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Physical activity morning and night > fitness, improves sleep.
If however, a workout > stimulates sexual arousal; tis best to apply romance a bit earlier so that intercourse follows your workout: then you'll sleep like a baby (unless she wants to talk) lol
A pharmacist colleague was given the pharmacy contract at the Sydney Olympics > had to order an extra few hundred gross of condoms for athletes > probably slept better after the extracurricular activity - or of course, masturbation.

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I've been trying melatonin for the last week because sleep has been terrible. Unfortunately it's due to my environment, bad bed, noisy trams and traffic through closes windows and blinds that don't fully black out the room. As a full time student I'm mot in the position to change these things. I'm a super light sleeper so it affects me quite a bit. I wear ear plugs. Melatonin makes a difference but I'm not sure if it's completely good yet. Until you're over 50 you shouldn't require as much as the minimum pill size. Infact you could require even less than a quarter pill which is what I'm on. It's good and puts me to sleep but I find I am a little but groggy sometimes in the morning and never feel fully refreshed. I f**king long for those times when I could sleep in until 12 and feel like kicking arse, now I'm just constantly drinking coffee with no effect and getting cranky.

Will continue to try is as its better than nothing but I hope I catch up soon. Not much else I can do :/

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Oh hahahahahaha honestly dude! Trust me I wish I was a guy so I could just do that but no... I'm a f**king female... So I have naps in the afternoon today like a grandma and went I don't I get grumpy :(

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Oh hahahahahaha honestly dude! Trust me I wish I was a guy so I could just do that but no... I'm a f**king female... So I have naps in the afternoon today like a grandma and went I don't I get grumpy :(

Yeah I get you're female.. that's why I suggested female options.. lol.

try it.. you'll sleep better.

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I know you know I'm female doofus, I was saying I wish I was male so that I actually could be bothered doing that. As a charlie retard female eating chocolate is more enjoyable. So female options are not an option lol

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flicked your bean and passed out for 3 hours hey?

feel refreshed?

I'm surprised you're suggesting masturbation in lieu of your usual remedy. As far as I know, females have the democratic right to squat.

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