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Went on a trip down near Bridgetown, which is about a 3hr drive from Perth.

Once I got out of the city and off the smooth bitumen, the road noise was unbearable :(

Is it tyres and can it be reduced by changing the tyres? They are a mix and match of low profiles at the moment.

Looking at changing rims so new tyres will come with that.

Also got some gutter rash on one rim, can this be fixed?

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Yep our cars are quite crap with road noise imho - little sound insulation in the floor compared with most other cars. I definitely have had some quiet sets and some almost unbearably noisy sets of tyres. Steer away from tyres with big, blocky shoulders/edges on them - they seem to generate the worst road noise. I have always had it in my plan to buy some Dynamat or equivalent and put it under my floor carpets everywhere, but have never gotten around to it.

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Is it tyres and can it be reduced by changing the tyres? They are a mix and match of low profiles at the moment.

Also got some gutter rash on one rim, can this be fixed?

Your tyres can be part of the problem - harder compounds and older tyres will generate more noise.

Gutter rash can be fixed, I had my rash repaired here in Sydney, was a great job, not much help for you over in the Republic of WA though! Google is your friend I guess!

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dynamat. works well, big job. it works by adhering a tar based sheeting to steel and plastic, to reduce vibration of that particular part, which reduces sound waves from the panel flexing.

to do it properly, you stick it to every panel, especially every large panel, including roof and spare wheel well... then for something extra you put it on the reverse side of trim panels too. the thicker it is, the heavier it is, the better it will work.

the cavities between these also tend to amplify noise like a sub box, so in the boot i like to pack quilt wadding behind the trim

the weakest link in cars however is the glass. tyre noise will pass thru that regardless...

Edited by Deep Dish V35
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