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A Day In Court


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You haven't been hassled since January because you haven't had a licence since january

LOL you got me there, been driving since April though. Mostly freeway stuff but the odd blat through the city or out to West Ryde/St Ives. Passed a dozen or so HWP with no dramas.

He must have been defending himself then, because a traffic lawyer would I think have advised him to plead "Innocent" and then explain > case dismissed

Now that he's pleaded "Guilty" and then tried to explain > still cops a penalty > an appeal would only lessen the severity of sentence

Poor bugger.

yeah Terry it comes down to money, if traffic lawyers charged any kind of reasonable fee people would be all over them. To pay 3-4k to defend a $300 ticket when you have plenty of demerit points just doesnt make any sense so most chance the guilty plea and hope for the best. It usually pays off for the ones with a decent driving record and a reallly good excuse. From what i remember that was the only really unfair ticket, even mine while an excessive punishment was still bearable but i think he got it much worse.

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Court sounds interesting as fark.

Should get down there some time. Want to day trip it Patty?

Edited by maxima
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Some lawyers are quite fair and compassionate.

One spent 45 mins with me about how to fill out a Section 1 application (at the demand of police) prior to the R32 21st Anniv Cruise.

The cost? Just 1 bottle of $18 wine from BWS across the road.

It's the barristers who charge 3-4K

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I need the number of that lawyer terry though I dare say he would want a little more than a bottle of wine for an appearance in traffic court.

Can't tell if your serious maxima but I will be there tomorrow to have a look, do you even get week days off?

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I need the number of that lawyer terry though I dare say he would want a little more than a bottle of wine for an appearance in traffic court.

...and for me to write up a pro bono report for you, should you be advised to go for an insanity plea? ;)

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LOL Tezza, cant claim insanity with traffic cases but thanks for the offer i will certainly keep it in mind if im ever in trouble for something worse.

knock on wood.

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Oi pat is a lovely young gent,i shared a room with him down vic,great to talk to and he does not snore which was lovely.Unlike my dear hubby of 34 years who sends me to the lounge every night when he sounds like a truck with 28 gears. :D

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^^^^We're all thinking it.

lol, left myself wide open for that one. Seriously though, considering the amount of mental illness in my family its a wonder i can even type this post without drooling all over the keyboard and short circuiting the laptop.

Cheers though Genelle, i will always be able to console myself with the fact that i dont snore...

As for court, didnt make it in today thanks to a combination of finishing at 3am the night before and a few internet dates suddenly lining up during the afternoon. Cant complain as one was impressed enough to follow me onto the train and come with me all the way to Gosford in my guards compartment (shhh people, its a little verboten actually). She's possibly as half baked as i am though, i went into the yard to bring out another train and instead of getting on mine she accidentally jumped on a Newcastle service..the last one of the night..

Shes in a cab heading back to Sydney as we speak while i ride alone..good times.

sorry for the diary entry, will attempt more courtroom reporter stuff on Monday!

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most. boring. doco. ever.

At least you have actually been in a commercial..wondering what to wear to court on monday seeing as the pressure is off and i dont actually have to answer for anything. Thinking anything bar ugg boots and trackies will do...also will leave the pedo bear suit in the wardrobe. Yeah, for the best really.

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Boring my arse, Patrick Hamilton:Shenanigans, it would be "Sunday Best" worthy.

I'm a big wheel in the Aussie film industry after my big ad, I can talk to a few people if you want, make things happen. I hold a lot of IOU's don't you know, half the shit Matt Newton is in trouble for have been dares that I made him do, that kid would be a nobody if I hadn't got him onto Water Rats.

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Australia wide it is illegal to have open / consume alcohol in a public place. (Unfortunately, your car is considered to be a public place)

You can also get fined for a knife, in a backpack, in the boot of your car. (personal experience, but got let off for work related usage)

It is also illegal for a taxi driver to pick up anyone that is intoxicated. (You gotta love this double standard when they advertise to taxi it home after a big night rather than drive)

And Pat, I find my pasty white Anglo complexion to be a major benefit when cops see the car, then see me, the leave me be.

Edited by ianjb
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And Pat, I find my pasty white Anglo complexion to be a major benefit when cops see the car, then see me, the leave me be.

I'm not pasty by any means but yeah, I get pulled over in the liner, caucasian being polite, no problems.

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i guess i could be passed by now and then for being pasty.

no idea if its really that though, figure it would be irrelevant in most of the country except for inner suburban Sydney.

really doubt that race is a huge issue unless your really playing up to a stereotype..

meh sleeptime

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Great write up Pat. Loved defendant #1; "pro driver doing a 15 sec burnout in an ex drag car cos he wasnt used to it" - hilarious defence! 15 sec is an eternity for a burnout on the street!

And agree with others on #11. If ambo was going thru the intersection, I wonder what the fine is for obstructing an emergency vehicle? Not to mention it being on your conscience for delaying someone's medical treatment.

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glad my looong ass day in that stuffy suit had some pay off other than a sore ass :P

stop with the praise, i may have to wake up early enough to go back in there. .

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