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Hey guys not sure where else to put this so here it is.

I've recently got myself a new gopro hero hd 2. Have filmed a bit of footage on it but its been mostly 4x4 slow pace stuff using the suction cup mount.

Just wondering if anyone has one of these (I got the motorsports edition kit, with the suction cup). I was chasing feedback from anyone who has used this particular mount for high speeds motorsport. It has the 3m sticky pads but don't want to stick them all over my car if I don't have to.

Would appreciate feedback.

Maybe also a place where ppl can post up some footage filmed off there go pros

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Check that out i had 2 go pro's mounted on my car one on the inside mounted to cage and the other on the roof with suction cap, both were rock solid 145mph and full RPM launches didn't phase them highly recommend them.

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Using it for powercruise mate so hopefully reaching speeds of 200+. I know qr is rough but im guessing rally is worse lol. I just wasn't keen on 400 bucks worth of camera falling off my car and getting run over. Hey nur33 that link wont open on my tablet but will check it out, god I love ur car I read the article in hpi I think it was a few months back.

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I've used the 3pod Camzilla at all kinds of tracks - including a 220kph pass @ oran park. Just make sure it's on a good clean flat section and go for it.

BTW - the lower the angle the "faster" things appear. I have one of those 3M pads in the front intercooler air intake area - always looks great!

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Get the double suction mount (way better stability) from here:


and get the GoPro accessory from here:


Just ordered both of these, thanks heaps for the link. Definitely considering buying a second go pro to do the dual videos. Love the idea of mounting one in the front mount area would be sweet and fast.

Wat editing programs do u use, tried using windows movie maker as it was already on my comp but it was painful to do so.

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i mostly use my gopro for stills these days (point and shoot fisheye camera ftw!) but I recorded a little bit with it. i used the imovie app on my mac, not the best app, but does the job for simple edits...

Edited by Jay019
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I use Corel Video Studio for editing. The big key is that it is way easier to learn than premier or final cut pro (pro level editing software). It is a mid range package around $120 (buy on-line!). Does the job pretty well for us amatures.

As for slow motion - do a bit of research. I'm saving up for a new GoPro Hero 2 - it does 120fps in 480p. Slow that down to 30fps and get 4x slow motion. The trick with slow motion is to get software that can pull the frames out so you don't lose them. A lot of software just holds a frame for 3-4 times longer giving jerky motion.

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  • 1 month later...

I have searched go pro and this thread.... didnt come up lol but found it so thought to ask advice here rather than start a new thread.

Ive just bought an HD Hero 2 Motorsport also. After hiring one for a track day from pezhead I decided to buy my own. Scored it for $269!! I have taken some footage on it just around the house and the footage is very jerky and grainy when I play it on the computer. I have it set to 1080 and using a 16gb sandisk extreme up to 45 mb/s card. Also the footage I received on disc from my track day is the same. The promo video on the gopro website is unreal quality. Whats going wrong? Could it be as simple as needing a better Graphics card in the computer? I did try the disc footage on another PC which was grainy but smooth.

If anyone knows please help. Thanks


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Yeah it'll be a codec issue most likely on the PC itself.

MPC-HC is where it's at (Media Player Classic - Home Cinema), out of the box it'll probably be ok actually without any codecs.

You get a zillion options with MPC-HC as well if you want to do post processing and so real time on without the need to run it via video editing packages. Packages obviously do a better job, depends what you want etc.

All the go pro stuff I have looks perfect right off the card

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