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Ok I've done a bit of a search and couldn't find anything that really helps me out here.

I have an AVC boost controller, it stopped working about 6 weeks ago and I traced it back to a dodgy Earth..in this case I could still see the lights on behind the buttons on the digital display so I knew something simple was up..

Easy fix

Now I have an issue where I'm getting absolutely nothing from my digital display. My theory is that when sitting in the sun the display got so hot that it fried some of the electronics in the display. (It was actually really hot to touch :/)

Once it cooled down I pulled it apart but cannot find anything visibly wrong with the circuit boards/diodes etc...

Does any one have any other ideas what could be wrong? Possibly another display I could borrow to determine the fault


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Yea I think that's what happened Nick, ill pull it apart again today though i dunno if ill find anything obviouse as I've stared at it for an hour already..

I just need to find one I can borrow to be sure that's what my issue is..

I don't think you can buy just the display itself either

righto, ive managed to get a hold of a multi meter and test the unit for its power and its two earths... everthing is good to go in that reguard so there is something going on inside the circuit board thats stopping the screen from working....

as far as i can see all the soldering looks good so im going to go on with testing the components on the board...

i dont 100% know what im doing so if i post some pics up hopefully someone will come to the party and tell me what i need to do :D


i understand this is probably in the wrong section, if it needs to be moved so be it

What is that white crap on IC4? Is it just some glue/sealant that's in the wrong place, or has something gooshed out? Not that an IC should goosh out like that.

And, at the other end of the PCB, where the 2 big solder pads are, is the circuit board all discoloured from excessive heat? It looks brown. If it it, then that would be an electrical heatign problem, not simply too much cabin heat.

Hmmm just took another look, there's a few spots on the PCB where the solder is a bit brown and discoloured, I thought it may have been possible that it turned brown from the initial soldering ... Maybe??

Any ideas on what individual component is what and how to check it with a multi meter??

If I can confirm that it's completely stuffed ill buy another, but I'd rather figure out what's wrong and try fix it

Also that large blue area on the board is just glare from when I took the photo

You've got a few big capacitors (5 to be exact) that are unlikely to be damaged. If they were electrolytic I'd be recommending replacing them all with new equivalents (unless you happened to have an ESR tester, which I'm willing to bet you don't). Regardless, they're probably fine. The remainder of visible components are surface mount capacitors and various other passive SMD devices....and a bunch of semiconductors. ICs, chips and transistors of a couple of sorts. Most of these are untestable, and the value of testing the rest is unknown. You could try asking Apexi if they have a service centre I suppose. Unlikely though.

Hmmm I'm guessing it would be highly in likely that apexi would provide sick a service.. And if they did imagine the cost! Lol

It's sounding like a lost cause isn't it :/... Arg, will see if I can find a second hand kit and just use the display

Cheers for the replys guys

Also after some more research I've found in rare cases that after excessive time spent in the heat that some avc-rs have stopped working but have started to work again once they have cooled down.. Unfortunately that hasn't happened in this case.

Some one also found that some of the components have melted off the PCB but have once again worked once re soldered on

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