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first mod would be decent car security. for that you need to speak to me.

other mods - Elite racing - daniel kent. he is under elite racing here.

read here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1

contact here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&fromMemberID=10554

Hey bro its already got a mongoose alarm, and turbo timer..

Is it fitted properly though? I got one fitted to mine when I first got the car from Japan, then a couple of months later I made the trip down to a car security tech night that Chris held, It took him less then 1 minute to bypass my immobilizer, the car was back down to him less then 2 weeks later to get properly secured

bet I can steal it in less that 30 sec..

I use RPM Dyno at Morayfield. Great people and give good advise. Plus I have an Auto Elec shop next door.

rpm are good peeps mate ...sorry....BRO! but when it comes to security I suggest you listen to Chris.

north side - the phone numbers in my sig are the best way to get me. unsure when the 17th is but this month is shaping up to be a silly one..

Im new to this sight bro so i have no idea how o use it haha.. Umm 17th is not next friday the one after..

Im new to this sight bro so i have no idea how o use it haha.. Umm 17th is not next friday the one after..


I have 3.5 weeks worth of work in front of me currently so I can't do ANYTHING on the 17th. happy to chat though during biz hours.

You scare me when you say that.. haha

I've been meaning to get my security setup too, might get that done soon as tax time has blessed me with some extra moolah.

yes but you know what I an capable of as well.

Don't touch the BOV mate, it will just cause you problems and the guys in the main forum just give shit to guys with issues caused by BOV's.

Aww ok.. Lol.. Do u know were i can get a boost controller ?.. In brisbane though.. Not off a sight though at a shop?..

What area in Brisbane are you?, Best bet is to meet up with a few members and have a look at what they have done and how much it has cost them.

This will help with planning upgrades and making sure that you avoid the mistakes most of us have made when it comes to upgrades.

I will admit that talking with the guys has helped me with a lot of issues I have had and given me some great people who have a common Interest.

Fineline (Noel) is the Club Prez and is a stand up guy, Chris knows more about car electronics and Nissan's than any one man ever should, if It takes him more than 30 sec's to jack that car I'll pay to repair it he is that good.

What area in Brisbane are you?, Best bet is to meet up with a few members and have a look at what they have done and how much it has cost them.

This will help with planning upgrades and making sure that you avoid the mistakes most of us have made when it comes to upgrades.

I will admit that talking with the guys has helped me with a lot of issues I have had and given me some great people who have a common Interest.

Fineline (Noel) is the Club Prez and is a stand up guy, Chris knows more about car electronics and Nissan's than any one man ever should, if It takes him more than 30 sec's to jack that car I'll pay to repair it he is that good.

I live on the southside ay. At carindale. Yeah well i dont know were people go ay. Chris wat alarm do u suggest i get?..

^Its going to cost you a bit for something fresh that Chris puts in (good stuff) or less to have him rework + rewire that Mongoose of yours. For the record, I have gone both ways.

Make sure you have your funds ready. Most people on here are very passionate about their cars and some would go to great lengths (starvation etc..) to afford mods for their respective vehicles.

This is going to sound a bit snobbish (so sorry if I offend anyone) but if you do not have money put aside after the purchase of a car...lets set a broad number say between 3-10k, then you really shouldn't be modifying it at all. Spend what little you have on good security and INSURANCE rather than mods.

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