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SAU- don't go SOR :P

Post from me from 1addicts.


Car was broken into today at Ellis Brook reserve( took the pup for a hike on a day off to keep me sane!).

Given that it is a minimum 35min loop, and there is one road in and out I suspect the thief sits in the first car park and waits for a target, they then raid the car while you are up the top. One of them keeps watch whilst you are coming back down (easy vis of both paths), whilst the does the break in and then ducks off if interrupted, or they both take off when complete.

We ran most of the loop and popped out down a drop off as my pup was loosing her shit trying to get back(not bad for a puppy!). I thought she just wanted water but she was sussing out what happened. The guy then moved his car and I snapped his reg. he then approached us at which point my dog got aggressive as I had already put her on the scent.(6000years of breeding ftw).

All in all, I'm out a few k, and can only warn you guys. Cops won't do a thing even with the information provided.

If anyone hears of an iPad 3(bricked or jail broken, ran two diff remote wipes lol), with Ryan. M. C(xxxx, name removed), and the priceless items that were in the vehicle, reward is available.

Reg of the thief( or accomplice) <REGO PLATES REMOVED BY MERLI>*, blue getz.


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Yes and yes, out that way. If you could get your mate to PM or email me, wouldn't mind finding out how similar it was, police might take more interest in the details of the alleged if there are multiple police report numbers associated(if the vehicle wasn't stolen!)

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