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Top 10 FAQs about Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance Of Grey Imports In NSW


Here on Page 1, each Post of mine will have a "Topic Heading" and then a comparison between different insurance companies that are well known, and insure 'Grey Import' as well as 'ADM' cars.

Some of the revelations here may be surprising to you - so hold on!

I can't stress enough that this thread is only about FAQs. Many other aspects about your car being covered or not, will be in your "PDS & Policy". It is your responsibility to read and understand this. And if you don't understand a grey area, call your insurance company - and better still, email your company, so that correspondence is documented (because phone conversations can be misleading, misconstrued or even false)!

Each company is listed in alphabetical order and some may be added or deleted over time.

Over the years, I've had insurance through Guild (now discontinued cover on "Grey"), Just Car, Lumley SV, NRMA, Shannons etc.

If your car is insured in this state by a company not listed, or is interstate, feel free to send me a copy of your PDS & Policy.

This thread is not about premiums, excess or sums insured, as there are far too many variables. For instance, it's still up to you as to whether you opt to insure for "agreed value" or "market value".

This thread is about helping you to make the most appropriate choice relative to your purposes.

If you have a comment, please try and stick to the topic. I may have to get back to you about an issue. But all information will be drawn from the hardcopies available in the public domain. Paraphrasing may be performed - and of course deliberate omissions - but avoiding interpretations (other than one definition of the word interpret - which means "to explain").

Index of "Topics" includes...

1) Modifications

2) Salvage Rights

3) Right to have your own repairer

4) Glass breakage & Lock Damage

5) Chauffeuring others

6) Protected No Claim Bonus

7) Club Racing

8) Guarantee on repairs

9) Personal items

10) Training Course Cover

PS:- Just Car PDS Ref. Date = 26/11/10 > Lumley SV PDS Ref. Date = 01/05/10 > NRMA PDS Ref. Date = 03/03/09 > Shannons PDS Ref. Date = 18/07/06 (to be updated shortly)

PPS:- If a PDS changes from one year to the next, I shall appreciate being notified of any update - Ta

PPS:- Edit* One Insurance company has been removed

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Just Car:- A list of all accessories and modifications must be supplied. An agreement from Just Car in writing must be procured. Your car (Re: Mods) is not covered though, if it's been converted, altered or modified from the maker's specifications. And accessories are not covered if they are non-standard.

Lumley SV:- Disclosure of modifications is required for cover (of those mods). Some modifications at Lumley's discretion will not be covered especially if it's not permitted in NSW or would prevent you from registering the car in NSW. The rest of the car is still covered.

NRMA:- Automatic cover of modifications as long as they comply with the laws of NSW. They include an alteration to the body, engine, suspension, wheels or paintwork.

Shannons:- Disclosure of modifications is required for cover (of those mods). Shannons will not cover a modification that is not legal in NSW or not approved by the transport dept in the state where it's registered. The rest of the car is still covered.

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Just Car:- You may opt for salvage rights after a total loss; but you must pay the agreed salvage value first before the balance of payment is disbursed to you.

Lumley SV:- You may opt for salvage rights. If the car is a total loss and you don't have salvage rights, an agreed price might be set up whereby you choose to buy the wreck or not. If the car is 25 years old or more, you may keep the wreck for free - but this will not happen if the car was stolen (- then found), and you'd been paid out.

NRMA:- This is only available on a "case-by-case" basis (according to conversation with claims dept.)

Shannons:- You may opt for salvage rights. If you opt for salvage rights and the car (regardless of age) is a total loss, you get to keep the car for free - but this will not happen if the car was stolen (- then found), and you'd been paid out.

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Just Car:- Choice of repairer is made by Just Car/AAMI via 2 quotes. You may choose your repairer by supplying 1 of the 2 quotes and Just Car will choose the repairer who has submitted the cheaper and more complete quote.

Lumley SV:- Choice of your own repairer via 1 quote (vetted by assessor). Lumley SV will not cover airfreight of parts from Japan - only parts already here in Australia.

NRMA:- Choice of your own repairer via 1 quote (vetted by assessor) or NRMA's repairer may be preferred. NRMA may require you to contribute to the costs if the repairs cause your car to be in a better condition than before the incident.

Shannons:- Choice of your own repairer via 1 quote (vetted by assessor), but will not cover airfreight of parts from anywhere.

* Quality of parts or newness of parts are in accordance with your PDS

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Just Car:- "Basic excess" applies to repair or replacement of the front windscreen. Just Car will not cover other fixed or moveable glass.

I cannot see if Just Car will cover lock damage.

Lumley SV:- Once only during a period of insurance, every glass panel is covered (fixed or moveable) without any need to pay "excess". Moulding is 'probably' covered too. However, the break has to be right through the thickness of the glass (even if it's laminated). Chips and minor cracks are not covered. And there's a $1K limit.

Replacement (or repair) of locks, barrels, keys and recoding are covered, so long as theft is reported to the police. Limited to $1.5K so long as the theft is by a person not known to you.

NRMA:- "Basic excess" applies to repair or replacement of windscreen, moulding, sunroof or window glass; unless you pay extra for the "windscreen option".

"Basic excess" applies beyond which NRMA will pay up to $1K to replace or recode the keys, locks or barrels.

Shannons:- Once during a period of insurance, every glass panel is covered (fixed or moveable) without any need to pay "excess". Moulding is not covered if due to aging. Chips and cracks that do not extend through the entire thickness, or affect integrity, are not covered.

Locks, keys and barrels are not mentioned and are therefore unlikely to be covered.

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Just Car:- Cover whilst chauffeuring passengers is fine so long as the car is not being used for hire or reward, or loaded above the legal limit.

