much would it cost me ?

you know what f**k it, chances are the hiflow is shit so get the td06 as its tuned and ready to go, 260kws is no slouch either.....just get it and pay for a touchup tune later should only be a couple of hundred tops...if the turbo craps out later then you can get yourself a new core from kando for about 3-400 and swap it yourself..

you now have 2 votes for td06 from 2 people who have used both...do you need any more support or is that enough...

it will cost you money, oil and water lines can be bought fairly cheaply lets say 50-200$ Kando has them or you can get them locally

gaskets, you can just use your old ones, i did and havent had a problem..

but have no fear something will cost you money along the way...if you have no money, find a new hobby...lol

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