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Few causes of sleepless nights . The most common is smashing the stress, so you are overdoing the cortisol release. Removing the cause of the stress is most effective.

Can't shake the causes then drugs. All of these are serious business,even managed;

Anxiety /sleep Drugs;

anxiolytics ..... xanax etc.

Antipsychotics.... lower dose treatments

Hypnotic...... zopiclone etc.

Some info on Melatonin. Supplimentation helps with sleep rythym among other things. It has by various mechanisims the abillity to make a person drowzy, it's not a placebo.

There are many with taxed levels due to factors including prolonged night time exposure to PC / TV screens and most significantly electrical lighting.

Blue wavelengths of visable light suppress the production of melatonin (it is the chief suppression mechanisim based on natural light). The retina in your eye is the feedback mechanisim that regulates production.

You can try changing the lighting in the house to lights that have litte or no blue spectrum and apply a filter to your PC screen to eliminate blue wavelengths of light. For those cluey playing with the gamma settings , try doing this at night and see if you feel drowzy.

Worth knowing melatonin receptor agonists including melatonin have some down significant down sides for training.

Taking it reduces LH (lutenising hormone), FSH production and raises prolactin.

Edited by rev210
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive been averaging 4-6hrs broken sleep a night for the past 2 months or so. I f**king hate my dogs.

Assuming they're barking and waking you up or something, why aren't you disciplining them? I've never had an issue with my dogs barking after a bit of discipline. Sure they'll bark on the odd occasion, but never really without reason and never more than a couple of barks.

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well i have had a couple of decent nights sleep. Waking up feeling good and refreshed.

found that I had some of Ronnie Coleman's sleep stuff, had it and yeah, waking up good. I think i must not have as deep of a sleep as I initially suspected and as such not getting that deep sleep.

if that makes sense?

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When do you smack em? As soon as they start barking? Very important that you catch them in the act so they associate the discipline with the action.

I use the handle of a feather duster as a switch. That way, after they've been given a whack, I only have to show them the duster and they know to stop - they can see it from 30 metres away. But usually I don't hear from them for the rest of the night. Feather duster is sharp pain, but no long term injury and you're safe from hitting too hard.

Problem with hand smacking is that some dogs associate it with the hand that feeds or pats them. They have a pack mentality and if someone not from the pack (random kid) goes to pat it, it may interpret this as a threat and strike back. If you're going to do this, you need to show the dog a lot of love and care to counter the disciplinary measures.

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The most important thing which restrict and cause restlessness in your sleep is stress, depression and thoughts you might have before sleep. So, first of all we need to keep relax and free of all the thoughts. You will surely sleep well.

Edited by skelton
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Endogenous stress:- Shortage of serotonin > stress. And shortage of serotonin > shortage of melatonin > insomnia.

2c example

Reactive stress:- Do not betray your missus > guilt stress > during broken sleep you may reveal the name of 'the other woman'.

2c example

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I always sleep bad when I'm expecting to sleep in for something.

Had 2 hrs sleep after my last nightshift this week then went to bed so late I was only going to get 5 hrs max before day shift. I sprung out of bed at 1am thinking I was late, went back to bed. Got up in the morning and made my lunch. While making a coffee for the drive I realised I was up an hour early. Slept on the couch for 30 mins then got up again :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

get yourself one of those sleep cycle alarm apps. provided you get to bed on time, there is a definite difference in grogginess depending on where in your sleep cycle you wake

As Basti has said there's a sleeping cycle alarm clock (believe it or not called Sleep Cycle haha) which works on the circadian rhythms of the human sleep pattern of 1.5 hours. it can be purchased from the App Store for $0.99 (not sure if its available in the android store) it gives you all the relevant information from time slept to quality sleep in percentages. Just have to have it near your head, it also tells you times your in a deep sleep or a light one. It's helped me so much with waking up and being a morning person. So much better then feeling like you have been hit by a truck!

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