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just filled up with petrol and when pulling out the car wouldnt rev past 2000 revs & splutters up & down.

I have no idea whats causing it , have you ideas what to do as I cant drive it like this having to start off in 2nd gear and change before 2k


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There may have been water in the fuel, this usually is only a problem if you are filling up while a truck is filling the tanks (the fresh petrol lifts and mixes all the water and sediment in the tank) or when the tanks become very low. I would recommend draining your tank into a few 20l drums and after leaving it to sit for a little while looking for "different levels" in the fuel indicating water.

But this also sounds like a problem i had with mine which turned out to just be a loose / dirty afm plug.

What does it do above 2000 rpm? or does it just not reach it? if it doesnt reach anything over 2500 i would sy check your afm connections and give the element itself a clean using co cleaner or maf cleaner.

I limped home and went and saw my neighbour whos a mechanic. I thought maybe an air leak at first or dirty fuel,

I suspected fuel at first but it didnt matter what gear you were in even neutral & revving it it wouldnt go past 2000rpm. I started to think my ecu with is a z32 with nistune was causing it.

Anyway i started the car up with the mechanicunder the bonnet and it wasnt doing it anymore.. WTF?

So i am at a loss what caused it and I have since driven 40k's or so no problems. I do have an existing problem with my idle revving highr somethimes upto 2000rpm so it may be a sympton of this maybe I dont know...


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