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1St November 2012 Road Rules Upgrades


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GPS Cons

* higher risk of accident through momentary inattention

* reduced positional sense within a suburb/municipality/city

GPS Pros

* stress free locating

* no more domestics

Dont know about stress free..... I think is 3 GPS's ive tossed out the car window now...

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The Action:-

A woman whilst at the wheel, was passing some TicTacs to her kids in the back seat

The Charge:-

A ticket for operating a mobile phone > loss of points and money

The Protestation:-

She showed her dormant mobile phone after digging it out of the bottom of her handbag

The Disbelief:-

HWP Officer insists that she was operating her phone that should have been in a cradle

The Irony:-

The woman teaches little kids in her classroom about how great police are

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