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No Wonder Women Don't Get Into Gym...


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So I'm not the most educated person in fitness by a long shot, therefore please pardon any ignorance that comes up in the following, but I had an experience today and felt the need to share. And you've probably all heard it before :/

For the first time I attended a session at a gym. There's a new one in Dromana that I'm thinking of getting a membership to for the summer until school starts again. It was a HIIT session that I've listed the details of in my build thread.

I was pretty baffled by the whole session itself, especially the trainer. It was a full female class with 5 of us and it made me understand how women would go to the gym for a while, try out sessions because they can't afford a PT and don't have the confidence to start on their own, then drop it because of lack of results.

Firstly the trainer didn't even ask us our names. So you can pretty much rule out any chance of her coaching us individually. She didn't explain technique for the exercises, most of the girls were only half squatting, push ups were massive pointy bums and so many obvious things that could have been remedied with a couple of words.

My HR was above 190, my face was red and I was literally dripping sweat and panting lol, it was disgusting and great and sickening all at the same time. A couple of these women got a slight sheen on their faces.

It was so disappointing to see how there were so many women trying to give fitness a shot. None of them were heavily overweight, some were old, some were young. But they would come and do the exercises half arsed, not get results on an $18/wk membership then quit. Not all of them have friends who are knowledgeable and willing to help them out. Fortunately I do which is why I was still able to use this session and benefit from it.

Anyway that's my gripe on this. I know it's nothing new, commercial gym trainers aren't always the best source. It just shocked me that so many simple basics were being completely ignored. It would be awesome if there were more chicks lifting and doing awesome stuff but with this kind of entry into fitness no wonder they don't bother or go for anorexia/bulimia instead @_@

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If it were a PT session, the only thing that would have changed would be that the PT would know their name and would be repeatedly telling them how much of a great job they were doing. lol.

But yes, I agree entirely. It's not only women who are like this generalisation, but also men to a lesser extent. They come in, do a half arsed retarded circuit or pump class maybe breaking a sweat, then go straight home and stuff their face with shit. Repeat for a few months and they give up claiming their genetics and body composition just doesn't change and it's just the way they'll always be.

f**k them to hell.

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But yes, I agree entirely. It's not only women who are like this generalisation, but also men to a lesser extent. They come in, do a half arsed retarded circuit or pump class maybe breaking a sweat, then go straight home and stuff their face with shit. Repeat for a few months and they give up claiming their genetics and body composition just doesn't change and it's just the way they'll always be.

f**k them to hell.

Haha so much this. Parents still claiming my genetics are the reason I'm lean. Yet I don't see their asses benching 100+ or running 3km in 12 minutes...

Bench...squat...deadlift amiright?

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Haha this. Parents still claiming my genetics are the reason I'm lean. Yet I don't see their asses benching 100+ or running 3km in 12 minutes...

Bench...squat...deadlift amiright?

Well it is true to a certain degree, obviously people have different metabolisms and their bodies are going to grow into a certain build naturally, it's just they use it as a blanket excuse that they'll always be fat and there's NOTHING they can do about it - claiming they put effort in and aren't getting results at all.

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Well it is true to a certain degree, obviously people have different metabolisms and their bodies are going to grow into a certain build naturally, it's just they use it as a blanket excuse that they'll always be fat and there's NOTHING they can do about it - claiming they put effort in and aren't getting results at all.

Excuses are for the weak and failed.

