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Stalling At A Stop


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Sorry for the life of me I couldbt find my other thread.

2 weeks ago My car stalled when I parked it. bow this stalling only happens after I have driven for more than a 30 min and everything is well into operating temp.

its is much more frequent now. Ive got my power fc into sensor check and keeping an eye on it.

unfortunately with all the searching i did all i can find is, it could be cas/O2/afm/aac

ive cleaned the afms abd aac. ive also jiggled thw afms to see if there is a problem with the connection. nothing happened or changed the sound of the engine.

I also gave the tps a jiggle. but nothing.

I know my O2 is meant to read between 0-1v fluctuating.

mine read as follow

cold start---> 0v

as soon as i take off---> the fluctuate slightly between 0.4-0.6

cruising ---> around 0.6v

free rev at 2k---> O2 #1 will read a 0v momentarily and go back to 0.5v

Also my car has richened. my mate says its a bit fumey on freeway. he also says boosting produces more vapour than before.

The drives perfectly unless I go to a stand still. And its not everytime. only when it feels like it.

throtlle saves it from stalling but only if you keep it at 2k+ as soon as you let it go it will stall. (this is when its acting up)

other times it will idle fine.

its intermittent so this is leading me to electrical.

also once the car stalls, i can start it up straight away with no problem.

Does this sound like cas/O2 or my stupid mafs?

thank you and sorry for the speel.

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Do you have a consult cable?

You should be able to record all values from the consult port and when it stalls match up the times and look for any patterns/sensors going off.

That's what I would start doing

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lets expand the symptoms and ill keep this up with what i do and what happens haha.

twice today, i experienced a flat spot while just cruising. not underload. just drive at 60 and feels like loss of power O2 sensors read 00v then. and then boom back in as if nothing happened.

sweet. im lovin this.

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Fuel filter is on the list. about 15,000 old.

i can certainly try and get my hands on a wideband. Havent checked the timing around the idle.

Just to add another sympton. it stalled while slowing down for a turn. approximately doing 20. it is definitely getting worse. so need to enter super diagnostic mode and get this shit sorted.

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Drove today without the o2. sensors. car didnt stall once

drove on the freeway and parked without the idle being affected. car idled beautifully every time.

I did however still have that hesitation/loss of power every 10-15 minutes. that i thibk i will blame on my afms. sometimes it happebed on a bump sometimes under load ie up a hill.

so plan of action is to replace o2's and open my afms and have a look. if resoldering doent fix it then i am 1000000000000000% going link

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did you come to any conclusions with this mate?

i have a rb20 32 thats doing something similar to this and i cannot for the life of me figure it out :(

it idles lower than usual (between 500-800 when its usually around 1000-1200) and when i come to an intersection or break to pull into driveway, street etc.. it wants to stall.

iv just been flicking it into neutral and using the handbrake to slow me at the last 5m so i can still play with accelerator pedal and keep revs higher to prevent the stall but im gettin sick of doing so lol..

And on a probably different situation, my battery light comes on when im on highway and go back to third to clean cobwebs out.. (only to the speed limit of course) and stays on for a while then goes off or just stays on entire time till i switch car off, but have never had a flat when i go to start it, any suggestions/answers guys?

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Well, yours might be the battery terminals. Check em, make sure they arent loose.

Mine on the other hand,

I disconnected the o2's while driving and the car didnt stall once.

So I did a few things, resoldered the afms, coz the car was intermittently loosing power.

And I ordered new o2 sensors. I would have had them today but kudos f**ked up and didnt sign the declaration for express post so it defaulted to snail mail. Great, thanks guys.

So my conclusion will only be met next week. And if nothing has been solved then its back to the drawing board.

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Great news !!

Mine doesn't realy stall but it randomly hunts at idle at odd occasions for no reason

I've got nismo afms but it may be worth re-soldering them I guess, see if it helps

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