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Gt-R Police Attention

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Hey guys I'm just wondering what your experiences are with getting pulled over. I'm curious because I was pulled over 7 times in the last 3 days. Now my driving record is clean and when I mean clean I mean not one fine, parking ticket, speeding etc all my demerit points are there and I don't have a criminal record or any criminal history with the police, including when I was a juvenile under 18. Now I know GT-Rs attract attention but it's almost as though I get pulled over just because of the car and as soon as I see a cop car especially at night. I understand the police are just doing their job but it's insane the amount of bad attention this car gets. Now stops include opening the bonnet for a defect check and extensive around the car checks. One of the stops took 35 mins! The shortest was around 15 minutes. I have a friend with an E60 M5 and he has a supersprint exhaust which is definately not legal in terms of sound and yet he rarely gets pulled over and has never been spoken to about that exhaust. Again guys I'm not trying to sound like some rebelous delinquent but don't you think it's excessive? I mean I was asked about drugs in the car and the car was searched extensively which never happens when I drive my brothers Camry for example. To be honest it's unlikely that a drug mule is dumb enough to use a car as conspicuous as an R34 for drug hauling and a Camry would technically be more likely which then means that all cars on every stop should be searched for over half an hour. I'm scared to even drive the car now.

Anyways share your thoughts and your opinion...

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If the car is legal you have nothing to be scared of, i would be keeping a record of the amount of times you get pulled over and also the police car numbers as although they are "doing their job", that is bordering along the lines of harassment. 7 times in 3 days? Surely they would keep a record of the car.....

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It is most likely some intel that police have received regarding the drugs. I can't believe that a random gtr was targeted that much. I guess all you can do is change the number plates, incase any previous owners had a bit of history, and as has been mentioned keep a bit of a tab on the patrol numbers. Then maybe you can go to your LAC and see the station head and explain your situation.

Otherwise, it will become a serious Problem taking that time out of your day.

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The car has probably been flagged while you we're driving or when the previous owner had it. Basically what that means is every time you drive past a cop the number plates read up on there computer as a suspicious vehicle and they will pull you over. I no cops that have done that to cars because the owner spoke to them like a smart ass when they had done nothing wrong with clean driving/criminal record. When you bought the car did you change the number plates? If not go change them and it should solve your problem. Or have you arked up at a cop lately lol?

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The next time you get pulled over - guessing it wont be long if it has been 7 times in 3 days - and if the coppers are half reasonable (& only if they are) explain to them what has been going on and ASK them (nicely) why you are getting pulled over all the time. If they are letting you go anyway and you havent been carrying on there is a reasonable chance they will explain it to you.

You may then have half a chance of sorting it out.

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2 yrs, 3000kms and i'm yet top be pulled over (albiet only about 100kms of that has been between the hours of 6pm and 6am) - touch-wood

I think alot of it has to do with the hours you drive and where - if your driving it 3am in the morning in the middle of a night club district, your probarly going to get pulled up.

But i also beleive the cops would not distinguish between a 34gtr (lets be honest, usually drivin by older more mature drivers due to the price) and a normal skyline (which unfortunatly a small crowd has given a bad name on the roads). I dare say alot of cops wouldn't know the difference - they just see hoon car.

however, +1 on getting your number plate changed - you don't know what the last owner got up to in the car or done for a living and as indicated above, the plate could be flaged by the police.

Edited by wedge_r34gtr
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i drove 2 years in a NA black R33, loud as ever.

Nothing more then an RBT, and i mainly drove after 7pm and into all weird hours of the night.

Not once was i pulled over, And i didnet exactally look like your avrage law obiding citizen.

Would be very hard to get them to tell you there is intel on your plates, But its been done before :)

walk into you local and have a chat to the boys behind the desk.

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The next time you get pulled over - guessing it wont be long if it has been 7 times in 3 days - and if the coppers are half reasonable (& only if they are) explain to them what has been going on and ASK them (nicely) why you are getting pulled over all the time. If they are letting you go anyway and you havent been carrying on there is a reasonable chance they will explain it to you.

You may then have half a chance of sorting it out.

...helps if you pull out your handkerchief that's dripping wet.

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Daily drove my 34 GTR for almost 2 years, over 25,000 Kms and I have never been pulled over.

Surely the car must be on some kind of watch list, that many times in such a short time frame would almost be bordering on harassment.

I'd be asking the police that pull you over if you have been reported for anything.

or maybe they just think that your car is awesome :yes:

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Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. As for the how many at night they were all at night except one which was around 11am. Night being after 5pm. I was pulled over 3 times on Friday (different areas) and 3 times on Saturday (different areas) and on Sunday at around noon. On Sunday the car wasn't searched extensively or anything just tires, noise, car height, engine mods and stickers. On the 2 nights before though they had me get out of the car and wait on the side of the road which checking the glovebox, under the seats, the trunk, the center console as well as all the usual defect stuff and breath test. The cars were definately different, I wasn't pulled over by the same car twice I'm sure of it.

dkbcleaner - No haven't pissed any cops lately, I've never had any trouble with these sorts of things and I'm not a smartarse to them as I respect their job and what they do to protect us so no never pissed any off. I've found though your attitude doesn't matter, yes if you are one of those young thugs who run their mouth you'll be targeted but even if you're friendly or cooperative the stop doesn't get any shorter. I guess it's just procedure or something.

PN-Mad - I'm 100% sure it's not a problem with the previous owner since he's my brother-in-law (I hope :)), he's a plastic surgeon so unless he's done a bad job on a cop's wife or something then I doubt it :D and he imported the car himself from Japan. It's the first thing I thought of since I know cars get "blacklisted" if previous offenses or connections are known but there's just no way this car had history like that at least in this country.

Noy - While it's a bit excessive I don't think it's harrasement I think they're just doing their job but I'm just curious why they're so afraid and paranoid about Skylines, again I understand some shady characters buy them and they have that whole "image" but I don't think a car should be pulled over based on profiling of the actual car rather the activity of the driver and how they're driving and their record. I guess the cops themselves can't do anything about it, unfortunately it's revenue raising and they can't pick on Ferrari, Lamborghini and high end Mercedes owners since they have alot of money and can make things happen while these cars are generally driven more by younger people who are less likely to file for harrasement or have any friends high up. It's the way of society I guess.

Edited by CosworthSti
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Never been pulled over apart from RBT's and that's it. Never had my car looked over or harassed for having a loud exhaust. I guess you've just had an unlucky 3 days.

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