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Can anyone help?

I just done the timing belt on my r33 rb25 ive done plenty of them and have never had this problem

I have fuel( fuel pressure, injector pulse, check all fuses), and ive also got spark( tried 3 sets of spark plugs, changed coils) and its still not starting

When i crank it, it doesnt start then i check the plugs again its fouled up

Dry the cylinders dry the spark plugs( or change them)

Try it again still doesnt start

Take the plugs out again fouled again

Take out fuel pump fuse disconnect injectors, still doesnt fire up even though theres fuel in the cylindeds

Disconnect cas still doesnt fire up

Reconnect cas still doesnt fire up

Recheck spark strenght, has plenty

It did start once when it was stripped down to the timing belt with everything connected, THEN ITS FIRED UP with a big puff of smoke then shut it down coz the timing belt was about to fall off, thinking it was fixed i reassembled

After assembling it didnt start, back to square one

Timing marks are spot on

Anyone have the same issue?

There are no vaccum leaks even though it should still start.

At this time its doing my head in bad

Have i misssed something?

Why is it flooding when ive got spark?

Also has a new temp sensor

Anyone help?

Correct Fuel, Spark, Oxygen = Run.

To overcome flooding keep foot flat on accelorator

Signal to spark at the right time was my only other guess.

Some of the Pro's on here will chime in shortly.

ive tried foot flat on the accelorator so many times ive flattened 2 drycell batteries :(

the signal should be right unless ive got a crook cam angel sensor?

damit, maybe ill try check injector pulse and spark at the same time and see what i can get

did you mark cas before you took it off so u can align when you reinstall it? when you say you striped it down then started it you would of taken of the cas to get cam cover off. my 2 cents is you may have put it on out of align hence the reason why when you started it the timing was out causing the big puff off smoke and belt nearly coming off as the belt should be rotating smoothly unless you touched the tensioner.

  • 9 years later...

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