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Where is the Tomei headgasket I paid for over a month? First it was you forget to send it? Then it was your wife sending it? Then you sent it but lost the receipt and lost the tracking number? What next?

I have been down to my local post office they looked for me and nothing has arrived. I told them your claims of sending it but lost the receipt they smiled like to say "yeh right"..

Out of courtesy I'm go gonna give you another week ( makes it 5 weeks) to track it for me or provide me with the tracking number. Otherwise it's negative feedback for you and a report to mods...

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alright enough is enough, first things first I AM NOT A THIEF AND I DONT RIP PEOPLE OFF, check my previous forsale threads they should speak for them selves, everything that i have sold has been more than fairly priced i believe if not even too cheap, so dont put me on the thief.

2 sides to every story those that have made up there minds about me- meh i'd piss on my parts and burn them before i would sell them to you.

my side of the the story - sinistergtr- ok i have work miesters forsale u want to buy them sweet no prob, ur not in the country - no prob, u want to leave down payment/deposit/holding fee/dibs/shotgun wat ever u want to call it-no prob, (wheels were $3.5k he gave me $350 down payment/deposit/holding fee/dibs/shotgun wat ever u want to call it), i do the right thing and hold for him for a couple of weeks cant remember exactly how long, anyway numerous calls about the wheels- sorry there sold was my response to these people, then get a call from sinistergtr saying family probs cant buy wheels- no prob -- i keep deposit , thought that was the way it work? correct me if im wrong??

then he try to use technical jargan on me saying i never stated non refundable deposit and that he gave me the $350 in good faith- wtf, then calls me a thief?? u decide people, ok i may not have responded to his 1000 text and calls but i did have a lot on my plate and as far as i see it deposit lost for me loosing the sale. i believe that sinistergtr saw that leo or budi was having a round2 sale of the miesters again and thought he would jump on that train(that is just my thoughts-no evidence), after numerous attemps of trying to contact me sinistergtr realise i was no respond cause i dont have time for time wasters, he then offered to rebuy my wheels- i never responded either cause like i said dont have time for time wasters, eventually after numerous pm's recently with him trading insults i thought about it and thought i give him an option - this is he can rebuy the wheels -they were in the same condition as wen he first wanted to buy them(havnt moved from wen i sent him pictures first time), same price as agreed on originally minus the deposit, and as a sign of good faith he can wait till he recieves the wheels before the pays the rest of the money and i will go halves on the transport.-i thought it was fair?? he agreed and then asked if he could just have the deposit back- my decision is still pending- any one want to read the pm's i sent back and forth with him just pm me.

ok next

Where is the Tomei headgasket I paid for over a month? First it was you forget to send it? Then it was your wife sending it? Then you sent it but lost the receipt and lost the tracking number? What next?

I have been down to my local post office they looked for me and nothing has arrived. I told them your claims of sending it but lost the receipt they smiled like to say "yeh right"..

Out of courtesy I'm go gonna give you another week ( makes it 5 weeks) to track it for me or provide me with the tracking number. Otherwise it's negative feedback for you and a report to mods...

i sold him-

1 x JUN oil pump brand new

1 x CP piston set brand new

1 x Eagle rods set Brand new

1 x ARP headstud kit Brand new

i threw in for free 1 x JUN crank collar, 1 x tomei oil restrictor

and i think charged him an extra $100 for 1 x Tomei head gasket brandnew,

all up i gave it to him for $2150 i think off the top of my head for the lot.

i sent him everything in one box overnight express platinum -approx $140, didnt want to send head gasket in box cause it would get damged so wrapped it seperately, didnt get it out the same day cause forgot to take it to post office with the box, it was sent the next day, not by myself but by my missus or brother i cant remember- not sur exactly wat the go was but IT WAS SENT, thought he got it so i didnt bother keeping any receipts or anything , so a few weeks later i get a text saying i ripped him off- mutha f*ka says i rip him off- lets get one thing clear u ask me to do something for u i will go out of my way and beyond to do it for u, u ask me for something like a part etc i will prob give it to u at no charge or very minimal cost if any, but u accuse me of something then tell i better do something for you i would record myself piss on the part if i have it or buy one exactly like it and record myself piss on the part and burn it and post it on youtube before i give it to you, do not insult me by accusing me of ripping u off, because i have more parts than most shops in my possession at any one time than most shops do, so if i am going to withhold or rip u off a piece of snot head gasket after i have just done u a deal that u will never probably get again in ur life, meh send me back the parts i will double ur refund then record my self piss on the parts once i have recieved it burn it then post it on youtube- u simple minded dumb f*k- excuse my language who ever is still reading this.

3rd person - burko- sorry bud i told you i have some issues in my life that are more important , than some car parts atm- ie, my family- if u can not wait then piss off dont need ur low balling offers any way, so dont jump on the band wagon to run my name in the mud, if u so keen on it call rob ward from rips racing and order urself the exact motor i have forsale and then ill buy it from u for exactly wat u paid for it less $1 only if u think u that much of a baller- meh - tossa

thats my side of the story,

haters will always be hating,

enough said, end of story


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I'd love to see the text I sent saying you ripped me off? Those are words you kept trying to put in my mouth.....anyway bud everyone expects to receive what they pay for.. And after a month of chasing I'm sure most people would have had enough!!!