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my wife lifts weights, trained by my old man... basic strength work once a week and a kettlebell conditioning circuit once a week

at our gym the also have a HIIT session which is similar to what you describe but it's really boxing orientated

she decided (against my advice) to try the boxing session as she wanted to do more 'cardio'

so she did it and her complaints were the same as yours... most of the people in the class didn't have the basic strength or technique to do the exercises properly... there wasn't enough rest times between sets so they were trying to do movements while totally fatigued, butchering their form and opening the door for injury... there was zero instruction on correct technique

most first timers don't even have the strength to have correct posture, let alone be able to crank out pushups/crunches/squats

I drive home down Beach Rd everyday and the 'joggers' are now out in force... most of them don't even have the strength to run correctly... bowed knees, no knee lift, head forward, slouched over... I call them the zombies, as they all shuffle along

my wife hit 5 x 60kg deadlifts last night (she's 51kg)... has stayed the same weight whilst training for the last couple of years but her body comp has changed... she's cutting a little at the moment and keeps showing me her abs... yes I'm jealous lol

Markos: if my sister wanted to compete she'd make a great lifter... have watched her bench 50kg for reps but she's not really into it unfortunately

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If it were a PT session, the only thing that would have changed would be that the PT would know their name and would be repeatedly telling them how much of a great job they were doing while looking at their own reflection to make sure their collar was still popped and that the area where their calve muscles are supposed to be were still tanned and shiney. lol.


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Nick, my mate who does boxing/MMA has been teaching me on and off (just once a week) for less than a month, and learning the real technique of this stuff totally throws out all preconceptions of what boxing/MMA 'is' (ie what you see on tv/movies) - I still only have very average form/technique, and therefore for a HIIT class to be predominantly boxing WITHOUT having the proper technique taught/mastered first by the students would be so pointless - thus illustrating your point.

as for the OP - sounds like they need some TRIPLE T! the real one, not the one that lurks on car forums.

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If it were a PT session, the only thing that would have changed would be that the PT would know their name and would be repeatedly telling them how much of a great job they were doing. lol.

they give up claiming their genetics and body composition just doesn't change and it's just the way they'll always be.

f**k them to hell.

Excuses are for the weak and failed.

Ease up! Some people don't have it easy. I understand what you mean but I couldn't even tell for 6 years that I had chronic fatigue syndrome because I was just functional and it was all I knew. So people can go out and try and fail constantly like I did with no fault of their own. Everyone told me I was being lazy or feeling sorry for myself and I looked like a perfectly healthy person so I actually believed them. Taking this a bit personally but you can't assume anything.

My gym is packed with women and I know all their names (and phone numbers)


so she did it and her complaints were the same as yours... most of the people in the class didn't have the basic strength or technique to do the exercises properly... there wasn't enough rest times between sets so they were trying to do movements while totally fatigued, butchering their form and opening the door for injury... there was zero instruction on correct technique

Jeebus O_O That's just wrong. Makes me want to open my own gym and teach correctly but f**k that... mechanical engineering is more my thing :S

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Ease up! Some people don't have it easy. I understand what you mean but I couldn't even tell for 6 years that I had chronic fatigue syndrome because I was just functional and it was all I knew. So people can go out and try and fail constantly like I did with no fault of their own. Everyone told me I was being lazy or feeling sorry for myself and I looked like a perfectly healthy person so I actually believed them. Taking this a bit personally but you can't assume anything.

We weren't attacking people with chronic illness. It is just a sad fact that many people are quick to adopt the "exercise doesn't work for me" mantra, when it's the way they go about it that is letting them down. I wasted my younger years on shitty methods - wish I knew then what I know now. Give most people a decent program / instructor / motivation and watch miracles happen!

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I believe some blame lays with the client

I quite often get overweight girls come in telling me thay dont want to lift heavy weights as they dont want to get bulky.

I stare at them for a minute, taking in their 75kg form, then ask them if they ever lifted heavy weights.

My 3 strongest clients are Sussy, Vicki and Nina, they weigh 54kg, 58kg and 57kg

Clients walk in ignorant, and with pre conceived ideas, they'll never improve.

Sussy was 70kg when she started, at 5'1", she is now 54kg, not done one circuit, no jogging, no running, just heavy weights and good nutrition. She would out squat most of the male members on here.

The thing is the average girl, or guy, doesnt want to train as hard as Sussy, or give up as much. Very often we blame the PT, I know I do, but sometimes the blame should go on the client.

The average client also uses sweat as a gauge as to how hard they worked, thats right, the bodies cooling system lol

Back in my hole now

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