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FYI; Not sure if this was the post you referred to Mike,


Completely forgot i had a sheriff on my side in court too. Didn't help.

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Sell your car cause of a six month suspension? That's just silly.

Go to Japan, get the parts, get your car ready to roll and the six months will be over before you know it. Of course, this is worst case. There is a small chance you may not end up with six months, but it's small.

Is there a "What to say and do when you get pulled over" thread?

I researched that after I got done speeding on the Eastern Freeway too, I think here's a few main things:

-be polite, but don't be intimidated, or else they will just bully you

-don't admit to doing anything wrong (unless you think admitting can get you off it)

-always ask for proofs

-turn off your car, so they don't hear your loud exhaust lol

When he was notified i was going to court he sent me 4-5 NEW infringements that he just made up, which were; 100km in a 50.

So i was facing 3-4 months in jail, loss of license for 4 years and $1200 fine. Also my car was going to be impounded and destroyed.

$7000 on legal fees later, i delayed the court to get off my P Plates so that i am not on them till im 30, i managed to get away with just 45 days loss license and $600 fine. I then had to go on good behavior so i could keep my license after that which lasts 12 months?

If this is exactly what happened then the 4-5 other offenses must have had differing dates on the fines. surely you would have an alibi for at least one of them, which in turn would have the others thrown out as it would bring the officers word into disrepute.

If this is exactly what happened then the 4-5 other offenses must have had differing dates on the fines. surely you would have an alibi for at least one of them, which in turn would have the others thrown out as it would bring the officers word into disrepute.

Yeah what, I seriously don't know how ANY of that could stand...

Is there a "What to say and do when you get pulled over" thread?

made me think of a a write-up in one of the early Autosalon magazines. Might not be completely relevant to speeding but...

Here we go, issue 29 (i think, the cover's been ripped off) titled "How To: Avoid a Ticket"

Your night's fun has suddenly been interrupted by the woop of a siren and the flashings of blue and red lights. Sure you're pulled over on the side of the road but you still have some aces up your sleeve. Here's how to play them.

Pull Over: Take the right amount of time when pulling over. Don't cut across 3 lanes of traffic to stop, but don't continue on for 10 kilometres either. Once stopped alongside the road, put your hazard lights on, switch the engine off and leave your hands on the wheel in plain view. Officers are always cautious when approaching a car so don't so anything that might startle them.

Get Out: If possible, get out of the car. This means that you will be talking to the officer at eye level, rather than him talking authoritatively down to you. If you've been stopped in a dodgy suburb then it's probably best to avoid this step.

Don't Whip Out Your Wallet: Some people like to pull out their driver's licence the moment they are stopped at an RBT or pulled over. Not a wise move. Doing so can raise the Officer's suspicions that you are guilty of something. Wait until he or she asks for it.

It's Factory Sir: Don't blatantly lie to an Officer. If they notice your blow off valve or exposed pod filter, dont try to palm it off as OEM. Doing so is insulting and demeaning.

Speak Up: If you feel that you are being defected [or accused of speeding in this case] that you believe to be legal, ask the officer what the problem is with that particular modification is. After that, tell him the reasons you believe it is legal.

Excuses, Excuses: If you were caught speeding and the Officer asks you how fast you were going, do not tell them you don't know. This shows that you don't pay attention when driving. Excuses like running late for work don't cut it, because you are likely to speed again as soon as they let you go. Instead give uncontrollable diarrhoea a shot. The Officer might be sympathetic and let you off.

Voice Levels: No matter how angry or pissed off you might be, hide those emotions. Talk to the Officer courteously and a 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' at the end of a sentence shows respect. If you are asked a question, keep your response simple. Long winded answers that drag on for 15 minutes will frustrate the Officer. A simple 'yes sir' or 'no sir' will suffice. However, don't commit to anything black and white like you admitting you were 50kph over the limit. Doing so will end your chances of fighting the ticket in court. If your phone rings, keep the call succinct and tell the caller you will call them back. This shows the Officer that you take being pulled over seriously.

Engineered?: If you have an engineer's certificate, don't wave it around the Officer's face as if he or she is a fool. Produce it when they start inspecting your car or ask you to pop the bonnet. Remember, the Officer is leading this dance, not you.

Edited by alex182

^^Brilliant. That needs to be Sticky-ed!

What about filming Police persons? Nowadays everyone has a video camera on their phone. Anyone know the legalities of that?

challenged by jjj reporter that recorded a cop bashing a concert goer at some festival.

cop demanded the phone

reporter refused

jjj lawyer advised it is legal to record a cop as long as they are on the clock. they are also not allowed to say you cant record them.

Yep, can definitely record and in most cases almost every tmu will have cctv/dash camera and digital voice recording of conversation so goes both ways!

yeh, there's a couple of coppers in mansfield that can attest to that eh graeme :P

If this is exactly what happened then the 4-5 other offenses must have had differing dates on the fines. surely you would have an alibi for at least one of them, which in turn would have the others thrown out as it would bring the officers word into disrepute.

You would think so, but all offences were "committed" in the same area, but because of the stopping, turning, starting over from springy road to the mrs house they were new offences. Lawyer said to install front and rear cameras if i held onto the car WITH audio and as stated above it is legal, thats the only defence you have against our bullshit of a legal system.

what so they were for the same day and he just "forgot" about 4 offences more serious that the original charge until after he was advised you were going to court?

did you tell him this on the day and that's when it all happened or do you mean he was notified on a different date and then made up offences.

also I'm curious as to what you said to get him so pissed off... I cant see this being 100% random

If this is exactly what happened then the 4-5 other offenses must have had differing dates on the fines. surely you would have an alibi for at least one of them, which in turn would have the others thrown out as it would bring the officers word into disrepute.

Nothing wrong with the Police coming up with additional charges after reviewing things (as long as its the same event). It's pretty normal.

yeah, but that would seem odd to anyone with half a brain...

cop booked you for 10km over, then a few weeks later remembers that he also saw you doing 50km over as well as 4 other more serious offenses on the same day but forgot the ticket

oh it would be BAU for little things like he noticed a tail light out when you drove off etc...\

but when he gives you a ticket for jay walking, and then you challange it and all of a sudden he remembers seeing you in the window above Lee Harvey Oswald in the book depositry store with an L115A3 under your arm... that's a little different

what so they were for the same day and he just "forgot" about 4 offences more serious that the original charge until after he was advised you were going to court?

did you tell him this on the day and that's when it all happened or do you mean he was notified on a different date and then made up offences.

also I'm curious as to what you said to get him so pissed off... I cant see this being 100% random

I called him a dickhead as he went back to the car. He didn't swallow it well, but i told it like it was at the time.

They were different offences within a 10 minute window, so basically on one road at 100km etc to another (different offence). And yes they were completely random because the other mistake he made was not looking at the speed signs and putting down the wrong speed on 3 of them. I still copped it in the ass.

I called him a dickhead as he went back to the car. He didn't swallow it well, but i told it like it was at the time.

They were different offences within a 10 minute window, so basically on one road at 100km etc to another (different offence). And yes they were completely random because the other mistake he made was not looking at the speed signs and putting down the wrong speed on 3 of them. I still copped it in the ass.

Is this real life..

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