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Update on getting my licence...


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Going for my test next friday!! WHOOHOO, anyone got any pointers?

I have to work on my lead foot though, im speeding a bit too much... My driving instructor thinks ill pass as long as i remember a few things such as checking my mirrors and keeping to speed limits, not reving the car etc... :) I can only try :)

I have a car linned up... only prob is it isnt mine yet :) My mum convinced my brother to give me his car, but he didnt sign the forms before he went to london for 2 years last week... I only have email to contact with him and dont know how i am going to get the forms to him with out him having an address for longer than a few days ... Or if where he is staying will pass them on...

Anyone going to the uk in the next few weeks?????????

Ill give the transport licencing place a call.

Wouldnt be such a problem if the car was licenced, id just drive it around and wait untill i could get him to sign the form, but i have to take it over the pits and hes gotta sign the licencing papers, so that plan went out the window.

anyways, all of you keep your fingers crossed for me next friday morning :)

Ill let you know what happends.


oh micko, mastayoda (troys skyline) looks nice with 'L' plates huh??? LOL... they would look even nice on a r32 gtr :)

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good luck kyles! :)

where u doin your test?

ummmm best tip i can give is STOP for stop signs hahaahah yes i know its an obvious 1 but i know alot of ppl who hav failed a test becoz they didnt come to a complete dead stop and instead rolled through (i was told by my driving instructor that this gets most ppl who do there test at welshpool as there is a stop sign rite out front)

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Im doing it at Joondalup, Ive got stop signs under controll though. There are alot around joondalup. Its mid morning too so hopefully not much traffic :thumbsup:

Hope i get it first time or ill kick myself !!

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And dont get too nervous cuz then ya likely to stuff up.

My instructor told me to pretend I was taking my grandfather or someone like that for a drive and no to think about what there doing etc.

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taking pop for a sunday drive huh?

I think that would stress me out more knowing my pop would suprise me with somthing, this is a man who nailed my mums shoes to the floor to stop her going out when she was younger, haha...

Update on the car situation.... I spoke to transperth and they said that my brother can just send me a letter.. and hes agreed to do that so all i gotta do is get the bloody thing road worthy... DOH!!

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good luck , youll be ok , just dont be nervous, ask the instructor to chat to u a bit, while he sits there marking his clip board like a mofo, say do i get any extra marks for being sexy , or if you fail you could tell him unless he passes you , you will place a voodoo curse on him that will shrink his p. that will ensure you a pass at the least

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good luck kyles,

i did my test up at joondalup in jan, and its pretty calm streets up there. just be careful about all the different coloured (paved, bitumen roads around the center) cos that got one of my mates, he was cruising down the parking area thinking it was a lane :D. watch out if they take you over into the industrial area with AussiePost, its only 50 down there and they nearly got me for that.

keep cool and it all should be fine, dont get stressed if u make a few bad shifts to begin with, they wont fail you for something that small - and heck u can make a few mistakes and still pass first time :).


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Thanks everyone,

well i had a driving lesson with troy thisarfternoon and neally crashed the car.. (NOT MY FAULT) but enough to rattle the nurves.

Wonaroo road at 4.45 in the afternoon of all places, turning into shell, the stupid car stalls, and the wheel locks, and i was going pretty fast... anyways, neally went into the island curb. Slamed on the breaks, neally had a 4wd up my tush... Prob was i had to reverse to get out and correct the car... with traffic behind me, that wouldnt give me a break... ahhh... got out eventually thankgoodness. And the stalling the car wasnt my fault, the computer is playing up...

not the best thing to have happen considering my test is in the morning

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Thanks everyone,  

well i had a driving lesson with troy thisarfternoon and neally crashed the car.. (NOT MY FAULT) but enough to rattle the nurves.

Wonaroo road at 4.45 in the afternoon of all places, turning into shell, the stupid car stalls, and the wheel locks, and i was going pretty fast... anyways, neally went into the island curb. Slamed on the breaks, neally had a 4wd up my tush... Prob was i had to reverse to get out and correct the car... with traffic behind me, that wouldnt give me a break... ahhh... got out eventually thankgoodness.  And the stalling the car wasnt my fault, the computer is playing up...

not the best thing to have happen considering my test is in the morning

Don't worry

The day before my sister in law got her license she put my car into a drainage ditch.You'll be fine so don't stress.

But if you do get it let me know so I can buy a multirider ticket

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goodluck kyles.... :D makes you so happy when you get it.... :)

the best advice i can give you is to just relax...most people have their clutch leg shaking the whole time...like myself... by the end of it you relax and you are fine... :D best wishes

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I have been diagnosed with leadfooditus. My instuctor said i was a fantastic driver, but because of that, too confident, and was 9km over the limit... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

I was concentrating on everything else, I wasnt paying much attention to the speedo, so he failed me ... but... Hes coming to my reastaurant where i work on sunday for breakfast i found out, rotten eggs for him i think ...

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Ouch, on my test (at Joondalup aswell) it had just stopped raining, on the big roundabout near the hospital I couldn't see the lines on the two lanes of the roundabout becuase of the reflection from the rain off the road, and went through the middle. Halfway thru (was going straight) I noticed that it was a two lane rounda bout...oops, but the guy testing me let me do it again :rofl: it would have been an instant fail. Just after this roundabout I was turning left onto Lakeside drive (?) and spun the wheels, then chirped second (unintentionally!!) and I don't think he noticed!!

Somehow after all that I passed :P

good luck with the retest, how long is the wait? My instructor was always saying bullshit like the waiting list was 4 months long or something, yet my step-bro got one two weeks after ringing Licencing...

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Just keep your confidence, seriously have a root if you can before the test get the tension out of you.

I failed my first test cause i lost my temper when the car stalled but i felt i drove so much better when i was pissed off.

Go for a drive with a friend or something before aswell and just let them tell you where to go etc ALSO make sure you are uptodate on your parking especially parrallel parking.

gtr, a month my instuctor said.

Maby i should go down to the drags, get all the speed out of my system, and then the next day, ill drive like a granny...

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