Anyway for those reading Collin txt me today saying he has sent it again.. Let's home it gets here this time

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Hey Collin how the hell did I low ball offer lOw ball offer you

Put the two prices together on the two items I'm asking for

That is the offer

If offering you 15 grand for 2 items your selling and it takes you ages to reply

If you don't want the money your call

Don't put my name on here say I low ball you when you put them up for that price

Dont try ruin my name to save your own

Edited by burko1
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Just calculated my low ball offer

Engine 15000 - 20 % = 12000

Wheels 3500 - 20 % = 2800

12000 + 2800 = 14800

I never went to finish my hsc at school But I'm pretty sure that's more than the asking price

II offered 15 grand

These ad up to 14800

And I low balled you ?

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I have dealt with collin previously also and i have never had an issue and he has been more than patient with me & i with him but never any issue what so ever...

I'd love to see the text I sent saying you ripped me off? Those are words you kept trying to put in my mouth.....anyway bud everyone expects to receive what they pay for.. And after a month of chasing I'm sure most people would have had enough!!!

Anyway for those reading Collin txt me today saying he has sent it again.. Let's home it gets here this time

So it was you that bought the:

1 x JUN oil pump brand new

1 x CP piston set brand new

1 x Eagle rods set Brand new

1 x ARP headstud kit Brand new

Damn it, i was like 4 hours too slow,

In collins defence i offered an extra $300 & to pay all shipping costs and he kindly said as much as hed love to on principal alone, sorry they are on hold pending payment.

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i've dealt with collin before when I was selling a set of gtc wheels. He offered to pay me the money even before i had my new wheels arrive at the time.

fwiw, I don't think he's a dodgy guy.

i personally hate holding stuff on deposits or dealing with part payments

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The whole point of leaving a deposit is to secure the items you want & take them off the market. If you don't come through with the final amount, you forfeit the deposit as the seller has lost potential buyers & kept the items longer than necessary.

There is no obligation from the seller to state that the deposit is 'non-refundable' as it is implied in every sale. Bad luck if you can't come through, you've done your dough... So sad, too bad!

Good luck selling the rest of your gear Colin. May be in contact shortly if a few of the items i'm interested in are still available.

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The whole point of leaving a deposit is to secure the items you want & take them off the market. If you don't come through with the final amount, you forfeit the deposit as the seller has lost potential buyers & kept the items longer than necessary.

There is no obligation from the seller to state that the deposit is 'non-refundable' as it is implied in every sale. Bad luck if you can't come through, you've done your dough... So sad, too bad!

Good luck selling the rest of your gear Colin. May be in contact shortly if a few of the items i'm interested in are still available.

I agree with this as you lose potential buyers. I was actually one of the people who enquired and was looking to purchase them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well just a update on the seller , i have been trying for around 2 months to organise parts to buy off this guy , never have i had a pm returned only had dealings by the phone , i have waited as asked by collin so he could organise the items.

I had a converstion on friday he stated he was packing it up and sending. I asked for bank details to deposit money , never had a reply by him.

I get a text today saying "someone made a offer i couldn't refuse sorry about the stuff around"

Seriously buddy you are the worst seller i have ever dealt with , i was pretty patient with you but seriously i can see why there are so many people unhappy with you

guess what , another unhappy person.

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I gave a COLLIN TRAN a deposit for some wheels in June

I had family issue come up and stated i would like to buy the wheels at a later date........ 2 Months with no contact from collin although I tried every week to get in contact.

Aug 11 Collin finally gets back in touch and offers me the wheels to which I say yes will be full amount minus deposit plus shipping

Aug 12 I send collin an address to send the wheels too

Aug 14 Collin states he has a local buyer and will return full deposit once wheels are sold to which i agree.

Aug 27 Collin states wheels are sold but he will give me back half deposit because of bad feedback

28 Aug I delete bad feedback and comments and Collin the says ok to returning full deposit on the 31 Aug

1 Sep Collin states he will return deposit after work....No return

2 Sep Collin asks for bank details again and states he will deposit it shortly....No return

I then give Collin 24 hours to return the money or police and legal action will follow:

3 Sep I get this:

Hey dick head , get this through ur head i am not giving u back a cent, call it Wat u want , it was a deposit, end of story , call it legal binding Wat ever u want to call it, I'm not a business it was a private sale so ur legal shit don't mean shit, build a bridge and get over it, while ur there get ur self a bag of concrete too! I'll post this message up anywhere u want, call the cops file Wat ever u like they going to laugh at u bud, im in WA they got meth labs and drug dealers to be worrying about not some stingy f*ker who made a bad decision about a purchase., Ffs get over it mate, win some loose some, deal with it

This guy is a theif and should not be dealt with, he has terrible communication and below are some of his replies:

No chance buddy like I said I would rather piss on it and burn it , for u believe it is ur right to call me a thief and run my name through the mud , who is childish? Just because u might be a soldier and a legal Wat ever it's obvious u still have kid brains, to drag who ever and Wat ever into this , ie, the reason why my car and motor have not sold is a direct result of this? Meh please if they sell or not I couldn't really give two rats arse I'd rather piss on them and burn them too if it were to sell to someone that is kid brain enough to listen to u run down and insult, because ur an Australian soldier that doesn't make ur credentials any better in my books bud cause if we're sending kid brain fools like u running around over seas quoting Wat ever ur quoting on whatever forums and Wat ever else , well god help us all we might as well surrender now and save face than look like f*kn simple minded juiced up meat heads who thinks that there word is gospel- f*kn loser

Well for an Australian soldier I think u need to go to bunnings and buy a can of harden the f*k up mate, cause I'll sent u a clip in a minute of me pissing on ur $350 and then burning it just to make a point!

Edited by sinistaGTR
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