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+1 for the list of 'great shops' in Sydney.

Got my car with a remote central locking system, i don't know if there's something wrong with it or with the actuator in the drivers door, but this thing is annoying! Car will lock and un-lock most of the time with the remote, but sometimes it decides not to listen to me, and i have to use the key to get in the car.

Sitting inside the car, it locks the car doors for me when i hit the brakes after 12 seconds or so of the car being turned on, and it is supposed to un-lock the doors when the turbo timer shuts off, but it doesn't do this all the time. I need this thing gone! Need something reliable in it's place.

The most annoying bit is that the actuator in the drivers door is always making a noise, every 7ish seconds or so, like its trying to lock or unlock unsuccessfully. A piece of paper came with the car showing the wiring diagram of the unit and also how it is supposed to operate. It says that lights are supposed to flash when i lock or un-lock, doesn't do that at all.

I don't want to try and play with it, would rather it be stripped off the car, and a new alarm+central locking system put in place that meets insurance companies standards.

This is why i need that list :yes: , because if i don't find a great place to take it, i'll rather live with what i have.

Try taking off the door trim and loosening up the arm and reattach it so there's a little free play. It's probably sitting on the trigger point for it to lock or unlock.

I'm just in Fairfield, if you're nearby I can have a look at it and possibly fix it for a few beers :)

Edited by johnnilicte

+ 1 for the list, would be good to know where I can go!

The list is being compiled behind the scenes just waiting on some peers to supply recommendations , also a list of supplies and web links

Try taking off the door trim and loosening up the arm and reattach it so there's a little free play. It's probably sitting on the trigger point for it to lock or unlock.

I'm just in Fairfield, if you're nearby I can have a look at it and possibly fix it for a few beers :)

or try actually replacing it with a PROPER actuator - IE one from a N15 pulsar. saves this issue ever happening again.

If you're in Sydney go to FHRX, Marty's work is top notch.. none of this homo electrical tape it's mum up jobs...

Hope your not referring to me mate about home electrical tape. You ask us to get off our highhorse mate a couple of threads ago and now your saying that anyone who uses electrical tape is a home. I cant help but be offended by that you newb. Marty's work is top notch and for the record bud Marty used to have me do all his alarm installs for him at one stage. He does them now, in house so he can actually make some money. Just who are you anyway? I dare you to start a car alarm business mate, just to see you fall off your highhorse, because your shit don't stink I'm guessing!

I think the disagreement between DIY and having it installed by a pro has long passed. No one is dissing nobody here, it is only opinions from one person point of view, who is entitled to free speech.

I do believe that heat shrinking is better and secures the cable more than electrical tape and that it is more professional that way given the clean and neat installation that doesn't over time leave a sticky residue. Offended? I'm not sorry.

That is my opinion and nothing anyone can say will change it. If you are offended by ones opinion, to only help out a fellow forum member, then you shouldn't be reading this thread at all.

He is also recommending a professional business to have it done properly. Everyone has their own way of doing things and your method isn't the only "right" way. He is also recommending a professional as you are too. This I believe is neutral and has no rips on pros and DIYers.

I'm pretty sure there are more than just you and the couple who have ripped on about DIY installations who runs car security businesses. In all honesty, I could have been your potential customer at the time when I was looking for an alarm. Sent you an email via the website, didn't get a response. Asked for a little advice via PM, still no response. All I see is that you are ripping out on people who want to try DIY. Advice is better than opinion at the end of the day. Also not good for business publicity.

I have never disagreed with any DIY installation at anytime Ricky, in fact I have helped hundreds of people over the years with installs over the phone from all over Australia including wiring colour codes and their exact locations and how to test for them. I help customers find replacement remote controls for all types of alarms from all over Australia and then guide them through the process of re-learning their new remotes over the phone and its all free. I am always happy to help. I just will not put the information in text format and spread it all over the internet and most people in my industry would agree. If you want help with your alarm install, call me so I can verify that you are not a car thief who wants to bypass a Mongoose M80 in 20 seconds to steal someones car. I usually always help out. This is not a car stereo we are talking mate its car security and for the most part of my career it was always imperative to have both an Installers Licence and a Master Licence renewable each year in order to stay in accordance with the NSW Security Industries Act. If I could help it, there would be not a single wiring diagram of any of our good alarms on the internet. I did it with Autowatch products for over 10 years, get phone calls every day from people asking me for diagrams or help because they don't know what's what with the alarm. Again don't mind helping out, at least the thieves are getting filtered out to some degree.

If you have a look at my early posts Ricky you will see I encourage DIY's by mentioning to use test lights (test equipment) when looking for wires for an alarm install.

Also, I have spent the last hour in my website's back office and there was never an email sent to me from you via my website. I check my emails a couple of times each night, 7 days a week I would have found it by now. You did PM me asking for a price to purchase only a Mongoose M80G, I don't always check my PM's for a start, as I do not expect sales from SAU and I do not have a store for you to purchase the goods from. I am strictly a mobile service business hence the name. I do not sell alarms and deliver them. You also asked me where to hide the module, why would I tell someone I have not even spoken to, where the good spots are to hide the module? Anyone can join a forum and ask these questions, do we give this information out to everyone that sends a PM? Remember this is the internet and SAU has a very high rank with Google in the "Car Alarms" topic. This is fact.

