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Kinda thread related... it seems that the lada is more solidly built than the some of our more westernised cars.

My ex crashed her ford corsair at around 80km.... looked about the same as the 2 ladas afterwards....

unfortunately it didnt go too well for her either. i would post a pic or 2 from the paper... but i cant look at em to do it..

(and before anyone says this isnt an attention grab, i'm just commenting on the fact that the lada seems to be built like a tank, although that counts for jack with a 260 impact speed)

Gods.... i've done it again.... i must be the ultimate post killer...

ok heres a valiant effort to rekindle it.

Actually the human body CAN withstand a 260km impact... the key is how you hit yr target.

Back in the 50's/60's a guy called john stapp (actually the guy who coined the term "murpheys law") was doing tests for the Air force on how many G's of deceleration a human can take.

He did this by strapping himself into a rocketsled (basically a rocket engine on a board with a chair infront sat on a set of rails) and shooting himself down the track at over the speed of sound then stopping withing say 2-5 secs.

he repeatedly clocked about 45 odd g's od decelleration with only a few broken ribs concussions burst blood vessels (minor) and nausia.

so its all in what is decelerating you where it is and how it does it....

so if its a well designed harness in a good seat with nothing to loose to hit you... then you might be ok....

on the other hand if your in a standard 5 point harness a bucket seat and have a spare lada round to come loose and hit you.........

Anyway another one of stapps escapades was to parachute out of a gondola suspended below a weather baloon... not much of a feat until u realise the following...

1. the baloons at around 300 000 feet

2. the pressure coupling on his glove was leaking (he had to wear a space suit for this,, ,like the murcury astros wore) and his hand had balooned up.

3. he broke the speed of sound freefalling

4. it took 8 chutes to decend.

I think there's a difference between being strapped down nice and tight and just experienceing the G-forces of a 260km/h - 0km/h decelleration and being in a car that smashes into another car head on, with flying glass and metal all around you, not to mention this big chunk of uncompressable metal, being the engine, being forced through the firewall into your waiting stomach.


Messiah: I have footage of that guy on a DVD somewhere. What a nutbag. He and Yeager were good buddies too - pushing that envelope by the seat of their fly-boy pants.

Merl:Looking through the Russian crash tests from the link on the other page basically state that a Lada 2107 (like the race cars) is one of the most unsafe places to be in a 64km/h offset collision - let alone a higer speed frontal.

Mr steering wheel is about to become uncomfortable.


They have a compilation vid on there which includes another obscure Russian hatchback - when in the offset collision, the bonnet doesn't crush, but is pushed back through the windscreen to decapitate the driver.


In Soviet Russia, car crashes you!

*sigh* this thread combines my 2 worst SAU experiences... merli's posting and james' lada...

you owe me my sanity and the 6 minutes it took me to read this thread... damn you.

i hate to sound nerdy guys, but head on a t 130, is still 130, not and 'effective' 260... it's like each car has hit a solid object at 130, as they theoreticaly have the same mass and energy dispersion characteristics, meaning each car is affected only by it's own inertia, not the others...

but it's still naaaasty...

I think there's a difference between being strapped down nice and tight and just experienceing the G-forces of a 260km/h - 0km/h decelleration and being in a car that smashes into another car head on, with flying glass and metal all around you, not to mention this big chunk of uncompressable metal, being the engine, being forced through the firewall into your waiting stomach.


yup thats what i said... ones a nice clean (yet sudden) stop impacting against nothing but the restraints. the other is a nice clean deceleration with 1.5 ton infront and another .5 benhind you that desperately want to meet each other.

As for the 120 head to head isnt 260. i agree to that too... but its not a plain130, the issue is inertia... 130 into say a brick wall means the wall would shift maybe an inch (if thewayy is about the same size as a car). but if that wall is approaching 130 how it absorns the energy of your impact will be far different.

so basically its more like a 130 collision with no shock absorbtion via crumple zones.

symantecs maybe... but a small yet important difference.

i apologise if i havnt explained this well... its 5 am i'm about to leave for work... and i'm not happy jan...

i hate to sound nerdy guys, but head on a t 130, is still 130, not and 'effective' 260... it's like each car has hit a solid object at 130, as they theoreticaly have the same mass and energy dispersion characteristics, meaning each car is affected only by it's own inertia, not the others...

but it's still naaaasty...

but is there no significance in the fact that the other car is pushing INTO your car rather than just being stationary as say hitting a brick wall would be??

I would have thought that if you hit a wall, the total force exerted back through the car would be less than hitting another car coming your way at the same speed which would be exerting force of it's own back in your direction and hence increasing the amount of total force being exerted back into you car??

p.s. I hope you know what I mean because I'm no tech... hehe

SW-GT : your spot on... a stationary object will have its own crumple effect by shifting flexing and so forth... i'm not going to put up the maths formulas cos thats a little deep, but the gist is that if you hit say a brick wall... due to your crumple zones, shifting, kinetic energy, inertia and other forces your deceleration will be X.

How ever if you propel that wall forward to 130 and then impact with it your inertia will be neutralised more quickly (almost instantly) the kinetic energy would almost double and instead of being released into the object you hit (as it would be if you were to hit a stationary object) each cars kinetic energy is passed on to the other but in the opposite direction to each cars direction of travel. so now your deceleration is 2X hence impact g's are also greatly increased.

its all well and good in explaining the theroy behind 2 cars doing 130kms hitting head first into each other, what where looking at is the practial aplication of these theroys.. kids dont try that at home...

Practical application,..., well thats easy...

dont drive your lada the wrong way around the track.

heh but on a more serious note... it does have practical applications... take f1 drivers. Thier capsules are made to with stand impacts will heavy immobile objects at speeds in excess of 260km. the idea being... if you can make the capsule strong enough then the driver will not with anything but the restraints...

And as we know... the restraints are designed to do their job while causing as little injury as possible....

So there we go... practical applications. But as merli said restraints and deceleration dont mean jack when you exchange engine blocks at 130

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