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  • 3 weeks later...

Kristos squatted 265kg, benched 130kg and deadlifted 285kg for 680kg, then deadlifted 300kg on a 4th attempt

His squat is the best ever in the 67.5kg class, in any Fed in the World…..#1 All Time

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chris is 20 years old, came to us from Dohertys in January, lifetime drug free, not that it matters as 320kg is 320kg. He did a Novice Comp here in December 2013 and squatted 220kg. Saw our record board and made the switch, 100kg in 9 months, may squat 330kg in 2 weeks at ProRawSix. Has also pulled 300kg and benched 150kg this week.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I haven't been round these parts in ages, how's everyone going?

Was awesome to see Birds and Leesh at the novice comp a while back. You both did great.

I should get Markos to update this thread with some ProRaw 6 vids. Was an epic comp with nearly every winner being decided on the last lift of the day. Unfortunately I have a new baby at home so missed the deadlifts:(

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Progress has been slow with a new baby at home, running my own business, mortgage blah blah

That said I hit some gym PR's recently and currently looking for a PR total at GPC Melbourne Cup in November

I squatted 220kg no wraps and pulled 260kg. Looking for 250+ squat and hopefully a 600lbs (272.5kg) deadlift... and I finally might bench 150kg...

I don't know why people wait to do comps until they can total 'xxx'. Your first time is just to experience a comp, see how it all works. Just like popping your cherry it's never going to be your best performance, better to get it out of the way so you at least know what your practising for;)

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waiting for a while as i havent been training much so giving myself time to get into a bit more shape.

I am also the most competitive person you would meet, so going into a comp with no chance of doing well isnt for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whats everyone's opinions on belt use for squats and deads?

Do you only use them for working sets over 75% of 1rm on the main movement? Or do you use a belt for assistance exercises as well?

Do you think lots of belt use creates a lower back weakness long term? Or do you think it helps strengthen by allowing you to lift more?

Edited by Mitcho_7
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I train at a dedicated powerlifting gym and everyone uses them for their 1RMs. A few use them for their sets beforehand such as two and three reps The belts are used on squat, dead and also bench. I haven't looked into any evidence which suggests they weaken the back. When I got coached by Nathan Baxter, he suggested the belt protects your lower back and from my lifting experience with a belt I agree.

Edited by L33SH
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