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1St November 2012 Road Rules Upgrades


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im a little bit pissed off about the mobile phone changes, not for making calls when driving but because i use my smart phone as an MP3 player plugged into my head unit when im driving, how do i change songs now :mad:

If it's mounted in a "commercially available" fixed cradle, then I believe it's still legal to use it...

THIS. This is a good thing. Lots of retards I have seen stick it in the middle of the screen right in front of them.

But realistically- They'll be more interested in defecting your pod filter than enforcing this.

Yeah, I see that all the time too, Alex. Even worse is that one of the first things to come onto the screen when you turn on a GPS device is that warning stating you shouldn't place it where it will block your view.

Once again, proof that "common sense" is far from common.

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i though it ws just normal to indicate any direction your intend to turn your car - Makes sense to me.

What ive noticed lately- NO ONE can drive in there lane, i dont need you to veer into me, or try run me into the pole.

then when i beep beacsue im almost on the gutter, dont flip me the bird - Becasue i will shoot you with a bb gun

They still dont have stiff rules about USE og GPS in car - And what about ipods/mp3 players..... scrolling through songs is just as distracting.

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I've seen people do this! What.... IDIOTS!! Worse is you can actually see their heads moving side to side trying to look around the gps... Come on... Really??

this. as soon as i see a GPS unit in a car anywhere near me, I will avoid that car if at all possible because from too many experiences I've had people veering left and right or going slowly/not paying attention because they are looking 'oh am i meant to turn here' it's freaking stupid, just plan your route before you drive or park and have a look at where you at.

The only time I use a GPS is if i have my gf next to me so she can read it and give me direct instructions, that being said, that's only ever if we go somewhere i've never been - and that being said, i'll most likely have memorised myself with the route beforehand.

as for the rest of the rules - personally roundabouts are USEFUL in that there's no need for traffic lights yet STUPID because nobody knows the rules around them, and everyone just wants to go, and you get people just flying through them even when it's not their right of way.

i though it ws just normal to indicate any direction your intend to turn your car - Makes sense to me.

What ive noticed lately- NO ONE can drive in there lane, i dont need you to veer into me, or try run me into the pole.

then when i beep beacsue im almost on the gutter, dont flip me the bird - Becasue i will shoot you with a bb gun

They still dont have stiff rules about USE og GPS in car - And what about ipods/mp3 players..... scrolling through songs is just as distracting.

can i have a bb gun too? automatic if possible. not kidding. basically I reckon If you're driving then DRIVE and don't try and eat, drink, play games on your phone, talk on the phone, chat on whatsapp, etc etc just pay attention it's quite stupid to do otherwise.

Edited by darksky34
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I had a good one yesterday. Was right behind an old retard in a luxury hyundai seden, every single roundabout, he would indicate right going into the roundabout, in the right hand lane, and then indicate left and exit in the left hand lane (basically swapping lanes after the left hand turn exit, so he can go straight without steering)

I could have overtaken him as he was also going 10-20kms below the speed limit (single lane roads, half of the roundabouts on the way home are 2 lane roundabounts that merge back into single lane) but I didnt want to risk a dint.

did give him a courtesy flash after one roundabout to see if he would wake up to himself, he didnt. so at the last one when I had to turn left, I gave the car a spurt as soon as the left hand lane appeared, and flipped him the bird. He looked quite offended lol

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haha normally I dont get too pissed off when people do stupid stuff, but I can see this guy causing an accident very soon. I just cant stand people not staying in their own lane

Like yesterday some P plater in a landcruiser ute was driving slowly in the left hand lane, indicated to move in the right hand lane, but only moved halfway, so he was halfway in both lanes, still going slowly...... I mean wtf is that lol

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* Only when parked with one's engine off, can a driver hold a mobile phone in his hand; unless passing it to a passenger.



- Out of gear and park brake on is sufficient for using the phone. Stopping the engine is needless.

- Where is the public education blitz?

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there is, like in every other area of life, a proportion of the said population who are more incompetent than the rest.


I believe that because of periodic rule changes, elderly folk should go through retests more frequently as they get on in years.

Even retesting at 50 wouldn't go astray; then 60, 70, 75, 78, 81, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92......

Dementia testing and hearing tests should also be prerequisites after 70; not just sight tests.

