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Not completely, it is still heavy on the laterals. But it does recruit different muscles to doing in front, which is why I do them on the pulldown contrary to the advice of 60kg certificate 3s who have told me a couple of times that I'm going to injure myself.

Haha maybe before drinks we wil go for a spin in the 32 Mark.. Your training at SME I assume? We can do a session if your keen.. I'm talk Stevo and Dave for a PT session on Saturday morning.. They should be paying me for this shit!

Haha maybe before drinks we wil go for a spin in the 32 Mark.. Your training at SME I assume? We can do a session if your keen.. I'm talk Stevo and Dave for a PT session on Saturday morning.. They should be paying me for this shit!

Sounds like a plan mate, give me a call for timings.

My Sat session will be bike ride to work then mainly compound;




Mil Press


With some S/S of;

Curl & Tri Press

X Overs & Pulldowns

If we are doing the challange I will need to do that first as I will busted after my session.

I'll see if I can get my sister or someone to film me on Thursday. I'm confident I'll get at least 20. Can we go to behind the neck or does it have to be chin over the bar?

Confidence is good , it will at least help getting to 20. Doing 20 in a row with a vid is better.

Take note of the mistakes and what counts as good form. All the way down (straight arms) and no pausing at the bottom.

20 isn't easy.

Look forward to the vid.

the winner is going to be doing more than 20. I just did 2 sets of 20 . My left arm injury prevents me from doing much more.

I recorded one of the sets so there is a vid of 20 , however the phone slipped down after I pressed record. the top of the bar you can't properly see so it's not counted for this challenge. I will have to do another one .

Will Post it anyway for motivation.

For the record if I end up with the most , the person with the second highest wins the right to set the next challenge.

Cmon rev, what is that?? cant see the entire pull up and your clearly not straightening your arms all the way... you should know better mate :P

As I mentioned the vid isn't par at all (not counted). So posted it for motivation only.Appart from the phone slipping and missing the top section, I think I would have picked another angle too. The arms are straight(hang) but , I took a very wide grip so ROM was reduced ,I end up with a very small bend in the arm in dead hang

The speed and width chosen for this one was for training and not the challenge. I can do more at a slower pace and also with a less super wide grip.

Bottom line it doesn't count. ;)

Edited by rev210

Really wanted to give this challenge another shake for a clear win, but I fear I'll damage my shoulder further, which seems to be on the mend (I can bench tucked elbows without pain). Pain is most obvious during wide grip lat pulldown, which leads me to suspect it may have been this challenge that aggravated it in the first place...perhaps straining for a final rep or something. Though the original injury I feel came from boxing. Once it mends fully it'll be time to hit the rotator cuff exercises.

Really wanted to give this challenge another shake for a clear win, but I fear I'll damage my shoulder further, which seems to be on the mend (I can bench tucked elbows without pain). Pain is most obvious during wide grip lat pulldown, which leads me to suspect it may have been this challenge that aggravated it in the first place...perhaps straining for a final rep or something. Though the original injury I feel came from boxing. Once it mends fully it'll be time to hit the rotator cuff exercises.

You probably did it boxing.

Likely due to some impingement, you might find scapula is internally rotated on the side that is hurting.

Or posterior delt isn't working enough to keep the teres major/lats in tight connection to the arms.

It's important to lay off the excersise if it's injured to the point that pullups hurt.

You will continue to inflame and shorten the ROM.

Once it feels a little better you can do things like Scarecrows for rehab.

Maybe unrelated but, In terms of your form for pullups (going off your vid) if I was to

give you some feedback it would be to try looking up at the ceiling and allow a small amount of torso rotation (so the lower part comes forward a little). It is mechanically better and will take the loading away from the rotator cuff. The scapular rotation occurs with less loading.

It didn't hurt during pullups or pulldown, only after the gym during resting state (not a terrible pain either, just one of thiose annoying twinges that hangs about), which made it difficult to diagnose what exercise was responsible. I took a week off gym to give it some recovery time and that seemed to do good for it, because I have no pain after a workout now...shoulder still clicks/creaks a bit with certain movements though.

If it helps with diagnosis, I tried the Cuban press exercise you two recommended and during the rotation movement (after the upright row) is where the shoulder ratchets/cracks. It used to hurt a tad doing this, but now it just cracks.

Re: boxing, I definitely had some sort of injury from it...woke up after a heavy bag session with what I thought was a small muscle tear (felt like it was in the bicep), which I ignored, but I'm fairly certain it has evolved into this. Probably the farking hook punches.

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