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Thats horrid stuff Nismoid! Ive found gargling Asprin to be the way to go when you feel a tickle on the ol'throat

My youngest gets bad throat infections, but damned if he's having the tonsils cut out unless it gets real bad..... see what this winter does to him. Has asthma so that could have something to do with it, but I seriously dont want his immune system stuffed around with (by removing lymph tissue, ie tonsils).

Thats horrid stuff Nismoid! Ive found gargling Asprin to be the way to go when you feel a tickle on the ol'throat

My youngest gets bad throat infections, but damned if he's having the tonsils cut out unless it gets real bad..... see what this winter does to him. Has asthma so that could have something to do with it, but I seriously dont want his immune system stuffed around with (by removing lymph tissue, ie tonsils).

I wouldn't go so far as to say horrid. You're not meant to swallow it lol, so you really can't taste it that badly.

It sure as well works though, every 3hrs for 12hrs and 9 times outta 10 these days any throat tickle i have, totally knocked out and I'm fine the next day

Betadine Throat gargle also works quite well for a lot of throat infections.

If you feel the on-set of something (even a tingle), start using it and a lot of the time you can stop it from taking hold :)

Yep, throat gargles taste gross but really you just need to HTFU for 30 seconds. Have some of that in my cupboard and it's not actually the worst tasting. Used to the smell from dousing horse injuries in it though :/

Tonsilitis. What a bastard, prick, pain in the arse thing this is.

Had an on going battle with it for about 4 years. My sister also. (We cross infected each other). To go to bed with a "normal throat" and wake up hardly able to talk all because I left the fan on in my room was normal. Always being tired/rundown was just part of life. I could never "catch up on sleep".

After being thrown into hospital twice I went and saw a specialist with my sister tagging along. Took one look at us and said they're coming straight out. The normal GP's were sure that removing them would be a bad thing. (How can it be when you're always sick FFS and taking upto 10 penicillin tablets a day). Booked us in and within 4 weeks we were being operated on. He did warn me not to turn up with a "hot" throat. One week before the op I was having IV antibiotics to try and get rid of it long enough to be operated on.

OP day.... Turns out I was inflamed as hell. Doc made a decision to operate anyway... A few days later we were both back in hospital. The first night the nurse gave us a baked dinner to eat. FFS... I have stiches in my fkn throat, couldn't drink so much as a mouthful of water and you want us to munch on a steak?

Post op check up. Turns out I was about 6 weeks out from blood poisioning. Fantastic. Thumbs up to my "trusty doctors"

That was about 4 years ago. Since getting having them out i've put on close to 30 KG and haven't had so much as a cold or a flu. THE BEST THING IVE DONE! Sister has also had no "downsides" from getting them out either.

GP's excuse for not getting them taken out... "due to your age I knew how painful it would have been".... Well he got that right! haha. Apparantly the nerve's in the tonsils "change" around the age of 21 which makes it MUCH MORE painful than having them out as a kid. I think i'd rather have all 4 wisdom teeth out 5 times over than go through that again... No joke!

If they're giving you grief, go and get them out. I wish I did it 8 years ago when this crap showed up!

* appologies for the length of the post.

I believe one of the concerns with taking them out these days is having the stitches break while you're sleeping, allowing you to bleed out into your stomach while you're asleep.

Otherwise f**k that shit Paul

just harden up kiddies and chop the useless f**kers out....and get your foreskin off while your at it...

we modify factory imperfections on our cars so why not fix the defects on our bodies..things like wisdom teeth and appendixes get removed all the time so why not just chop the tonsils out too..

just harden up kiddies and chop the useless f**kers out....and get your foreskin off while your at it...

we modify factory imperfections on our cars so why not fix the defects on our bodies..things like wisdom teeth and appendixes get removed all the time so why not just chop the tonsils out too..

Please tell me you didn't just imply circumcision is fixing an imperfection...

Oh god I hope you were trolling lol

I believe one of the concerns with taking them out these days is having the stitches break while you're sleeping, allowing you to bleed out into your stomach while you're asleep.

Otherwise f**k that shit Paul

I know my sister DIDN'T have stitches. I did because of how deep and large the inflamed pussballs were. They don't cut them out but get a crazy laser in there. Maybe the bleeding was a concern years ago?

Please tell me you didn't just imply circumcision is fixing an imperfection...

Oh god I hope you were trolling lol

Pretty sure he was trolling...that or he's a cut man experiencing dissonance and wants the rest of us to join him. Ahhh this takes me back to the days of 4chan cut vs no cut threads, or which way the toilet paper roll should face.

I know my sister DIDN'T have stitches. I did because of how deep and large the inflamed pussballs were. They don't cut them out but get a crazy laser in there. Maybe the bleeding was a concern years ago?

Yeah undoubtedly true. I know this was sorta like a "back in the day" concern, so these days with tech advances you're likely fine lol

Speaking of tonsillitis, I currently have a horrifically sore throat that I can't tell if it's man flu or inflamed tonsils. No obvious swelling or pus, just seems to feel like my tonsils hurt a little as well when I swallow.

I'm taking one of the containers of erythromycin I have in the drawer anyway lol

Terry - is there any reason I should NOT take antibiotics as normal if I don't actually have tonsillitis? Like, are there any negative effects of erythromycin that make it a bad idea to take them 'just in case'?

Because generally you grow out of tonsillitis and we have penicillin. Why have a surgical procedure that's unnecessary?

why have a throat disease that unnecessary...?

Please tell me you didn't just imply circumcision is fixing an imperfection...

Oh god I hope you were trolling lol

seemed like a manly thing to do after a few bootles of rum :P

Pretty sure he was trolling...that or he's a cut man experiencing dissonance and wants the rest of us to join him. Ahhh this takes me back to the days of 4chan cut vs no cut threads, or which way the toilet paper roll should face.

little from column a, little from column b..

toilet paper should face the wall side...

Tonsilitis. What a bastard, prick, pain in the arse thing this is.

Had an on going battle with it for about 4 years. My sister also. (We cross infected each other). To go to bed with a "normal throat" and wake up hardly able to talk

Sister has also had no "downsides" from getting them out either.

* appologies for the length of the post.

Non apology needed...

Provided me with the biggest insight into your life yet


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