Lumley SV:- Cover whilst chauffeuring passengers is fine so long as the car is not being used for hire or reward; unless it's part of a pooling arrangement or travelling allowance.

NRMA:- Cover is not available whilst chauffeuring to an "event" unless the car is registered as a business car (according to conversation with claims dept.)

Shannons:- Cover whilst chauffeuring passengers to an "event" is fine, so long as Shannons has this option in your schedule or that Shannons acknowledges your intent; even if payment for your services is received.

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Just Car:- "Maximum no claim bonus" can be brought across from a different insurance company. "Protected maximum no claim bonus" can be obtained by paying an extra "Premium" and this "Protection" applies to no more than one "at fault" claim during the period of cover.

Lumley SV:- "Maximum no claim bonus" can be brought across from a different insurance company > "no claim bonus" rating is not reduced due to an "at fault" accident but subsequent "claims history" will determine if Lumley will award you with a "Lifetime maximum no claim bonus" rating.

NRMA:- "Maximum no claim bonus" can be brought across from a different insurance company > "Protected maximum no claim bonus" is available subject to 3 conditions (according to conversation with claims dept.)

Shannons:- "Maximum no claim bonus" can be brought across from a different insurance company > 4 consecutive years of "excess free claims" can earn you "maximum no claim bonus" if you're starting from scratch > "Protected maximum no claim bonus" is available at Shannons' discretion or is in their schedule.

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Just Car:- No cover for your car if used or tested in or for a race, trial, test or contest; or on a competition circuit, course or arena.

Lumley SV:- No cover for your car on a race track or speedway or (rally) course; or for being tested in preparation for any motor sport, racing, pacemaking, or a reliability , speed, time or hill climbing trial.

NRMA:- No cover for your car whilst used in a race, trial, test or contest. NRMA demands that they even be informed > permission granted, should your car be in a SAU event, bash or charity event.

Shannons:- So long as your car is listed in your policy schedule as a club racer, Shannons will cover your car in any race, reliability trial, speed or hill climbing test on the condition that the club (eg SAU) is affiliated with CAMS and is running the event as a CAMS approved event. SAU would have to register the event as a CAMS event and have that approval in writing + Shannons offers its own approval in writing. Cover is limited to $20K. An additional "excess" of $500 is applicable to any "claim" under this endorsement.

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Just Car:- 131.326 Workmanship, sub-contracted repairs and parts are guaranteed for the life of the car. New parts will be sourced for repair except for windows where ADR compliant glass will be used.

Lumley SV:- Ph: 133.578 Workmanship and parts are guaranteed for the life of the car. But Lumley will not continue this guarantee once the car has been sold.

NRMA:- Ph: 132.132 Workmanship (but not necessarily parts - even whilst new) is guaranteed for the life of the car.

Shannons:- Ph: 134.646 Workmanship and parts are guaranteed for the life of the car.

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Just Car:- Just Car will not cover personal items stolen from your car.

Lumley SV:- Up to $500 on property that's been damaged, if the car was in an accident. Cash, cheques and cards are not included. And the property would have to be the car owner's property - not a person known to you. No property claim can be made if it was stolen eg. when the car was stolen.

NRMA:- Up to $500 to replace or repair personal items except in the case of theft. Items not covered are cash & mobile phones.

Shannons:- Up to $500 on personal items or tools whether it be damaged, burnt or stolen (provided that there's proof of forcible entry). Cash, cheques and cards are not included.

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Just Car:- Your car is covered if driven on a safe driving course commercially conducted by trained instructors. If you have completed a free safety training course with AAMI (related to Just Car), you can then qualify in most cases to do Advanced Driver Course #2 (of 3) and skip #1.

But, for driving tuition, the car is not covered unless the tutor is listed as a regular driver on the schedule.

Lumley SV:- Your car is covered, only if Lumley SV is notified with the intention of driver training > Lumley SV agrees to provide cover on the basis of a paid adjustment to your "premium".

NRMA:- Your car is covered so long as the insurance schedule lists the car for that purpose or that permission has been granted in writing.

Shannons:- Your car is covered, providing that an instructor is present. This cover is extended to a public road as well as a private specialist venue. Cover is void however, if such a course comes under the jurisdiction of CAMS.

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'Tis good isn't it, that many of us pick up something from just cross-referencing?

I've picked up a few things myself as I continue my research on this.

Famous, GIO & Guild have dropped off the radar; but NRMA has popped on.

I'll pick up a NRMA PDS tomorrow + order a Just Car PDS.

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Must stress that Dawes has changed their guidelines and a lot has changed. They also only insure through insurance brokers and not direct.

Id also point out most of these are subject (all insurers) to underwriting criteria and guidelines and you may not be subject to some features and benefits or have limitations and exclusions.

Ie with Shannon's if you have an r34 you got bucklies of getting salvage rights.

Not to put a downer on this thread, but it's up to the person buying insurance they have read the pds themselves and if ilunsure ask the insurer directly or go thriugh a broker, not read a forum.

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Thanks Chris - any broker - or a select few (like Piranha)?

The PDS I have in front of me is dated 15/02/10 > I'll get a new one > Update the above where necessary.


Or something similar?

It's same pds with dawes, just changes behind the front lines that changes how and who gets cover and what cover they get.

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Yea Terry there are quite a few things wrong with the information you've provided.

This is one of those areas that you may want to stay away from.

This if where liabilities can arise and I can't stress enough that everyone should read there own insurance companies PDS and DO NOT rely on other people's information or interpretation.

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OP already states in paragraph 1 that the PDS should be read anyway!

Not only that, but understood.

Training course info in my Shannons PDS is informative after looking at it again. Glad I checked...

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No wai!

I was stating more along the lines of its not a good idea to offer this information up unless you are licenced and or qualified/specialise in this area.

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