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YEah well as the title says...

I paid to park my car in this "security" parking place while I went over to Brissy for easter...

I get back and all my stereo, performance gear and even my damn wing were stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cuss:

So i lodge the claim with their insurance.... Coz I dont have that sort of cover for my car. (thus the reason for paying for security parking)

3 weeks go by and I get a letter in the mail stating that they "believe" the company had provided "adequate" means of security.


So how is a full fence, with electrified INNER wires supposed to stop ppl??

Alledgedly, the offenders dug under the fence, broke thru the concrete barrier under the fence, cut thru the wire buried in the ground, then proceeded to venture across the poorly lit car lot to my car. Remove the car cover, break 2 windows and remove all the gear. Setting off my car alarm in the process....

My question is... If the security is so good, how can the offenders have enought time to do all this and get away>??????? :confused:

So now i'm left to fight them thru the court system, $16000 to repair and replace everything, therefore out of pocket till I get some sort of resolve.


As you all may undrestand, I'm a lil bit upset by it all.

Firstly my baby being broken into, and now the slap in the face from their insurance company.

I'm gonna fight them all the way.

Who's with me??

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