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I massively regret buying the founders package, PGI has proven themselves to be simply incompetent with this game. Gameplay was better in closed beta than it is now, there is still no community warfare implemented (was supposed to be in game about a year ago if memory serves) and they have gone back on a number of promises they made at the beginning, things like "There will be no 3rd person view", which was later implemented, causing a massive community backlash.

That being said, its free to play so the only thing it will cost you is download time if you want to check it out.

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Never expected to see this thread on sau but I play the game every now and then. If you can build a good mech or know where to find good builds online then you can expect to have some fun otherwise you will have no chance just be obliterated.

The best mech at the moment is a highlander 733C with two PPCs and an AC5 + Ultra AC5. Just jump up in the air, and pop all weapons at the same time. Repeat.

I go on the North America Teamspeak server too na1.mech-connect.net, a lot of regulars play as well as a handful of Aussies.

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Just started yesterday the game has potential, at the moment I can see myself getting bored quickly. The audio feels like its lacking and the distance blur is a little over the top.

Are there any advanced guides out there, no idea what I should be aiming at.

Set post processing in the options to 0, that will get rid of all blur.

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