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hey guys i really need your advice for my r34 gt, my car been stolen at bunbury last monday and cops have found it at busharea. So they did all the investigation and told me to i can go get my car at bunbury towing. since i don't have spare key with me so there was no way get my car to back up to Perth so my insurance (SGIO) said it will be taken down to smashed repair service at bunbury to check inside out. so i went down yesterday morning to go see my car and smashed repair service goes ohh it's back at towing place again, so when there to check it out, finally get to see my car, and damaged i only found was back bumper been dented and smashed window. when i called up to speak to the assessor and asked him why is it back at towing place again and he said the engine also been damaged underneath? The first thing is how would he know if theres really problem with the engine even though they got no ignition key to start up and just figure out engine been damaged and second thing is the fixing price is higher than the market value so sgio willing to pay me the market value they estimated for less than 8k.... so here's my question to you guys, what should i do to get my car back before they impound it? or they probably keep my car so they can make profit out of it.... so im thinking of get the towing company to get my car back to my house and once it's arrived need to tune igntion barrel with new key to start up my car.... anything else i could do? please please please i need your advice people THANK YOU!!

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Oh my god, my brain hurts just reading that.

If your suss about it get your car back and have someone look at it that you trust.

Depending on what you paid for it and what it's insured for that's really your decision to make.

Pay for the repairs yourself or take the money from SGIO.

nuff said.

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First up, towing the car to perth is going to set you back around 5-600, so factor that into the repair costs.

Second, they wont need the key to tell you its been curbed and smashed the sump and/or cross member. External damage is usually the smallest part of repairing a stolen car. Mechanically, even if it sounds OK, chances are it isnt.

Thirdly - if your insurer have offered to pay you out a nominated value, they have already accepted liability, and as such, now own your car. You might get the chance to put in an offer to buy the wreck back, but it will be as a statutary write off, and you will need to take it over the pits again, just like when it was complied, after it has been repaired.

At the end of the day, if you think you can get the car back on the road for around what you will have left after buying the wreck back, then its purely a personal desicion on wether or not you still want it. And if my car was taken on a midnight paint-thinners-and-emu-export run, I am not sure I would want it back again. Like I said - most damage done to stolen cars isnt always immediately apparent.

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