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Hello guys need advice from what to start

Got gtr now before owned r33gts and r34 gtt both ove 400whp

Now owning gtr dead stock power wise ,it makes me scared to drive or to push a bit

Close to month as I got my gtr delivered from japan , it is equipped with rays cvpro-r 18/9.5j et25 all around and 275/35/18 all around , shockes are stock but has yellow springs and is much stronger (stiffer) than stock springs , maybe lower as well not sure . Took shocks aout they look brend new I mean brend new as all bushings rubber etc arc in great condition as well everything under the car everything is in just in flawles condition , car has 120km on clock .

Problem is now that already span 360deg 3 times lucky didn't hit anyone or anything , in the corner I can feel it's loosing a grip and spans like crazy and there is no way I can correct it , use to do on my older sky's same corners smaller tires way faster than this one without a problem and if I even loose rear a bit I could control it and make it straight anytime but on this I am like passenger all the time , every time I hit bump rear gets unstable again , I feel kinda nocking from back and rear starts palying around ,

I am pretty sure that is not normal thing , anywhere I use to go with my gtt was hoping gtr should eat in any corner any rear weel drive gts , gtt use to seat on tein flex master handle coil overs but still

So guys from what should I start to make it straight? From were I am there is no any workshops working and knowing gtr or any skyline :)) what can I see rear rims and fronts look like this /--\ I am not sure this is positiv or negative camber or what ever it calls right:))

I feel very uncomfortable in this car and now thinking I shouldn't sell my gtt and get gtr because of this:))) new time attack season starts in months and a half and need to sort this badly :))

Any input any tips would be great



It's probably too stiff in the rear. It needs softer springs, and if the shocks are adjustable, then soften them a bit as well.

The car has -ve camber, fyi - maybe it has too much -ve in the rear.

The fact that you hear knocking on bumps and when its unstable means your suspension is probably stuffed or something is broken.......

If your wheels are /--\ you probably have too much camber, get it to your local wheel alignment place and get them to check it, while doing that they can run an eye over the suspension and look for anything obvious...

It's probably too stiff in the rear. It needs softer springs, and if the shocks are adjustable, then soften them a bit as well.


If it's too hard in the rear compared to the front, expect it to turn around on itself.

I had a mix/match shocks - Nismo S-tune in the rear and Bilstein in the front with unknown spring rates (previous owner), and the rear was sooo tail happy it was ridiculous.

Swapped out for a matched set of shocks that were a bit softer, softer springs, more grip than I ever needed after that.

OR as Mat said, something is broken or way out of alignment elsewhere

hi mate, definately start with a wheel alignment first, get a print out of before and after and post it up :) assuming nothing is loose or bent, some sort of alignment issue like toe out on the rear is most likely

It's probably too stiff in the rear. It needs softer springs, and if the shocks are adjustable, then soften them a bit as well.

The car has -ve camber, fyi - maybe it has too much -ve in the rear.

Shocks are stock silver ones written GTR on them just springs are yellow color , they arnt ajustable or any kind of that . below see pictures does it looks it has to much -ve camber?


If it's too hard in the rear compared to the front, expect it to turn around on itself.

I had a mix/match shocks - Nismo S-tune in the rear and Bilstein in the front with unknown spring rates (previous owner), and the rear was sooo tail happy it was ridiculous.

Swapped out for a matched set of shocks that were a bit softer, softer springs, more grip than I ever needed after that.

OR as Mat said, something is broken or way out of alignment elsewhere

i will try to do my R34 GTT tein shocks on them . i kept them before car sale , they need shperical beearings to replace on rears but still i will check them if nothing will help , i am sure they can be bolt on on GTR :)

Another possibility is misbehaving HICAS. If you cannot fix it by making the suspension right, then look there.

maybe i should start from this? just would be greatfull if you can tell how to do that reset etc? i dont have any lights on dash and no errors at all

How fast we're you going around corners and what type of corners. When you go straight over bumps does the rear hop around.??

i was going around 80kmh, use to go more than 130kmh+ on GTT with smaller tyres , corner is really wide thats why when i span didnt hit anything ,

yes even on straight when hitting bump i fill that rear is not acting as it should kinda left or right and no grim or something like that , if i hit bump when cornering bit fast i can feel that i am gonna spin right away

One more thing is : if i do cornering while brakes on , can fill that i am gonna loose rear looks like there is no waight in rear something like that, when i am saying all this i am comparing all this with my ex r34 GTT . same corners same road surface and not even close speeds to than r34

i will do aligment there is shops doing it with laser but what should i tell them to straight the rims or to do it littlebit ? :))

plz take a look on pictures is that -ve camber really bad ?







and what the hell is this? if anyone can tell me , it has nissan written , so def for nissan but cant figur whats that for


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Edited by avoiee

If your saying it's an issue at about 80km/hr then its hicas. Lock it out or learn to drive with it. Hicas will throw you into oversteer around a corner at 80km/hr and if you try to correct for it like in a rwd non hicas car with counter steer or even worse come off the throttle, you will become a spinning top. Stiff suspension and non perfect road will make it even worse. You are meant to hold the front wheels pointing forward and let it drag you around the corner and must keep you throttle on or the attessa system will stop working. Hard to do because it is against our insticts and you have to trust the attessa to drag you through the bend in oversteer. Best to practice on a track if you want to try and master this.

Edited by XGTRX

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