If you want questions answered why don't you call, its much quicker than sending emails through websites and PM's through other websites. I have built my reputation on this website through my helpful input over the past 6 or so years Ricky, so be very sure of what you say before you discredit my business on this forum. Its now 2am and I am replying because you are trying to discredit my business.

My business publicity is doing just fine mate, I did my first car alarm when I was 19 years old, I'm now 39 yrs old and people say "do not use a testlight or it will blow an airbag!" I remember saying that when airbags were first invented! And if you can show me how to use heatshrink on the indicators, door circuit, boot circuit, neg or pos trigger central locking circuits for every make and model vehicle (not just Skylines) we have in Australia, without burning or melting any other wires around them and still maintain and insulated connection, then I will throw away the the electrical tape and start using heatshrink. I do agree however that heatshrink is excellent for maintaining and insulated and secure connection, I use it all the time on trucks & trailor's, marine applications and high end SPL vehicles.

All in All, let it be said.... I'm happy to help out the DIY's, always have and always will, its who I am. Just can't give away the important info onto any forum. If you have a problem with your alarm or central locking and need help to diagnose the cause my phone and emails are always open, although phone is better because it saves a lot of time in typing.

I think the disagreement between DIY and having it installed by a pro has long passed. No one is dissing nobody here, it is only opinions from one person point of view, who is entitled to free speech.

I do believe that heat shrinking is better and secures the cable more than electrical tape and that it is more professional that way given the clean and neat installation that doesn't over time leave a sticky residue. Offended? I'm not sorry.

That is my opinion and nothing anyone can say will change it. If you are offended by ones opinion, to only help out a fellow forum member, then you shouldn't be reading this thread at all.

He is also recommending a professional business to have it done properly. Everyone has their own way of doing things and your method isn't the only "right" way. He is also recommending a professional as you are too. This I believe is neutral and has no rips on pros and DIYers.

I'm pretty sure there are more than just you and the couple who have ripped on about DIY installations who runs car security businesses. In all honesty, I could have been your potential customer at the time when I was looking for an alarm. Sent you an email via the website, didn't get a response. Asked for a little advice via PM, still no response. All I see is that you are ripping out on people who want to try DIY. Advice is better than opinion at the end of the day. Also not good for business publicity.

Mate in all honesty there is 10 right ways and 500 wrong ways to do anything , some spots do not lend them-self to shrink without melting everything in site , and you have to remember to most businesses have a certain amount of time allocated for a product install to keep profitable ?

I'm positive any installer would spend a day or more on a car but cant without charging for it, just like any hourly labour business would ?? Installers give away enough time already without fuss

tape isnt tape, installers have access to a better brand of products then off the shelf DIY people use

And sticky tape is what you want ? last time i checked ?? Done right it shouldn't need to be removed unless you want it out so why would tape be a issue ? Factories use it all the time?

Security is a touchy subject to any installer

We get asked a few times a year at least !! questions that sound dodgy like a car thief needs

To override a system or wiring

And every installer on the planet knows all to well DIY alarms are 95% disasters or dangerous and we don't enjoy untangling a rats nest to fix it or finding out the dude/lady had no clue and burned the car down because of it ? Its hard to judge skills a and aptitude to install online ?

Which is why we dont condone it with open arms

Its bad policy to promote something possibly dangerous when you own a business that has to feed your family based on word of mouth advertising ?

Please put yourself in Daniels shoes for a second would you enjoy someone slandering your livelihood over tape or anything silly ? or because a possible email ended up lost in space or spam filter ?

I can say i hear good things about his company all the time ? Not bad things !!

and pretty sure he goes out of his way to help anyone if he can?

You know i can say i use kevlar sleeves and other methods of making sure installs Cannot be cut open but realistically its takes a hell of a lot longer to work on and installer /dealers would have a farking heart attack if they had to open the harness up again without proper tools and it automatically adds enormous amounts of time and parts cost to the install and special tools to work with it

So it has to be right and the product must be dependable to avoid comeback to fix , lifetime warranty to original owner

Don't think any of us hate DIY we just have to use caution on what is said and done to avoid lawsuits and entanglement in a car theft ring or worse property destruction or death from poor install ?

Please show respect when asking and I'm sure help is available

Now shake hands lol

End rant

Edited by Carbon 34

Well put Troy, explained from someone a little calmer than I was at 2am this morning. I am passionate about my work and my business profile, just like yourself, if that is my biggest downfall, then it is a win win for SAU members, my customers and people that know me.

Have a great day!

Well put Troy, explained from someone a little calmer than I was at 2am this morning. I am passionate about my work and my business profile, just like yourself, if that is my biggest downfall, then it is a win win for SAU members, my customers and people that know me.

Have a great day!

