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There's no where to "go". Just interesting to see what some people regard as an appealing physique. The typical large powerlifter physique isn't my cup of tea. They're big, strong bastards, but that's not the look everyone wants

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had a very successful States... I went 9 for 9, setting a PB on every lift

squat 210kg

bench 132.5kg

deadlift 240kg

unfortunately the 90kg division was very strong so I came 4th... if I had of lifted in any other division I would've got a medal

was an amazing job Markos, how you and the crew managed to run a meet with so many lifters and spectators out of that little gym was super impressive

bring on Nationals:)

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Cheers! I had a good day... I like comps, I find I can get a few extra kilos just due to the atmosphere

I started doing PPP 3 times a week after my first novice comp which was last year in September I think... that was at my old gym with the odd weekend session at PTC... since mid Jan this year I've been training 4-5 times a week, mainly at PTC, doing a mixture of PPP and whatever Max tells me to do

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booked in to have a coaching session with Trent from PTC Sydney next Saturday. Will be interested to see if I have been dead lifting or squating incorrectly.

also any other tips that he can give.

I think it will be more beneficial for my brother who has only just started going to the gym.

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Nick, some are destined to stay weak and small, they'll never understand you eat for size and lift for strength, as you pointed out, Martin and Gregg are both Elite, different builds. Same training, one eats more. It doesnt seem difficult to understand. Anyway, please dont post that crap in here, its clearly a PL thread, PL is a sport.

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