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Ok,so i read the `recent` posts in the motorsport section....GoPro - sh#t Radcam- sh#t.....now what just want decent vision and sound with ease of set up and fair price...any help?? Would have paid the $470 for radcam if was convinced but really $400 is the limit.

The video quality of all 1080p cameras is generally very similar, all of them have sh1t sound so you will need an external mic plug (Contour+ has this) as a high priority.

The standard mounting hardware for the GoPro is average at best, too many arms and angles required to get it where you need it and if you only have 20sec to get it mounted (multiple cars in line at an event) it can be quite annoying. I'd suggest getting an aftermarket mount from camzilla I use the double suction mount with the swivel arm it does every angle imaginable from 1 point and is rock solid.

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