Lol no worries . No red cards today haha

Passion in the industry is a good thing and keeps a company motivated . And around a long time

A quick buck ( no passion for the industry)company ends up out of biz quick by doing the wrong thing for customers ,

Todays lesson lol

old word of mouth marketing saying : good service will be spread by a customer to a few friends ( good thing) a bad experience will be shared with at least 20 ( bad thing )

Thank you come again

I dare you to start a car alarm business mate, just to see you fall off your highhorse, because your shit don't stink I'm guessing!

Great attitude and no, I like my desk job, and also my shit does stink very much. I consume over 200grams of protein a day.

I install alarms, stereos, accessories for fun, as a hobby for mates and get paid with beer or cash. They're happy with the install, and if they rather pay me than a pro, it's their choice. I'm happy either way.

I don't use electrical tape where possible, I cover looms in conduit then use a fat heatshrink to hold it together.

The attitude in this thread stinks to be honest.

Great attitude and no, I like my desk job, and also my shit does stink very much. I consume over 200grams of protein a day.

I install alarms, stereos, accessories for fun, as a hobby for mates and get paid with beer or cash. They're happy with the install, and if they rather pay me than a pro, it's their choice. I'm happy either way.

I don't use electrical tape where possible, I cover looms in conduit then use a fat heatshrink to hold it together.

The attitude in this thread stinks to be honest.

How do you sample the poo stink? Do you use reference poo samples to compare your stinky finger ? or is a panel smell test with ass sniffing dogs ? just curious why you concluded that and why we wanted to know about your stinky ass?

Funny you always have a f**k wit comment about long time members ? maybe you need a holidy from SAU to grow up ?

conduit wtf? I take it you mean split loom not conduit used in houses ?!! I hope

Jobs for mates fine , being a tool isnt

How do you sample the poo stink? Do you use reference poo samples to compare your stinky finger ? or is a panel smell test with ass sniffing dogs ? just curious why you concluded that and why we wanted to know about your stinky ass?

Funny you always have a f**k wit comment about long time members ? maybe you need a holidy from SAU to grow up ?

conduit wtf? I take it you mean split loom not conduit used in houses ?!! I hope

Jobs for mates fine , being a tool isnt

your mate danielr34 said "because your shit don't stink I'm guessing!" and I am just saying my shit stinks, I didn't say you wanted to know what my shit or ass smells like.

And what f u c k wit comment do I have? Long term member? I've been here since 2005. You're the trolls that keep replying with negative comments and fueling this.

Conduit, split loom whatever it's called.. the soft plastic stuff. I'm not a professional like you so I don't know the name of it. If you read back at your comments and your mate Daniel's comments vs. mine I can tell you who is being the tool and who is just adding fuel to the fire.

I have not seen you ever post anything positive.

What a joke

Daniel and i have never met or spoken ? Got anything better ?

Your the ass clown tooting your horn how great you are? show us your work if you so hot and I will be the first in line to say i spoke to soon

And send you a cheese platter to go with your wine

We are not here to add fuel to any fires, but more to prevent the actual fire (in your car!) From first time installers that ask the question "about to fit a car alarm into my car, is it easy?" That's all. We don't want to tell people how good we are or how to do things. We just show concern for your vehicles' and the industry. If too many non experienced installers do botched up jobs (not saying its you Johnny or Ricky) but in general, then we get a series of easy vehicle thefts due to the poor installs the insurance companies will come down harder on the consumers because the Mongoose M60 or M80 is no longer worthy enough to meet their needs and the costs of comprehensive insurance will rise across the country. I remember when we did not need an Australian Standards alarm or immobiliser to get full comprehensive insurance. These rules or regulations were introduced due to the number of increased vehicle thefts in the late 90's by a few insurers and then later became part of the criteria. We can thank the performance cars for this such as SS Commodore's and Clubsports, performance Fords and then of course Subaru WRX which beat Commodore and became the number one target for car theft. NRMA in fact had sent documentation to Subaru stating they will no longer insure the B4 Liberty and WRX Impreza due to the nigh number of thefts, this would have resulted in massive loss in sales for Subaru. This is how Brant Corporation got involved and offered the 6 point immobiliser/alarm system for all new B4's and WRX's and a recall on some 3000-5000 WRX's already sold for customers to bring their cars in and get a free 3 point keypad immobiliser. At this time I was their number 2 contracted installer and was doing these installs pretty much every day of the week from Newcastle down to Canberra.

Long story short, we don't care if you do your own alarm, just do it right or get someone to do it right.

For the record Troy has made nothing but positive posts on this forum over the years I have been here. Just ask all the members he has helped out and all the questions he has answered over the years. What is the deal with people saying things about others without doing some research?

Just like when doing a car alarm you should never confuse your positives with your negatives hahaha............just an installers joke.....guess I have been doing this too long, especially if I'm the only one laughing hahaha.

Peace out people!

What a joke

Daniel and i have never met or spoken ? Got anything better ?

Your the ass clown tooting your horn how great you are? show us your work if you so hot and I will be the first in line to say i spoke to soon

And send you a cheese platter to go with your wine

You've said nothing positive but call me names.

I never said I was great nor I my work was hot. If you look a few threads down I actually posted up something quick & simple I did for my car.

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