I'm 63 and I live in a township where quite a few oldies are on 10Km radius licences (negating the requirement to be examined). I believe that's wrong - in fact I know it's wrong. My jaw drops when I see what looks to be a woman over 80 going around a roundabout anticlockwise!

My wife had seen oldies reverse parking into other cars including her own because their arthritic necks don't permit proper head checks! Ever tried driving by sound rather than sight? Then they get out of their cars and think there's not much damage, because their sight has also become defective.

Dear oh dear!!!

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Terry - L O L .... your stories are both hilarious and very concerning at the same time. There comes a point when oldies driving is so obviously a danger to themselves and others, yet you cannot deny them from driving because for many it is their only way of transport/ it would be discrimination (or at least people would say so) to ban them from doing so. Subjecting them to frequent tests is a good idea yet slightly flawed - just look at the red Ps test, *some* kids drive like the most sensible person EVERRRRRRR during your test but as soon as they stick that plate on ZOOM ZOOM!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The test is a bit different for oldies, they can't fake how well they can move their body.

I also know alot of them need clearance from their doctor.

And when all is said and done, and they fail, they write a letter of complaint and their license is given back to them.

On the flipside, a lot of older people once their license is removed will generally be mentally unstable or die within 12 months as it crushes their will to live by removing their "independence" as they see it.

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another note on the cradles for GPS etc, I think that to be honest, anything in the car which creates a distraction and removes your eyes from looking at what is in front of you on the road should be minimised - and this includes GPS.

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haha normally I dont get too pissed off when people do stupid stuff, but I can see this guy causing an accident very soon. I just cant stand people not staying in their own lane

Like yesterday some P plater in a landcruiser ute was driving slowly in the left hand lane, indicated to move in the right hand lane, but only moved halfway, so he was halfway in both lanes, still going slowly...... I mean wtf is that lol

People who swerve in and out of there lane is my biggest HATE! especially when they nearly run you off the road, Then when i beep the horn they give me the finger, wind the window down all the usual crap. The couple times ive stuffed up on the road, I always pull up next to them if possible to apologises. I always thank people who let me in ect etc. Its just common curtsey and makes the roads nicer for all.

the outside lane is always empty on particular roads..... But its such a risk with people swerving into it its not worth it any more.... people just cant stick in there lane. around a bend or straight.

Seriously need to beep just to wake half of these idiots up

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another note on the cradles for GPS etc, I think that to be honest, anything in the car which creates a distraction and removes your eyes from looking at what is in front of you on the road should be minimised - and this includes GPS.

On some cars where the SatNav is lower down the centre console, 'tis worse isn't it? If its there, one might default to audio...

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The new GPS systems are great, better than the old UBD on the lap.

Alot of people shouldnt have their licence, there is so many bad and dangerous drivers out there, from the young kids who think they are good drivers to piss heads, people on the phone, yelling at kids in the back seat, ect ect ect

Defencive driving is where its at 24/7

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On some cars where the SatNav is lower down the centre console, 'tis worse isn't it? If its there, one might default to audio...

yes terry, as extreme as i may sound (i'm no oldie, only 22!) anything that removes the driver's eyes from the road should be minimised as much as possible. while satnavs in the centre console are all good and useful, seriously speaking they should have had the foresight to realise this would be reducing driver attention. plan your trip, have an idea where you're going. have a passenger. DON'T trundle along at 20km/h cos you're lost and looking at your satnav.

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yes terry, as extreme as i may sound (i'm no oldie, only 22!) anything that removes the driver's eyes from the road should be minimised as much as possible. while satnavs in the centre console are all good and useful, seriously speaking they should have had the foresight to realise this would be reducing driver attention. plan your trip, have an idea where you're going. have a passenger. DON'T trundle along at 20km/h cos you're lost and looking at your satnav.

Agreed mate, The GPS can be the worst enemy, a turn off not clear and being to worried about going the way of the GPS you can end up in alot of trouble not paying attention to the actual road.

I hate being so dependant on my GPS..... they are great for the odd occasion, But i found my self going somewere once a week, for ages and still knot knowing the route because i solely rely on the GPS

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GPS Cons

* higher risk of accident through momentary inattention

* reduced positional sense within a suburb/municipality/city

GPS Pros

* stress free locating

* no more domestics

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